Guest guest Posted October 7, 2002 Report Share Posted October 7, 2002 SRIMATHE RAMANUJAYA NAMAHA APPAN THIRUVADIGALE SARANAM Free will (1) Dear Bhagavathas, Accept my pranam. Once again along posting is rendered by Adiyen . The intention and wish of Adiyen is that followers of Emperumanar Dharsanam should understand their heritage and issues clearly. The ideas about “free will “ still revolve in the mind. Adiyen feel that the salient points regarding this issue should be explained well as expressed by our Poorvacharys. This issue is a good old one. “Acharya Hrudhayam reveals the conflicting ideas prevailing during that period of Pillai Lokacharyar. The reason behind this issue is as follows. Prior to the advent of Sri. Ramanuja, Acharyas were selective in accepting sishyas. Sri. Ramanuja adopted a different process. He conquered many Vedhanthins(Brahmins) and they became his disciples. . Even after Ramanuja’s period vedanthins came into the fold of srivaishnavism. But, some of them were not able to appreciate the greatness of the path followed by Azhvars. Their minds were still reeling under the influence of the ritualistic part of veda rather to realize the vedhantic contents of Arulicheyals. There was no difficulty with other people as they were ready to accept authority of Sri. Ramanuja with out any question. Srivaishnavam has its base on Rahasya traya. Thirumantram. Dwayam and sarama slokam. ‘Thirumantram’ or ‘Ashtakshara mantram’ is said to be the essence of all vedas by our elders. ‘Dwayam’ is an explanation to ‘Thirumantram’ “Sarama slokam”explains the way. The way in which ‘Thirumantram ‘ is explained gives the idea for the difference of opinions. What is that? ‘Thirumantram’ ‘ OM NAMO NARAYANAYA’ is divided into three parts ‘OM’ + NAMO + NARYANAYA. ‘OM’ Pranavam is made of 3 letters ‘A’KARAM’ ‘U’KARAM AND ‘MA’KARAM. Akaram..”A” stands for Emperuman. who is the Lord of every thing Sriman Narayanan. Makaram ‘ ‘M’ stands for Jeevathma(Chethana) the 25th letter. He is subordinate to the Lord. ‘U’karam “u” stands for the explanation of the relation between Lord and Chethana. It is explained that “A” karam contains hidden ‘AYA” 4th case By this all jeevas are the servants (Seshathvam) of Sriman Narayana and (Bhokthruthvam) Sriman Narayana enjoys the jeevathmas. In other words the swaroopam of Jeevathmas are “Seshathvam” and “Bhokthruthvam”. Here one difficulty will be experienced. That is Seshathvam to Sriman Narayana alone or to others also? Seshathvam (servitude) is at the will of jeevathmas or at the will of Sriman Narayana? Bhogthruthvam (enjoyment): Is it for Emperuman alone? Or Jeeva has also eligible for it? These difficulties are removed with the 2nd and 3rd parts of Thirumantram. That is “NAMAH;’ AND ‘AYA’ IN ‘NARAYANAYA’ “NAMAHA:” = NA + MAHA: If it is “MAMAHA:” jeeva can stake a claim. When the negation “NA” is prefixed it is settled that is not for Jeevas. “Aya” in “Narayanaya” confirms it that Emperuman alone is important and it is for him only. Jeevas has no option for self-effort for their redemption. They are to serve Sriman Narayana only at his will and it is for his pleasure. These qualities “Parathantharyam” (absolute dependence) and Bhogyathai”(enjoyable”) are said to be the real qualities (Yathathmya swaroopam) of Jeevas These qualities are enshrined in Azhvar’s Pasurangals. In Emperumanar’s Darsanam importance is given to Emperuman only. His greatness should never be undermined. Every action done is at his will and for his pleasure only. Service is for him only. Every thing is for Emperuman and the thought of “self” is completely avoided. He looks after us once we have faith in him. He mends us, removes our obstacles and takes care of us till the last. This is the way shown by Azhvars and Poorvacharyas. ‘ENNAN SEIKEN ? YARE KALAIKAN? ENNAI EN SEIKINRAYEE? UNNALLAL YAAVARAALUM KURAI VENDEN’(TVM.5.8.3) “UNAKKE