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Sri Varamangai Muni Vaibhavam-19

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha

Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha


SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam

Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramya jAmataram munim


RamyajAmatru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA

thathAyathatAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE


Meanwhile Aththan, who was both a great mahAthmA and jedhEndriya (one who has

good control over his senses) heard about the greatness of VanamAmalai Jeeyer

swamy came and surrendered to the divine feet of Jeeyer and considered that as

his good fortune, and that his Athmasvaroopam has attained its benefit

(“Athmasvaroopam saththai pettradhu”). He heard bhagavat vishayam from Jeeyer

swamy and obtained the required jnanam. From then on he was famously called as

“Jnanak kan AththAn”.


Then, Ghostipuraththayar, one another great mahan born in the family of

thirukkOshtiyur nambi, joined the ghosti of Vanamamalai swamy and surrendered to

jeeyer swamy and remained as his close shisya.


Next, pallakAl siththar surrendered to Vanamamalai Jeeyer swamy mesmerized by

the jnana, bhakthi, vairakhyam and other kalyana gunas of swamy.


Periya Jeeyer has always wanted Vanamamalai Jeeyer to have all the fame and

fortune he possessed. So now periya Jeeyer decided to bless Vanamamalai swamy

also with ashtadiggajAs similar to his great ashtadiggajAs. Thereby, he

appointed the following ashtadiggajAs to Vanamamalai swamy:


1. mahAryar

2. saramapungavar

3. Suddha sathvam anna

4. appAchiyAr anna

5. rAmAnujam pillai

6. ghostipuraththayar

7. pallakkAl siththar

8. Jnana kan-AththAn.


Then, Periya Jeeyer also allotted the appropriate kainkaryams to each one of

them. From then on, Vanamamalai ponnadikkAl swamy remained with great fame

along with his ashtadiggajAs, as a krupApAthram of periya Jeeyer. One day all

of them where having their divine anubhavams in the periya Jeeyer ghosti, when

Periya Jeeyer glanced at mahAchAryar and ordered him to say something on his

acharya which would stay, telling his acharya’s greatness for ever. Hearing

such an order from periya Jeeyer, mahAryar concentrated on the divine qualities

of his acharya and loosing himself in the ocean of his acharya’s qualities

submitted the following to his acharya’s divine feet:


"RamyajAmAtru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA I

ThathAyath thAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE II"


Listening to the above, Periya Jeeyer was astonished. He felt that the verse

not only got out the greatness of Vanamamalai Jeeyer but it was also both sweet

and intellectual to the ears of the listener and hence very admirable.


(To be continued)


Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam


Adiyen Ramanuja dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan









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