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Dear bhAgavatAs,




I am new to posting mails to such groups as this. Hence my advanced

apologies if my wordings are not lingua-compliant.


One of the things that creeps up time and again is the difference in

philosophical opinions among our sects and subsects.


Is it possible to be a SriVaishnava purely by believing in HIM the

Ubiquitous Sriman Narayana and acting in a non-dualistic way instead

of dwelling into the intricacies of esoteric man-made and often

conflicting interpretations about HIM?


With regards



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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Dear Sri Soundararajan,

Sorry for the delay in reply but there goes the saying better late than never.

Emperuman doesnt see if one is a brahmin or a non brahmin. Nor does he see any

sect or subsect difference. Only thing perumal sees is bhakthi, the deep

devotion or premai we have towards him. Though it has been accepted in sastras

and sampradayam that perumal is the root cause for even creating this

differences. Then you may ask why he has created differences? Our acharyas

explain this as follows. It is enough to have just rice to fill our stomach but

do we stop with that. We need variety in eating, dressing and in entertainment.

That is why even emperuman in different divya desams exhibit different gunas and

are in different forms. All of us are jeevatmas and have same amount of jnana

but again there is a difference in our approach, understanding capacity and

faith. That is why the difference in varna, jathi etc has crept. Similarly

even in our Srivaishnava community there are different sects and subsects. We

may belong to any sect or subsect it doesnt matter our ultimate goal should be

to reach the lord. The philosophical knowledge only aids us to get away from

this lowkikam and go towards pAramArteekam. So there is no use just fighting

between us on philosophical points since that goes against the very cause. Our

acharyas show us the right path. In our sampradayam, acharyas play a more

important role so it is good for any one to follow the sampradayam as thought by

his/her acharya.

As you said, it is not that easy to remain neutral not belonging to any of the

sect or sampradayam. When we get involved in the sampradayam following our

acharyas we are less prone to be caught in the mayai of bhagavan but when we try

to act on ourselves thinking that we have the power to act on our own, we may

even fall due to lack of our strength. When a child tries to walk on its own it

may fall but if the mother carries the child then the child will never fall

unless the mother herself falls. Similarly if our acharyas hold our hand and

take us to the emperuman and makes him hold us then we will never get lost but

if we try to go by ourselves to reach emperuman then we may get lost in the way.

So it is absolutely necessary for all srivaishnavas to undertake

samasrayanam(here adiyen doesnt refer to just the panchasamskaram ceremony but

the total refuge under an acharya doing service to him to take us in the right

path and put us under the lotus feet of Sri Parthasarathi) under an acharya and

follow what the acharya preaches.

It is not necessary that you have to get into philosophical controversies we

can always have pure premai towards the bhagavan and get involved in his bhakthi

and satsangam. My sincere suggestion to you is to listen to Sri Sri Krishna

premi swamigal's bhagavatam(Ekadasa skandham) where he tells in detail about

bhagavata dharmam. Sri Sri Krishna Premi anna is one who lives according to Sri

Mamunigal's words, "MunnOr mozhindha mozhi tappAmal kEttu pinnOrdhu tham Adanai

pEsAdhE". He is filled with not only jnanam but also anushtanam, a great mahan.

He is one example who enjoys all bhagavat vishayam with atmost faith in Sriman

Narayana. He mainly concentrates only on spreading krishna bhakthi to the

masses and passing the message of rishis,alwars, acharyas and all bhakthas to


Alwar EmperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharanam

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan

svadoolan wrote:Dear bhAgavatAs,




I am new to posting mails to such groups as this. Hence my advanced

apologies if my wordings are not lingua-compliant.


One of the things that creeps up time and again is the difference in

philosophical opinions among our sects and subsects.


Is it possible to be a SriVaishnava purely by believing in HIM the

Ubiquitous Sriman Narayana and acting in a non-dualistic way instead

of dwelling into the intricacies of esoteric man-made and often

conflicting interpretations about HIM?


With regards







azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam









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ramanuja, Varadarajan Sourirajan <varadarajan_tcs>





Dear Ms. Sumithra Varadarajan,




Thanks for taking the opportunity to clarify amidst your other



I do agree with you regarding the need for an Acharyan and

performance of samasrayanam.


I also agree that the Acharyan leads us (a`la lead kindly light and

thAyinum parindhu sAla).


