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Hinduism - Has the word been used by Purvacharyas?

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Please accept adiyEn's humble pranams.


The Term Hindu has not been used by our Purvacharyas, given that why do the

educated and those trying to follow our Sri Sampradaya use that term?





azhwAr emperumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE sharanam


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi


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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Sri Mukundan,


The answer lies in your question. Yes, the word

'Hindu' is a coined word by the British, who made a

mixture of all the vedic religions in India to

simplify their administration. Since we in India,

never acknowledge our own supremacy over others in the

world, we have accepted to it and even made it a law.

There is no other reason for this.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

--- Pattangi <danp wrote:

> sri:

> Please accept adiyEn's humble pranams.


> The Term Hindu has not been used by our

> Purvacharyas, given that why do the

> educated and those trying to follow our Sri

> Sampradaya use that term?





> azhwAr emperumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE sharanam


> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi

> http://www.radioramanuja.com







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Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:

Dear Mukunda,

Language expands and grows as a function of time. During

that process so many new words are coined(by the public)or some words

become no longer in usage. Our religion(vedic) unlike

Judaism/Christianism/Islam,has scientific origin and it is universal

and hence applicable on this planet and elsewhere! This is not the

case with every other existing religions. The other religions are

applicable for respective believers only. For example,Christianity is

for those who believe in Christ and the religion proclaims that the

non-believers(catholics and not protestants)in Christ would go to

hell so is true with Islam. Acc. to that I would go to hell! THere

are lots and lots of logical inconsistencies and contradicting

statements in their scripures.


Wrt the "Day of Judgement",Islam/Christianity claims that

the Prophet would blow the trumpet(from heaven)and announce the "day

of judgement(which itself is uncertain)" and the souls will be judged

(to go to heaven/hell)based on their actions. After all, a soul can

only committ a "finite" no. of crimes in one birth and why should

that soul spend an eternity in hell for it's finite crimes. It

violates the "compassionate" nature of God. Plus,it's geocentric

based. So it only applies to life on earth. What about the people who

live on other planets(if science finds it). Their religion fails

there. Scientifically speaking,sound can travel only through a medium

otherwise it can't be heard. Acc. to those religions(heaven/hell are

outside the earth's surface)and most of the inter-stellar space is

vacuum and sound can't be heard even if somebody blows the trumpet!

Since the dawn of "Day of Judgement" is uncertain,some souls(which

died some years ago(say 20))would have to wait for years than some

souls which died yesterday.


I have heard that according to the

vedAs,"Energy=mass*velocity of light to the power 1.998" which is a

very close approximation to the twentieth century physics "Theory of

Special Relativity" which predicts that E(energy)=m(mass)*c(light



Similarly the age of the universe predicted by the

physicists is roughly the same as predicted by the vEdAs. One day I

counted(based on my little knowledge)the period of all yugams(and we

live in 28 kali),praLayam and the total was lying in the range 10-20

billion years. Acc to vEdAs,there are 84 lac species and I asked(I'm

not a biologist)one of my friend who is a postdoctoral in biology and

she said she doesn't know how many species are there. Maybe the

german scientists stole our vEdAs and published the results!


So obviously the word "hinduism" is not as old as vEdAs and

it must be only a few centuries old! People use the word in ignorance

because they don't know the origin of it.


AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam







ramanuja, Pattangi <danp@u...> wrote:

> sri:

> Please accept adiyEn's humble pranams.


> The Term Hindu has not been used by our Purvacharyas, given that

why do the

> educated and those trying to follow our Sri Sampradaya use that


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