Guest guest Posted August 29, 2002 Report Share Posted August 29, 2002 sri: Please accept adiyEn's humble pranams There are some discussions going on in other lists about Saranagathi, it seems the discussions are generating some Mis-information To get to a clear undertanding of Bhakti, Prapatti & Saranagathi as taught by Purvacharyas. adiyEn is hoping to get the discussion started on this topic in this list as well. Please write with what you think is the Prapatti & What is Saranagathi? azhwAr emperumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE sharanam adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 31, 2002 Report Share Posted August 31, 2002 Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya nama: Dear Mukunda and devotees, Dear VEnkata KrSNan of Tiru AllikENi,has the unique majestic look that other DD PerumALs don't possess! Whenever I look at Him,i only think of His revealing the cosmic form to Arjuna. Let me share a few thoughts with you all. Vedic understanding of bhakti/devotion is interpreted in terms of the Gita's category of bhaktiyOgA(GitabhASyA). BhaktiyOgA,as explained in RAmAnujA's GitabhASyA and SribhASyA,primarily involves loving meditation on the Lord and His qualities as described in the upanisads. It's to be accompanied by the rites and sacrifices as specified in the sAstrAs according to one's own varNa and AsramA. KarmayOga and jnyAnayOga are anicillaries to bhaktiyOgA. But these can't lead to salvation without culminating in bhakti and hence they are not separate means. That is,bhaktiyOgA demands the performance of sacrifices,meditation,worship etc culminating in the "antimasmrti" or the final remembrance of the Lord at the end of one's life. Any mistakes/omissions along the way for which proper atonement/prAyascit is not performed,will delay the mOksA until the next life time when bhaktiyOga's requirements can be fulfilled and bhaktiyOgA is limited to males of twice-born castes. Prapatti/saraNagati(same for RAmAnujA and pUrvAchAryAs),a simple surrender to the Lord as one's upAya for mOksA,is documented in the hymns of AzhwArs,the epics,purANAs,pAncharAtrAs and is open to all regardless of birth,learning or ability(RAmAnujA quotes pAncharAtrA Agamas in SribhASyA and directly defends their validity and authority). To qualify for prapatti,one neeed only be "akincana" and "ananyagati"- helpless and with no other refuge. Prapatti is a one-time performance that achieves its result at the end of this very life time. When one surrenders to the Lord,He Himself takes the place of all the auxiliary activities and becomes the upAya for salvation(RAmAnujA gives two interpretation to carama slOka). Hence this upAya is called nirapEksOpAya,the upAya which needs nothing else and it is also siddhOpAya,an accomplished upAya. According to pAncarAtrA,once one has surrendered himself to the Lord for his salvation,engaging in any other upAyAs for salvation is forbidden. This is beautifully illustrated through the incidences namely "brahmAstra","rAvaNA" and "dasaratha" in RAmAyaNA;(i)the demons bound hanumAn with supremely powerful brahmAstra weapon but doubting its efficacy,they tied him further with a jute cord. So brahmAstra slipped of and hanumAn escaped (ii) when RAmA and rAvaNA were engaged in combat,rAvaNA wanted to withdraw but RAmA would not let him go as rAvaNA still had bow in his hand. But the moment rAvaNA dropped his bow,RAmA granted him permission to leave (iii)dasarathA lost the fortune to live with RAmA,Eternal dharma,by clinging to the dharmA of truthfulness which is only a semblance of dharmA. Same is true with bhISmA and karNA. On the other hand,vibhISaNA sought His feet as the soul refuge and nothing else. This clearly shows that clinging to false upAyAs actually impedes with the attainment of God. RAmAnujA himself taught and practised an alternative spiritual path to the bhaktiyOgA that he saw as central to vEdAntA:saraNAgati/prapatti.In saraNAgati gaDyam,RAmAnujA performs his own solemn act of surrender and follow temple practice byfirst approaching the Goddess Sri,gaining her blessing and then surrendering to the Lord. He uses arjunA's words in the Gita,in reuqesting the Lord for forgiveness and gAndhAri's words(in another passage in the mahAbhAratA)in addressing the Lord as his "father,mother,friend,teacher,wealth,knowlege",in short,as his "all". The Lord's promises to his devotees in various scriptural passages are also brought into the conversation. In Sriranga gaDyam,RAmAnujA admits that he doesn't deserve the privilege of service that he has requested since he is unable to practise bhaktiyOgA and possesses no other good quality. Therefore he takes refuge at NArAyaNA's lotus feet. Bhakti,practiced as a sAdhanA proceeds in three stages as mentioned in RAmAnujA's saraNAgati gaDya (1)parabhakti-desire to realize the Lord (2)parajnyAna-realization of the Lord (3) paramabhakti-love arising from the joy of realization. When prapatti is done independently as sAdhanA,takes the place of parabhakti. You see only prapatti in AzhwArs hymns because the Lord Himself out of His nirhetuka krpa,provided the first two. Direct Reference to BG in NDP NammAzhwAr's TiruvAymoshi 7-5-9(3389)"kaRpAr" mAyamaRibavar mAyavarkALanRiyAvarO?