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Mumukshuppadi - Dvaya PrakaraNam - 116

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Sri Pillai Lokacharya's



Dvaya PrakaraNam



Sri PBA Swami's Dvaya PrakaraNam Introduction:

In the Rahasyatraya, Thirumantra is known as Mantra Rajam

and Dvayam is known as Mantra Ratnam. Acharyas delighted

more deeply in Dvayam than in Thirumantram. It is said

that acharyas would say "May you be born in Thirumantram

and grow in Dvayam and become focused in Dvayam only".

In Sri Manavala Mamunigal's dinacarya it is said

"mantraratnAnusandAna santata spuritAtaram, tadartthatatva

nityAnasannatta pulakOtmakam". That is, Mamunigal's lips

will always be chanting Dvaya mantram, and as he recited

it with the true knowledge of its inner meanings his body

will have goosebumps all the time. Such is the greatness

of the Dvaya mantra and the understanding of its meanings

is essential for all Srivaishnavas.




116. puRambuNdAna paRRukkaLaiyadaiya vASanaiyOdE veedukaiyum,

emperumAnaiyE thanjamenRu paRRukaiyum, pERu thappAthenRu

thuNinthirukkaiyum, pERRukku thvarikkaiyum, irukkum nAL

ugantharuLina nilangkaLilE pravaNanAy guNAnubava

kainkaryangkaLE pOthupOkkAgaiyum, ippadiyirukkum

srivaishNavarakAL ERRamaRinthu uganthirukkaiyum,

thirumanthraththilum thvayaththilum niyathanAgaiyum, AcArya

prEmam ganaththirukkaiyum, AcAryan pakkalilum emperumAn

pakkalilum kruthagnyanAyp pOrugaiyum, nyAnamum virakthiyum

sAnthiyum udaiyanAyirukkum paramaSAthvikanOdE SahavASam

paNNugaiyum vaishNavAthikArikku avasyAbEkshitham.



The following things should be done by Srivaishnavas:

1. Giving up attachments to everything except Lord Sriman

Narayana, to the core such that they never come back;

2. seeking only Him as the refuge and not anything else;

3. having complete faith that moksha is assured;

4. being restless for that deliverance instead of resting

with the thought that it will happen someday;

5. while in this world, having great interest in the divya

desams and spending time in enjoying His divine qualities

and in His service;

6. enjoying the greatness of those Srivaishnavas who have

the qualities described above;

7. focusing on the Thirumantra, and the Dvaya mantra which

explains the Thirumantra;

8. having great love for the acharya who causes all of the

above to happen to one's self;

9. having gratitude to the acharya who corrected one's

self and set one in the right path, and to the Lord who

helped that acharya; and

10. living with those pure devotees who have the qualities

of knowledge, detachment and peace.


Sri PBA Swami's Sarartha Deepikai:

Before studying the Dvaya mantra, it is important to know

the characteristics of a true Srivaishnava. Sri Pillai

Lokacharya shows ten characteristics as essential for



1. Giving up attachments to the root such that they don't

come back, to that which are divergent from or conflicting

to the main interest which is Sriman Narayana.


2. Taking refuge only with Sriman Narayana and not even

having the thought that refuge may be found elsewhere.


3. Without looking at the greatness of the goal seeked, or

the fact that they don't have the capability to reach that

goal by themselves, or the countless sins that they have

accumulated, and thereby feeling dejected, having complete

faith that the goal will be attained.


4. With this faith, instead of relaxing that they will

worry about the goal whenever it is attained, be like

Azhvar "thAvi vaiyam koNda thadanthAmaraikatkE kUvik koLLum

kAlam innum kuRukAthO", "mAgavaikuntham kAnbathaRku en

manamEgam eNNum", and be constantly concerned about not

attaining the goal yet.


5. While eagerly awaiting for the time of reaching His

lotus feet and performing service, as long as they are in

this world with this body, they should have great interest

in His divyadesams ("kaNdiyur arangam meyyam kaccipEr

mallai"), in His divine qualities there and spend all their

time in His service at those divyadesams.


6. Upon seeing those Srivaishnavas who follow all of the

above, they should enjoy them as great beings that are like

lotuses blooming in this lowly land.


7. Without going near any other mantras even by mistake,

they should be focused on the Thirumantra that explains

everything and the Dvaya mantra that details the



8. Having great devotion to the acharya that explains all

of the above through instruction.


9. Having great and endless gratitude to the acharya that

gave one who is a nitya samsAri the same goal that is

enjoyed by nityasUris (similar to converting iron to gold),

and to Him who caused this acharya association.


10. Be associated with a pure bhAgavata who has knowledge,

detachment and peace so that one can forver follow the above

mentioned steps.


Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan


Mumukshuppadi Sarartha Deepikai Series:


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