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Gaganagiri Muni guru paramparA prabhAvam-5

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha

Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha


SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam

Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramya jAmataram munim


RamyajAmatru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA

thathAyathatAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE


HH Sri Vanamamalai rangappa rAmAnuja Jeeyer (fourth pattam)


Swamy's Kainkaryams continued


6. Swamy developed a garden and grew different types of flower plants and bushes

(maligai, mullai, eruvAtchi, senbhagam,vagulam,kEthaki, punnAgam, kuravakam,

jAthi) for the kainkaryam of sirivaramangai nAchiyar and deivanAyaka perumAl.

7. Then in the middle of settruthAmarai (the divine tank) developed a small pond

to reserve water for even the peak summer time and made room for Sri deivanAyaka

perumal to undergo avabruthasNanam (final divine bath after a utsavam) by

constructing thirumandapam and steps. This pond serves to provide water for

animals, birds and people even during peak summer time.

8. In the divine feet of his holiness Sri vAnamAmalai rangappa ramAnuja Jeeyer,

one jeeyer by the name Sri nAthan Jeeyer surrendered and learnt ubhaya vEdantha

and got the divine manthrAs and manthrArthas and wanting to do mangalAsAsanams

to the divya dEsa emperumAns in north India got the permission of swamy and

accordingly started his journey.

9. Nathan Jeeyer swamy then proceeded doing mangalAsAsanam to the various divya

dEsams on the way and reached thirukudandhai on the banks of the river kAveri.

10. Then Sri nAthan jeeyer swamy went to the nearby divya dEsam and did

mangalAsAsanam to nAthan. The temple was totally surrounded by plants and

bushes and hence swamy removed all the unwanted creapers and forest area and did

renovations to the nAthan koil (nandipura vinagaram) temple. Then swamy

constructed the beautiful thirumandapams, thirumadhils (walls) and gOpurams and

made arrangements for daily thiruvArAdhanams to perumal and stayed there in the

kainkaryam of perumal. During the kainkaryams, the utsava moorthi of nAthan

perumal was found underneath the ground and swamy consecrated that moorthi also

into the temple. Then swamy also constructed the divine chariot for perumal and

did nithyOsava (daily festivals), pakshOtsava (fornight festivals), mAsOtsava

(monthly festivals), samvasarOtsava (yearly festivals) and also developed

beautiful gardens around the temple and remained as a satshisya (good disciple)

doing kalashepams.

11. From this time (after Sri nAthan jeeyer did kainkaryams in nAthan kOil) it

became a practice to send a jeeyer from vanamamalai mutt for the srikAryams

(service) to nAthan sannadhi.

12. In vanamamalai, Sri rangappa rAmAnuja Jeeyer swamy started becoming

physically weak due to old age and hence started searching for the next

peedhAdhipathi. Swamy selected a great scholar, filled with jnanam and

vairAkhyam and one who was greatly blessed with the divine grace of alwar and

who came under the lineage of thiruvAimozhi pillai, Sri thimmaiyengAr swamy and

did samAsrayanam and other necessary samskArams (rituals), thought manthra

manthrArthAs and bhagavat vishayams and also granted uththamAsramam (sanyAsa)

and appointed him to be the next vAnamamalai Jeeyer under the name Sri

ThiruvEnkata rAmAnuja jeeyer.

13. In this way, his holiness Sri rangappa rAmAnuja Jeeyer swamy remained in

peedam for six samvatsarams (years).


Swamy's charama slOkam:


"vayAkyE varshEsmin savidharisamAyAdhi midhunam sithE pakshE moolE

ravidhinayuthE bhAshyanipuna: I chaturdhasyAm vAnAshithitharamunir manga la

gunair yuthO rangapAkyas svaguru charanAmbhOja magamath"


Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharanam


Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam


Adiyen Ramanuja dAsee,

Sumithra Varadarajan










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