But from the endless number of arguments that is going on in

and elsewhere do you really think we sishyAs are going with them like

kids? I somehow get a feeling we are breaking loose from them like a

mad chained beast. I do agree that it is out of affection for our

leader that we tend to stare at the oncoming stranger fearing they

would harm our master. Should we really worry so much?


Irrespective of our allegiance a number of us have undergone

samasrayanam. We are all a collective bunch waiting in a hall ready

to reach HIM. Akin to sitting in the waiting goondu at Tirupati

endlessly chanting Govinda! Govinda! Does it then make sense to argue

at length what is the optimal way of reaching the goondu instead of

preparing ourselves to seeing HIM? Shouldnt we take as much

opportunity to learn as much good things about HIM irrespective of

from whom it came. Would we have an opportunity to recite Dhivya

Prabandham, Vairagya Panchakam, Upadesa RattinamAlai, Naka Stuti,

NarayanIyam etc.., etc.., once we reach mOksham?


While this may sound idealistic, I have seen many accomplish this.

I wish we spend more time listening to our Acharyans than listening

to external distractions.


BTW This is not in direct or indirect reference to any particular

post. This is not an attempt to pretend holier-than-thou. This is

only a loud thinking a soul search attempt.


With regards



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Dear Sriman Vadoolan,


Even if we do not undergo samasrayanam, we may still reach Him, since

it is emberumAn Who is the upAya and not samASrayaNam. yet

samASrayaNa has got its significance. Putting the marks of His Chakra

and Sankha on our body is recoginition of the fact that this body

belongs to Him and not to the soul which is housed in it. Like a vessel on

which these marks are there is exclusively for His kainkaryam, this body

is also supposed to be exclusively for Him.


An Acharya is the one who gives the gnAna that He is the upAya and

upEya. In our sampradAyam, all Acharyas believe that He is the means

and goal. But how many people really interact with their samASrayaNa

Acharya and get to know this? Even self got this mind set from an

Acharya other than my samASrayana Acharya.


One can get this gNana directly from PerumAL, or from a book, or by

listening to a upanyAsam, or by interacting with a sadAchArya as Lord

KrushNa says "tadviddhi praNipAtEna.." in BG. So the AchArya can be

either Perumal Himsellf by default or author of a book or an upanyAsaka

or some other devout Srivaishnava.


Sri Pillai lOkAchArya says that we have to treat every fellow Bhagavata

with the same abhimAnam with which we treat our Acharya, in Sri

Vachana BhooshaNam.




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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Dear Sri Soundararajan


svadoolan wrote:


But from the endless number of discussions that is going on in

and elsewhere do you really think we sishyAs are going with them like

kids? I somehow get a feeling we are breaking loose from them like a

mad chained beast. I do agree that it is out of affection for our

leader that we tend to stare at the oncoming stranger fearing they

would harm our master. Should we really worry so much?


I do accept that there are many endless discussions going on in the .

When we try to learn something always we come across some which are necessary

and some which are not. So it will be wise to select the necessary ones and

leave the rest as asaram. In the present stage it is not possible for each one

of us to learn all the sampradayic vishayams directly from our acharyas so we

have to try to learn with the guidance of our acharyas(acharya kataksham is

enough). Just the kataksham of our acharyas will lead us in the right path and

help us to differentiate between sAram and asAram.



Irrespective of our allegiance a number of us have undergone

samasrayanam. We are all a collective bunch waiting in a hall ready

to reach HIM. Akin to sitting in the waiting goondu at Tirupati

endlessly chanting Govinda! Govinda! Does it then make sense to argue

at length what is the optimal way of reaching the goondu instead of

preparing ourselves to seeing HIM? Shouldnt we take as much

opportunity to learn as much good things about HIM irrespective of

from whom it came. Would we have an opportunity to recite Dhivya

Prabandham, Vairagya Panchakam, Upadesa RattinamAlai, Naka Stuti,

NarayanIyam etc.., etc.., once we reach mOksham?


Surely we have to prepare to reach the emperuman. We are all so lucky to

possess such great collections of our azhvars and acharyas. Even one janma is

not enough to enjoy each work and their vyakhyanams. We all should join hands

to enjoy and make others enjoy all the works of our acharyas.


While this may sound idealistic, I have seen many accomplish this.

I wish we spend more time listening to our Acharyans than listening

to external distractions.


I truly accept with you in this regard. Hope emperuman Sri Parthasarathi will

make this true.


Azhwar emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE saraNam


Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan


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