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Re.: Sow. Vaidhehi's observations relating to Azhi mazhai kanna

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Respected Sow. Nappinnai


Many thanks for sharing your experiences, which are an education in





(1) Sow. Nappinnai: " Right infront of my eyes, I see two guys(who

are actually SVs,and were taught URM first in their childhood!)who

follow advaita and worship shiva".



There seems to be a mix-up of categories here. My 'defence' of deva

worshipers was in the context of NON-SRIVAISNAVAS who worship devas;

the gentlemen you speak of seem to be Srivaisnavas who have later

adopted deva worship. That is an altogether different kettle of fish.

Promiscuity before marriage is unfortunate; after marriage it is

utterly indefensible.





(2) 'Now contrast these deva worshipers with someone who already

knows Sriman Narayana is Supreme, yet who continues to serve himself -

that incorrigible person is worse than a naive follower of one deva

or the other' [s. Ramanujadasan's views].


Sow. Nappinnai's response: "I still feel the second category is

better than the first category. As long as he worships Sriman

NArAyaNa,he is saved".


It depends on what we mean by "better". As i see it, what matters

most post-Ramanuja sambhandhan is not our personal salvation (which

is guaranteed), but whether or not we live in a way that gives

happiness and glory to our Acarya. Having Ramanujasambhandhan, and

still living in a selfish way, does no credit to my Acarya and hence

i have more reason to feel ashamed than those who dont know any

better. In this sense, though personally better off, am i not worse

than a non- Srivaisnavite?




(3) Sow. Nappinnai: " There can not be a better sambandham(including

bhagavad sambandham!)than Ramanuja sambandham in both worlds!"


I wholeheartedly agree. But that makes us more blessed, not better,

than non-Srivaisnavites. (Incidentally- pancasamskara may not be the

be-all-and-end-all of Ramanujasambhandhan. Its hard to see how

somebody as yourself could in any way be seen as not having Ramanuja

sambhandhan, even though not yet having pancasamskara.)




(4) Sow. Nappinnai: "You have that great sambandham and Ramanuja

will struggle for your spiritual welfare(like He struggling to get

back His objects(us))and lead you to Him. Which non-SV has this

bhAgyam,tell me?"


As far as i am aware, every cetana has this bhagyam.



Respected Sow. Nappinnai and others- i sincerely appreciate all the

time you have taken to correct me. Its just that when i see a non-

Srivaisnava, my overwhelming feeling is one of my being an incredibly

privileged 'fluke'. And when i abuse that privilege, it is the worst

thing i think anybody could ever do.


Please forgive me if a dull mind and clumsy pen have led me to commit

the slightest bhaagavad apachara.


Your servant, S.Ramanujadasan.

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