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Sri Varamangai Muni Vaibhavam-22

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha

Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha


SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam

Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramya jAmataram munim


RamyajAmAtru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA

ThathAyath thAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE


As Vanamamalai swamy proceeded his journey, at various divya desams the

srivaishnavas crowded around and started saying the praises of swamy as follows:


“kOil manavala mAmunivan ponnadiyAm senkamala pOdhugal vandhAr” (one who has

come, is the divine lotus feet of manavala mAmunigal at srirangam)

“Varamangai mA munivan vandhAr” (the great varamangai muni has come)

“DeivanAyagarkku eniya desikanAr vandhAr” (deivanAyagan’s beloved acharya has


“EmperumAnAr darisanaththai valarkkumavar vandhAr” (the one who spreads and

establishes rAmanuja darshanam has come).


Accompanied with all these praises and with the sound of divine instruments and

thiruchinnam being played, swamy’s ghosti proceeded forward. Attracted by

swamy’s procession the locals in various places, considered swamy to be like a

light which has appeared to remove all their darkness and similar to a sudden

rain which has been showered in a draught affected area. Many came and fell

under the divine feet of swamy. Swamy showered his grace on all those ignorant

people and gave them the rAmAnuja sambhandam. All of them became “meiadiyArgal”

“thirumAl adiyArgal” (“thiruththi thirumagal kelvanukkAkki …arangan seiya



Swamy then proceeded further north, had the darshan of dwarakAdeesan at

dwarakai, and then proceeded to brindavan, kEdharam, jillikAranyam,

naimisAranyam and sAlagramam. After the divine darshan at salagramam

Vanamamalai Jeeyer proceeded towards badrikAshramam. The shisyas were elated to

see the way in which their swamy went from one place to another, bringing many

people, who have been left for so many years in dark to the light of ramanuja

darshanam. The shisyas admired their swamy’s Jnana, bhakthi, vairakhyam and

eulogized swamy as follows:


“Our swamy, vanamamalai ramanuja Jeeyer is like the thick dark clouds; This

cloud has absorbed the water of knowledge from the ocean of wisdom, Sri manavala

mamunigal; Then as per the order of the ocean, his acharya, this cloud has now

moved towards the northern direction and due to its impartial pity for all, has

showered the rain of krupai on one and all without any differentiation; Due to

this the greenery of emperumAnAr darshanam which was earlier drooping has gained

strength and has flourished”.


With such admiration for their swamy in the minds of the shisyas, swamy and the

shisyas reached the divine place where the thirumanthram took birth,

BadrikAsharamam. They did mangalAsAsanam to nara and narayanan and then with

gratefulness and due regard swamy constructed a mandapam for nara-narayanan and

celebrated a grand festival for nara-narayanan and stayed there for some more

days doing mangalAsAsanam to the prathama guru, narayanan.


Then, after taking the permission of nara-narayanan swamy proceeded to the banks

of ganga, where once udaiyavar had taken a dip and considering it to be the most

sacred place bathed in the gangus (“gangai gangai yenna vAsagaththAlE ezhumaiyum

koodi Eendiya pavam eriapozhuthalavinil kazhividhum perumai yudai gangai”,

“thirumAl kazhalinai keezh kuliththu”). The river ganga is considered to be the

sreepAda theertham (water that washed the divine feet of emperuman) of emperuman

in thiruvikramAvathAram. So it is very sacred and hence just by the utterance

of the name ‘ganga’ one can get rid of crores of sins he has accumulated over

many crores of time. In such a sacred river in the same place where acharya

ramanuja took a divine dip, our swamy also bathed and changed clothes, adorned

himself with the divya dvAdasa pundram and then had darshan of perumal at

“kandamennum kadi nagar”.


>From there swamy then started his return journey towards the southern direction.


(To be continued)


Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam


Adiyen Ramanuja dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan


P.S: The earlier postings have been archived at









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