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Solutions Lets focus on them.

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Dear Followers/Aspirants of Ramanuja Sampradaya:

Please accept adiyEN's humble pranams:


"An eye for an eye will make the whole world "Half" blind" & Fully ignorant.


By the Grace of Lord and PurvAcharyas, We should try to develop in ourselves


those around us, qualities that acharyas have shown.


Let be truthful and address the Facts:


1. We have problems. (Monetary, Education, Numbers, Dedication, Infights).


2. On top of all this we find Kalai based issues in the past and present.


3. Others spreading mis-information and causing further damage.





We have to make an effort (With HIS NIRHETUKA KRIPA) to do the following

where ever we are:


1. Educate ourselves and those around us.

a. Towards this we have great scholars teaching us fro India

We have Local group meeting (weekly, monthly), please start a VEDIC group

in your area and promote Bhagawath Ramanuja's message (True to the LORD)

b. Lean the basics and learn to Chant the basics

(Whatever/Whenever you can teach it to others)


Start/Promote VEDIC GROUPs and get more poeple involved in the Ramanuja



Build Vedic Communitites where ever you go.


2. We are the representatives to the outside world (for our sampradayam)

Behave accordingly, Never loose our temper, Never use foul language,

In public and private never committ any Bhagawatha Apacharam (Even in thought)


Develop and promote Vedic Role Models in the Community



3. Get more and more people involved, Ramanuja Sampradayam is for everyone,

(There is no Community, Caste, Race Barrier ) get this message out and get

this message out & get all those interested IN the ramanuja samprayda, list

and community.


Numbers: Start/Develop and promote Vedic communities

Build VEDIC Communities all over the world



These are very basic points, but we have been blessed by Lord to be able to

do something, so lets try and do our best.

Put in as much time as you can towards this,and in 2 to 3 years we can see the



If you are interested in starting a Vedic Chapter in your area, feel free

to send a mail to acharyas



azhwAr emperumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE sharanam


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi


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Respected Ramanuja Bhaktas,


I cannot help but share in the pain that all of you are feeling in the recent


of misinformation that is spreading rapidly in other lists, what to speak of


magazines such as Sapthagiri Vani. So much so, that I have become reluctant to


anything to Bhakti, SV-General,or any other list than this one, in fear that

someone would

quote from my limited knowledge to create another set of conconcted gossip.


I am gaining a little courage now though, in the knowledge that all of this can


only reflect back on the author's of these concocted stories, as it is clear

indication of

their inability to truly understand the vast knowledge and compassionate nature

of our

poorvachAryas and our siddhAntam.


Regarding the TTD article, I am somewhat familiar with the political/social

framework that

led to the desire to discredit the role of Ramanuja in SriVaishnavam. What some

of you may

find surprising is that part of this misinformation orginally had much of the


intention as postings about Ramanuja not prostrating before Thirukacchinambi,


not wanting to hear anything other than dEsika stOtrams, etc. The inaccuracies

just grew

bigger until they went out of control. And this despite repeated attempts by

both Western

and Eastern scholars to show otherwise, if only for the purpose of maintaining


semblance of historical accuracy and objectivity.


I do not think that we should be expecting more efforts from our scholars on

this. As Sri

Venkatesh has said, they have been trying for years now, and their wisdom is

falling on

deaf ears. What to speak, then, of we lay followers, whose knowledge is very

limited and

diluted by our own desires and experiences?


After several years of struggling with this, I think that the best that we can

do is

simply to leave well enough alone, letting those who wish to follow false

teachings to

simply follow them; and letting those who wish to print historical inaccuracies


out-and-out lies do so, because none of their words will sell at all to those

who know

something about the value of Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja Darshanam.


Instead, let us, as Sri Mukundan has so aptly stated re-focus our energies on


better role models of Ramanuja Sampradayam. Most important to this, of course,

is gaining

a proper and consistent understanding of such concepts as nirhEtuka kripai and


But, I would also concur and wholeheartedlys support Mukundan in his suggestion

that we

seek out ways to improve how we project our sampradAyam in our temples, in our


interaction with our friends and family, and even in how we conduct ourselves at




Let us, through His Unbounded Grace, strive in our spirtual growth so that each

of us can

become role models of what it means to be a Ramanuja Dasa/Dasi, exemplifying


character, honesty, integrity, tolerance, magnanimity, and love for Sriman

Narayana and

all His Creation. Let us try and get to a level that even a Westerner would


someone wearing a srichUrnam or thiruman with a person who is ready and willing

to serve

the Good. Personal experience has shown me how this positive approach is not

only good

for ourselves on individual levels, but it actually makes the rest of the world


appreciate the good things that Ramanuja Darshanam can bring into their lives.


