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Dear Smt. Nappinnai, accept my pranam,


Regarding your remarks on science.:- Adiyen was contemplating a reply to

Sri. Ranaganathan on the rational explanation of faith. Now, Adiyen take this


What is science? It is a way of explaining things as to how it happens or works.

This is based on observations and experience. In other words it can also be

termed as ‘sastras’ since they prescribe to do some thing and prohibit from

doing unwanted things. The desired result can be expected in due course. In

respect of Bhagavat sastras, they also instruct us and show the way. For

instance, our sense organs are attracted towards worldly pleasures. It is very

difficult to get away from temptations. If we are blessed by Emperuman’s grace,

it will be easier. This kind of attitude is reflected in Thiruvaimozhi 7.1. the

first pasuram itself for example:’.


NANNILA VAKAIYE INNEMM ENNUKINRAYIE!”(TVM. 7.1.1.)( O! Lord! You are keeping

me in this world to suffer the ill effects of my mind( inner sense organ) and

other 5 sense organs and to be away from you.). If we simply recite prayers,

well, it is good. We should try to learn more about the meaning of it and

progress further. This kind of approach will take us nearer to him. But, we

should not expect results to take place very soon. It is up to the Lord to raise

us to further levels. How long it will take? No body can answer. We do our part

sincerely. It is up to Lord to do further. That is the faith. It is not blind

faith. It is a devoted faith that Emperuman will take care of us.

‘Realization of God ‘:- Shall we say, we know something about him and are doing

something towards the goal. Recitals of pasurams/stotrams are the first step

towards realization. We have to go along way to understand the relation between

the Lord and us

That will create a climate to renounce all the earthly activities and to long

for Him alone, which is realization.


You have mentioned the famous Gita Sloka that Emperuman gets his bhakta, a

Gnani,Whose thoughts are always after Emperuman.


Like the one mentioned in Thiruvaimozhi 6.7.1



(The food that is taken in, the water that is drunk, the betal leaves that are

consumed, all are (by) ‘Kannan” )and with tears in eyes waiting for him .


Do we have such an attitude? It is the highest level. We are in various levels

of worship and understanding. We should cultivate an attitude to think of Him

whenever we start to do some thing, submit the food and other to him before

consuming and at the same time thanking him for providing them to us for our

living. We should not think by our own effort that we have earned them. Instead,

our thoughts should be that Emperuman has provided these for our living. If such

an attitude is cultivated we will be progressing towards realization.


In fact, Emperuman is after us. He gets the Gnani. He has said in Bhagvat Gita

“One in thousands (men) attempt to reach me. Even one among such seekers no body

knows me as I am. Here the words ‘thousand ‘ does not indicate the numerical

value; but, show the enormous number of learned people who wants to reach him.

So, it is up to Emperuman to decide who is the Gnani and try to get him.


All of us are after worldly pleasures in the world.

Why? We care for the bodies only. But, do not know the driving force, (Atma) or

mistake the body itself for Atma. When we understand the real nature of our body

and Atma and our relation between Emperuman, the realisations starts. Then we

seek the meaning of whatever we recite and seek a Acharya for progress.

Then the colour of life changes from materialism to spirituality

The final goal of life is now known and it is missing in western




Why do we need to go to schools/colleges and universities?


Definitely to get a degree and to get a job for living. You have mentioned

something about mother (tongue).

Yes, mothers have got a role which schools/universities are not doing.

Modern mothers teach their wards from the age 2-3 itself or as soon as it starts


“Baba, black sheep. How you any wool?” Adiyen do not know about the States. In

Tamil nadu mothers are anxious that their children should not lack behind in

learning. They can learn tamil also!. Adiyen do not want stand in the way. Let

them teach our heritage also. In our Srivaishnavam mother (Piratti) has got an

exalted position.

Slowly, the learning from Acharyas about heritage can happen. Though Gurukulam

is not possible nowadays, information can be had from various sources.


Why should we go to temples/Divya Desams?

Here Adiyen beg to differ. Adiyen is not against it. Unfortunately some temples

attracts the attention of unmanageable mob while others rot in poverty. The

color of temple worship is changing towards commercialization. More distractions

are available in temple that will spoil the concentration. Still, if people are

satisfied with whatever

worship was possible, it is up to them. We should patronize all temples and make

them functioning.