* dAyamseRumorunURRuvarmanga OraivarkkAy* dEsamaRiyaOrsArathyAychchenRu sEnaiyai nAsamseithittu* nadanthanalvArththaiaRinthumE nalvArththai-BG Kaliyan's Periya Tirumozhi 11-4-8(1939) "nilaiyidam" Lord KrSNA teaches in the Gita that one must abandon the idea that the self can do anything for its salvation. Concept of freewill is ruled out! HE is both the actor and the One worshipped through the action,the upAya and as well as upEya. HE Himself is the phala and we are mere instruments. Pardon all my errors/mistakes in this. We will see how MaNavALamAmnuigaL explains these things in the next mail. AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam sarvam KrSNArpaNam astu nappinnai sarva dharmAn parityajya mAmEkam saraNam vraja | aham tvA sarvapApEbhyO moksaiSyAmi mA suca: || Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2002 Report Share Posted September 2, 2002 ramanuja, "vaidhehi_nc" <nappinnai_nc> wrote: > According to pAncarAtrA,once one has surrendered > himself to the Lord for his salvation,engaging in any other upAyAs > for salvation is forbidden. > Dear BhAgavatAs, As a sophomore to this, I have some doubts. It has become a practice to perform Saranagathi at a very early age. It has also become a practice for egroup SriVaishnavas to take every opportunity to write that there is no need for us to do pradhakshiNams for Navagraham. The reason they say is, having surrendered to HIM there is no need to fear nor favour demigods. If this being the case, even those who espouse and claim to have utmost maha Visvasam in HIM rely on horoscope compatibility for fixing the marriage (or for that matter anything risky) of their kith and kin. It is very rare to see anybody giving a ChevvAi dOsham bride to a non-ChevvAi dOsham groom (or vice versa). Doesnt this show the fear for anya dEvatAs? If they TRULY believe in HIM, why should these things be taken into consideration. I know Im wrong somewhere but where? Regards dAsan R.SoundararAjan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2002 Report Share Posted September 2, 2002 Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya nama: Dear Soundararajan, When people don't know the true nature of svarUpa,they get confused,speak/claim one thing and practise/do somethingelse. When people go by human efforts,they obviously would be affected by the human weaknesses and just for the sake of satisfying X,Y or Z in society,they may do certain things which have no basis. I agree with you that these things happen in many brahmin families and even in TK families(strange)but with His grace,we don't have such problems in my house. Even to realize certain(and all) things,one needs His grace. That's my realization(with His grace) AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Jeeya TiruvadigaLE saraNam nappinnai Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2002 Report Share Posted September 3, 2002 Sri Parthasarathi thunai Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha Dear Sri Soundararajan >> It has become a practice to perform Saranagathi at a very early age. The ceremony of undergoing pancha samskaram can be done at any age. It is only the identity card to enter the college of Srivaishnavism. But only when we learn the lessons under our acharya properly and mentally get prepared to take the test kept by the chief Sri Parthasarathi we become true srivaishnavas and when emperuman becomes happy with us and due to the purushakAram of thayar and our acharya emperuman gives the Srivaishnava the pass mark and grants us moksha. So actual saranagathi is the mental state. >>the fear for anya dEvatAs? If they TRULY believe in HIM, why should these things be taken into consideration. The devatas work under the emperuman. The rules have been framed by the supreme lord and he is the antaryami of all the devatas and hence acts as the driving force. Actually true Srivaishnavas who have total faith in emperuman need not see any jathakam or nEram kAlam to do anything, if they do anything as bhagavat sankalpam and as service to the lord. Here i do not mean to say that jathakam, ragu kalam etc are fake and dont have effect. Astrology is true and various kala doshangal also exist. But when we say a Srivaishnava need not see them it means emperuman does it on our behalf. If we have the mahavishvasam that what ever happens is bhagavat sankalpam and that he is always there to protect us then there is absolutely no need to see any jatakam and even if we dont see the match will be prefect since no astrologer can be better than Sri Parthasarathi himself. But as you said a chevvai dosha bride and non cheevai dosha bridegroom cannot marry since it will give its effect. If such a thing happens in a Srivaishnava family then what else it could be than bhagavan's leela ofcourse he will only play but surely give his hand in need. In Mahabharatha, sahadeva was supposed to be the best scholar. Even duriyodhana came to him to get a good date for his bali, so that he can win. Even such a great astrologer couldnt predict that he had a brother. After karna's death sahadeva tore off all his jhodhisha material. Only a part of it was saved by his shisyas that is why even today the jhostisha available to us is only partly and that is why many a times mistakes arise in prediction. Jhodhisham has become half true and half false. But jhodhisham is one of the 6 angas of the vedas. In the case of Srivaishnavas, they consider emperuman to be their protector and hence the navagrahas and even eman fear to come near them. Like even in lowkikam, though only the prime minister has the power people give due respects to his relatives and close friends too. But still the rules of the country holds good for each one of them. Alwar EmperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharanam Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai Sumithra Varadarajan azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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