Guest guest Posted June 24, 2002 Report Share Posted June 24, 2002 Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha Sri vara vara munaya Namaha We are highly indebted to the great pOrvAcharyAs, who have meticulously documented, our great Acharya lineage as Guruparamparai Prabhavam(hereafter will be referred as GPP). Different Acharyas, at different points of time, have authored GPPs describing the prabAvams of their pOrvacharyAs. One of the earliest among them is “PinbhazhagiyarAm perumal jEyar, a sat sishya of Nampillai. His great work is called Arayarapadi guru pramparai prabhavAm. In this, PinbhazhagiyarAm perumal jEyar (Hereafter will be referred as PPJ) gives in detail the life histories of Alwars and Acharyas till Nampillai. Sri manavAla Mamunigal (MM) in his upadesa rathtina mAlai (URM) says about PPJ as “PinbhazhagiayrAm perumAl jeeyar * perunthivathil Anbaduvum attru mikka AsaiyinAl * Nampillaikku Ana adimaigal seyya annilayai nannenjE ! Onamara eppozhudum Oor”. In this pAsuram MM portrays excellently the “madurakavi bhAvam”(madura kavi Azhwar considered his Acharya nammzhvAr, greater than the perumal himself) of PPJ to his Acharya nampillai. He instructs his mind, never to forget the Acharya Bhakthi of PPJ who considered, kainkaryam to his Acharya nampillai even greater than the Moksha Anandham. Once when PPJ was suffering from a fatal disease, he took utmost care in his body to recover from it. The other sishyas were wonderstruck, since this was not the characteristic of any of the Acharyas of the pOrvAcharya paramparai, who never bothered about their bodies, but were more interested in surrendering their souls to emperumAn/Acharyas. They immediately asked their Acharya nampillai, the reason for this unique behavior exhibited by PPJ. He in turn, asked them to contact various other mahans (like Thirukkannapuram arayar and others) to get their opinions on this issue. One of the reasons, with which, they came back was, PPJ never wanted to leave srirangam as desired by the Azhwars (“indira lOkam Alum achchuvai perinum vEnden” and “vAnarasum mannarasum yAn vEndEn”). The second reason was, he was more attached to the kainkaryam of emperumAn and hence he eternally wanted to have the darshan of divya mangala vigraha of Sri Ranganathar. The third reason given was, PPJ was more attached to the Pramanams and hence wanted to learn more before attaining mOksha. The forth was, probably he wanted to enjoy the bhagavata satsangam and kaingaryam in srirangam. On hearing all these, nampillai then forwarded the different sishyas to PPJ himself, to make them hear the exact reason. PPJ then revealed that, none of the reasons quoted were correct, the actual reason being, he eternally wanted to enjoy the darshan of sir nampillai’s thirumeni after his bath in the river kAveri and would like to perform kainkaryam to his achAryan and that is why he wanted to live more. Such was the achArya bhakthi of PPJ. Even though nampillai very well knew about this, to show the greatness of PPJ’s achArya bhakthi to the other sishyas, he made them know the different reasons from the different scholars. Now the sishyas greatly knew about the madhurakavi bhAvam of PPJ. This is what mAmunigal explains as “perunthivathil Anbaduvum attru” meaning, PPJ was not interested in “perunthivam” (the last divine day, when a soul leaves to Moksha i.e. the peruvEdu). He explains PPJ is more interested in the kaingaryam to his Acharyan by the verses “mikka AsaiyinAl nampillaikku Ana adimaigal seyya”. Adding to this he instructs his mind to constantly meditate on this achArya bhakthi by the verses “annilayai nannenjE! Onamara eppozhudum Oor”. Due to this great achArya bhakthi flooded in him, PPJ wanted to spread this plague to all. Hence he has given this great grantham to the sri vaishnava world, the life history of all the Azhwars and pOrvAcharyAs till the time of Sri nampillai(his Acharya), as ArAyirapadi guru paramparA prabhAvam. As per the common slogan in our guru paramparai, “japthavyam guru paramparaiyum dhvayamum”, it is the prime duty of any sri vaishnava to meditate on both the guru paramparai and dhvayam (“arthAnusandhanene saha” –with the meaning, as instructed by namperumal to sri Ramanuja.) always. Though GPP6000 starts with the Azhwar vaibhavams, since all of us are more conversant with them, from the next postings we will proceed to enjoy the divine nectar of our Acharya vaibhavams starting from sriman nathamunigal. Though this a very mammoth task, hope this kainkaryam will be successfully completed, by the divine grace of sri Andal sametha sri Parthasarathi emperuman and with the blessings of all the Azhwars and pOrvAcharyas and with the special grace of asmadhAchAryan HH Sri VAnamAmalai Kaliyan Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamigal and other bhAgavadOthamAs. “Porul alladha engaLai, poruL Akkiya anaithu bhAGavadOtthamargallukkum thalai allal kaimArillai”. Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigale sharanam Adiyen, Varadarajan Ramanuja Dasan Sumithra Ramanuja Dasyai. Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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