NAAM AADCHEYVOM’ (Thiruppavai.29) ‘SANMA SANMANTHARAM KAATHU ADIYARKALAI KONDUPOYEE THANMAI PERRITHI THAN THALINAI KEEZH KOLLUM APPANAI’ (TVM.3.7.7) ‘ ‘SARTHNTHA IRU VALVINAIKALUM CHARITHU MAYA PARRARUTHU THEERTHU THAN PAL MANAM VAIKKA THIRUTHI VEEDU THRUTHUVAN’ (T.V.M.1.5.10) ‘ MARUVI THOZHUM MANME THANTHAYEE’ (TVM. 2.7.7) Many more illustrations can be given. Why? The entire Arulicheyal speak of this feature only. If such is the case, then why there should be different kinds of approach? ‘Seshathvam and Bhogthruthvam are the ‘ swaroopam’ of Jeevathma. There is no difference of opinion on this point .. ‘Parathantharyam’ (absolute dependence) and Bhogyathai( Enjoyable) are held as vital (Yathathmaya swaroopam) qualities by Poorvacharyas. But, a section of Srivaishnavites desire the part of chethana also should be recognised. This is the desire the “free will”.as Adiyen have mentioned earlier. This thought is not a new one. It is a good old one and let us know more about it in the next part. To be continued….>.2 --\ - SRIMATHE RAMANUJAYA NAMAHA APPAN THIRUVADIGALE SARANAM Free will (2) Dear Bhagavathas, accept my pranam. This is in continuation of earlier posting. PART-II. Emperuman, embodiment of compassion gave Vedas and other sastras for the redemption of souls toiling in the samsara. with a view that people will gain knowledge through the sastras and will get relieved of their ignorance. They should follow whatever is good and avoid bad things. People who are governed by Satva, Rajas and Thamas gunas were mainly interested in sastras by which they can get worldly pleasures. Their actions became the cause for their birth again and again in samsara to enjoy or suffer for the results of their actions. The chain of birth and death is never ending.. # Why should Emperuman give sastras that will bind the people in samsara? Why did he not give such sastras only that will lead all to Moksha ? The reasons are two folds. The relation between Atmas and him is eternal. He is the lord of all. “Pathim visvasya” (Thaitriya upanishad) He is Sriman Narayanan. Everything rests in him and he protects every thing, (Narankal + Ayanam) His compassion is unlimited. Just like a compassionate mother who allows the child to eat mud and thereafter treats it with medicine his relations with jeevas are according to their tastes. ‘ELLA EVVUIYIRKKUM THAYON’ (TVM.1.5.3) His desire that all jeevathmas toiling in samsara should reach him and enjoy like Nithya suris. (Sutra 381 of Srivachana bhooshanam) But, the jeevathmas are in various level of understanding and their knowledges are varied. Most of them are dominated by Thamas and Rajas gunas. The satva guna in them is very little. Their tastes are for worldly pleasures. They will not understand the sastras governing “Moksha. Therefore, their knowledge should be brought up slowly in various stages. . That is why sastras for getting worldly pleasures which are liked by them and Moksha sastras for people in advanced stages longing for release from Samsara are given by Lord . The people in the lowest stages (possessing Rajas and Thamas gunas in abundance) will like themselves to be dominant. They will be happy if their opponents are extinguished. If sastras come to their help they will believe in it and develop a taste and regard for them.