Human beings are generally very insightful. And, it has been interesting to

observe in

our gatherings here in Denver how even those having little if any knowledge of

SriVaishnavam have been able to discern the difference between the two "schools"

on their

approach to sampradayAm and the community at large. And so far, the Vedics

activities that

are done here through the auspices of its local sister organization, the

Ramanuja Society,

have been receiving accolades from the community for their family-oriented,


and simple, devotional approach. Indeed, I can cite examples of once


SriVaishnava families who once made every effort not to attend gatherings in the

past, who

are now participating and showing active interest in Ramanuja and his teachings.

All it

took from us was to take express our faith and love for Ramanuja as word and

acts of

kindness to all who attend our gatherings.


So, as Sri Mukundan has said, let us move move away from an "eye for an eye"

approach and

refocus on the good things that we can do, both individually, and as a group to

share the

All-inclusive Vision of Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam with everyone.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan






Pattangi wrote:


> Dear Followers/Aspirants of Ramanuja Sampradaya:

> Please accept adiyEN's humble pranams:


> "An eye for an eye will make the whole world "Half" blind" & Fully ignorant.


> By the Grace of Lord and PurvAcharyas, We should try to develop in ourselves


> those around us, qualities that acharyas have shown.


> Let be truthful and address the Facts:

> ==========================================================

> 1. We have problems. (Monetary, Education, Numbers, Dedication, Infights).


> 2. On top of all this we find Kalai based issues in the past and present.


> 3. Others spreading mis-information and causing further damage.

> ==========================================================


> Solutions:

> ========

> We have to make an effort (With HIS NIRHETUKA KRIPA) to do the following

> where ever we are:


> 1. Educate ourselves and those around us.

> a. Towards this we have great scholars teaching us fro India

> We have Local group meeting (weekly, monthly), please start a VEDIC group

> in your area and promote Bhagawath Ramanuja's message (True to the LORD)

> b. Lean the basics and learn to Chant the basics

> (Whatever/Whenever you can teach it to others)

> =======================================================

> Start/Promote VEDIC GROUPs and get more poeple involved in the Ramanuja


> =======================================================

> Build Vedic Communitites where ever you go.


> 2. We are the representatives to the outside world (for our sampradayam)

> Behave accordingly, Never loose our temper, Never use foul language,

> In public and private never committ any Bhagawatha Apacharam (Even in thought)

> =======================================================

> Develop and promote Vedic Role Models in the Community

> =======================================================


> 3. Get more and more people involved, Ramanuja Sampradayam is for everyone,

> (There is no Community, Caste, Race Barrier ) get this message out and get

> this message out & get all those interested IN the ramanuja samprayda, list

> and community.

> =======================================================

> Numbers: Start/Develop and promote Vedic communities

> Build VEDIC Communities all over the world

> =======================================================


> These are very basic points, but we have been blessed by Lord to be able to

> do something, so lets try and do our best.

> Put in as much time as you can towards this,and in 2 to 3 years we can see the



> If you are interested in starting a Vedic Chapter in your area, feel free

> to send a mail to acharyas


> azhwAr emperumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE sharanam


> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi

> http://www.radioramanuja.com



> azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam



> Your use of is subject to

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[Moderator Note: The old messages which were attached are deleted as they are

available on line. One can see the messages of Sri Mohan Sagar and Sri Pattangi

from the archives of the list. This is done in order to save the space. Request

members to bear with us.]







Dear Baghavathas, Accept my pranams.


The Postings of Sri Mohan Sagar and Sri. Pattangi have given

some food for thoughts .Srivaishnavas are a minority community;

Not only now, but from earlier days also. Poorvacharys held

the view that precious tones are a rare commodity while

ordinary pebbles will be available in plenty Ofcourse

Srivaishnavas were respected for their knowledge and integerity

in earlier days. But, that kind of respect has come down . Not

only that people of sub standard attempt to riducule or make fun

of SVs.. What a down fall? How this has happened? Let us

ponder over this and find




2.We have to meet threats :InternallyandExternally. How?



3.We have to educate our wards, Laymenandadversaries.

a) constructively b) correctively c) defending our

treasures from offenders.



Adiyen would request our members to ponder over the above

points and if any other points left out here, amd to express their



Adiyen Ramanujadasan. T.Parthasarathy.

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