At the same time the habit of worship in houses also should be in force. There

may distractions from outside and from our own mind when it is disturbed. Does

not matter, atleast for one second we will enjoy the company of Lord.


There is no postponing of the worship of Emperuman. Try to learn as much as

possible whenever it is available. Soon you will learn that you cannot avoid



Another question:. Is ritualistic approach necessary for worship? Sri.

Ranaganathan has raised this point.

One more question: helping needy people.: Are such people nearer to Sriman


“. I have come across a number of very good people, with lots of character who

simply hate a ritualisatic approach to religion. Who is nearer to Narayana? :

One who pours ghee and dhahi ritualistically daily on the idol or the one who

volunteers to help those in need of education, skills, community service etc.

These are random questions, the answers for which mostly seem to lie in one's

own faith.”


Regarding ritualistic approach: Let us view this way. Our boss is visiting our

place. Will we not welcome him? In what way? Grand scale or small scale? Will we

not offer him a seat and offer him drinks, eatables? Adiyen hopes the reply will

be in the affirmative.

When we celebrate this visit should we not do it in a grand scale to our

beloved Emperuman, the almighty? Of course, here he is represented by an idol.

If we consider it as a doll made of some metal, it represents our attitude only.

We are not interested in respecting.

In this context let me cite one incident in Ramanuja’s life. On one festive day

Lord Ranganatha was camping in a mantapam on the banks of Cauvery. Sri. Ramanuja

was also present there at a distance. from the Lord. Most of the crowd was

around Sri.Ramanuja paying respect to him. One minister of the Emperor , who was

present there was surprised at this event. He expressed his surprise to

Sri.Ramanuja for clarification?


Sri. Ramanuja asked the officer” You are the minister to the Emperor. Are you

not aware of the way in which the vassals paying tribute to Emperor.?

(The chappals of the Emperor will be kept on a cushioned seat in the hall and

all the subordinate kings and others will bow before it as mark of respect to

the Emperor.)

Here Adiyen is the chappals of Lord Rangaraja and people are paying their

respect to the Lord. The minister was convinced.

Here we are celebrating to the idol that we have chosen for respect, It does not

matter how you do it. You can do as you can afford. The Lord will be pleased.

Let me quote some Sutras from Srivachanabhooshanam.


PACHCHAIIDAONNATHU.(Emperuman is the absolute one and it is not possible to pay

tribute equal to his greatness)


pleased on the mere pretext of the love of bhakta)



(Pathram Pushpam Palam Thoyam Yo Me bhaktya prayachathi thath aham asnami

pryathath manaaha(Bhagavat Geeta):…..When my bhakta gives a leaf,a flower,

little water with love, I (eat) accept them with greatly pleased mind.


(Anyath Poornathapam kumbhat anyaath paathavanejantah. Anyath

kuchalasamprachnath na ichchethi Janardhanaha)(Mahabharatham)

Lord Janardhanan will be pleased with a pot of water kept on the door step. One

kind word of welcome is enough for him: He does not require any other thing.



Those who are interested in worshipping the Lord. need not worry as to what

should be presented to him. It is enough if you give him pure water,some incense

smoke, some flower.

So, if any body pours ghee or dahi etc., it is his desire . Should we stand in

his way?


Regarding Philanthropic acts: Those who can afford let them do it. These acts

form part of Karma yoga. If he does it for any specific purpose, he may get

it. On the other hand if he does it without expecting any benefit, he gets the

pleasure of Emperuman.

Both the acts ie., worship of Emperuman(idol) or philonthrophic acts are

dependant on the attitude of the person performing it.




Finally, Scientists are researching on matter(Achit). They can discover unknown

things. It may be useful to the society or may pose further danger ( just like

Atomic secrets falling in the hands of terrorists).The mutations of matter or

Nature (Prakruti) are endless.

But, a driving force(atma) becomes necessary for controlling or utilising them.

Scientists do not come near it. Our elders have of Emperumanar Dharsanam have

paid their attention on these matters. Let us follow them faithfully.





Adiyen Ramanuja dasan, T.Parthasarathy.

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