(Abhichara Karmas). Now he is an Asthika. The next stage .is intelligence. He will learn that he can go to ‘Swarga” by good deeds and to hell by bad deeds. Slowly he learns that ‘Atma” is different from the physical body. Gradually by various experiences and faith in sastras the desire to get liberated from ‘Samsara’ developes in him and that may lead the jeevan to Kaivalya Moksham. But, to reach Sriman Narayana : ‘ ODI YADI PALA PIRAPPUM PIRANTHU MARRORU THEIVAM PADI YADI PANINTHU PAL PADIKAL VAZHIYERIK KANDEER’(TVM.4.10.7) This is “Anya seshthva Nivruthi” Shunning away the worship of lesser deities. Next stage is ‘Swaswathantarya Nivruthi”(Removal of the obsession that he has freedom to act) . HERE comes the “free will” So far, the chethana was successful in his actions and the means he utilized for results. These achievements can make him to believe that he can get moksha in the same way by his efforts. Knowledge of sastras regarding Moksha and observance thereof: - Karma, Gnana, Bhakti Yogas. Very tough, strenuous, time consuming, requiring rigorous life. One is not sure when he will attain the result. By observing the sastras alone the result is not automatic. There is Lord who should get pleased. You may think that you have done correctly. But, the lord at the other end should say it The sense of dominance felt in the lowest stage vanishes gradually and the realization that everything is Emperuman’s is felt.(absolute parathantharyam) The ‘self is longing to be possessed by Emperuman’ Next is Prapatti.. ’PARATHANTHARYAM’ (Absolute dependence on Emperuman) ‘THIRUMALE NAANUM UNAKKU PAZHAVADIYEN” (Thirupallandu.11) Jeevathma is dependent on Emperuman from time immemorial. Emperuman is the master and jeevan is servant to him. Jeevan is absolutely dependent on him. He does everything, as Emperuman desires to his satisfaction. There is no question of his free will. # How do we come to know of this? ‘ENNAL EMPERUMAN UNTHANAKKU ADIYOMENRU EZHUTHUPATTA ANNALE*(Thirupallandu..10) When we surrendered to our Acharyan he affixes the impressions of “Chanku” and “chakkaram” on our person and teaches “Thirumantram” etc., “Samasrayanam is over. Our prapatti has begun. We follow the way shown by our Poorvacharyas.. # This sounds best and simple. How come then differences of opinions on Prapatti? It is necessary to understand properly the ‘PARATHANTHARYAM’(Absolute dependence) ‘BHOGYATHAI’( to be enjoyed by Emperuman only as he likes) represented by (NAMAHA) and (AAYA) . If the swaroopam of Jeevan is to be understood as “Seshathvam”(Servitude) and “Bhogthruthvam” (Enjoyment) alone it gives room for misconceptions. Knowledge is necessary and welcome. But, at times it lands us in trouble. As an illustration by the way of an anecdote is given below. One learned vedhantin and one Bhagavatha used to frequent Sri.Bhattar’s Thirumalikai. Sri. Bhattar used to welcome the vedhanthin with due honours, converse with him and give him a send off. But, when the Bhagavatha approached the Thirumaligai, Sri.Bhattar used to rush to the entrance, welcome him, entertain him and will give him a warm send off. Once, a sishya who happened to see these two events was appalled. He asked Sri. Bhattar the reason for the differential treatments while the learned vedhanthin deserved a better treatment. Sri Bhattar replied “Wait and see”. Next day both vedhanthin and Bhagavatha visited the Thirumalikai. As usual both were received. Sri.Bhattar raised a question to the vedhanthin as to whom he considered as “Paramathma” The vedhanthin replied “This is a very difficult question. There are conflicting authorities( sruthis) on this point. So a satisfactory answer could not be given.” He was sent off as usual. The same question was put to the Bhagavatha. He cried”Swamin what kind of Apacharam is this? You only taught Adiyen that Sriman Narayanan is Paramathama. Whom else could Adiyen think of?” Now the picture is clear. The sishya was convinced of Sri.Bhattar’s action. Too much of knowledge. Vedhanthin could not identify his master, the Lord of the Universe. ‘PARATHANTHARYAM’ (Absolute dependence) (on Acharya) Acharya, learned person has guided him and he knows the master. Such is the influence of correct knowledge We may see what “Acharya Hrudhaym has got to say on the point of “differences of opinion”. To be continued to……………>3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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