Guest guest Posted March 31, 2003 Report Share Posted March 31, 2003 The writer had on an earlier occasion given a detailed note on extract is enclosed. The sastras do not prohibit expressly but it is a practical tradition. Om Tat Sat Tat tvam Asi Addressed to all the female members of the various groups Respected Mother This is a combined preliminary addendum to the points made by various respondents. The writer once again thanks all for taking pains to add to the knowledge for benefit of all. Please forgive the errors of the writer. No offense is intended. If it seems some of the points are gender biased this is purely co-incidental and not intentional. This topic has been quite controversial over the past many years across various groups, fora, philosophers, thinkers, religious leaders etc. If the background base is always kept as the frame of reference then everyone both man and woman would be able to appreciate the ground realities What is this background base ? VEDAS The Vedas form the backbone of mankind's birth, life, death, after life and the entire gamut of interplay in the universe. The Vedas are without end or beginning, without any gender, invisible, eternally pervading, ruthlesslessly neutral and ultimately are in 'Sound' form. It is said that the Vedas precede even the Gods. The human being's (man and women) primary duty even before Artha, Kama, Moksha is to preserve and propagate the Vedas. In other words DHARMA. If this primary duty is neglected, or diluted or compromised even a slightest bit, then chaos starts, which is another word for KALI YUGA, the present times in which we live. How to preserve and propagate the Vedas whose form is 'sound' ? Simple. Repeat, teach and evolve. Hence the oral tradition of passing on the message, mantra, chanting, scriptures, knowledge to the next generation. Daily blind repetition without even knowing the meaning was the first duty. The Rishis got down to composing elaborate procedures and systems for compliance with this diktat of the Vedas. This entailed tackling several complex issues facing the Rishis of ancient lore: 1) The Vedic mantras are to be chanted in the same manner of chanting in which they are learnt and there is no compromise allowed. The Vedas prohibit any change. No human or God has authority to change this. Therefore, the ancient Rishis through extensive Tapas and Yoga got divine inspiration through the very ;'sound' of the Vedas and the message to mankind was " ensure that the grammer, swara etc. are always kept in their original pristine format as these are divine The celestial carpenter Tvasta had a spat with Indra the king of the Gods and without his Guru's help learnt a Vedic mantra composed of certain syllables. The mantra had to be chanted in a particular and specific manner. The brief meaning of the mantra was "Give me a son who will be a slayer of Indra". However,. Due to a slight slip of the tongue the mantra being 100% same, the intonation, pitch, inflection while chanting got changed by 0.000001%. The entire meaning of the very same words became " may Indra become the slayer of my son". ! This is because the Vedic chanting is double edged sword. The same mantra can have different meanings for different purposes. This implied that for perfect chanting, rigorous unrelentless training was critical The person who is responsible for child-bearing therefore cannot be expected to comply with this rigour and therefore, man was chosen. Even if a woman were to practice chanting and was able to sustain the practice for long, if by mistake she made the wrong pronunciation, then she would be harming her child, and maybe also cause damage to others. Such extreme risks should be avoided They codified these under the various subjects - details of which have already been given by Shri Malolan Cadambi in his 28/1 reply. 2) Part of the Vedic command was that the mantras, chanting etc. should be done full throated and in a loud voice for hearing at great distances. Literally it has to be in a totally shameless fashion a roar. The reason again was that the effect of sound to turn to benefit to mankind, the sound had to be said aloud. In some mantras during homams the chanting is done from the bottom of the pit of the stomach Who, man or woman is fit for this job ? The man was chosen because women had to bear the child and even by the most conservative estimate of child-bearing once in a life-time, at least for 6 months during the lifetime of the woman she would not be able chant loudly with the child inside her. 3) To chant the Vedas perfectly meant that the person has to have good physical stamina, sustainable over a long period. Why long period? Because perfection requires practice and a minimum continuous practice of over 10 years. Someone had to therefore ensure that the Chanting population maintained its stamina throughout the lifetime. And the someone had to be from the same chanting category, not any outsider or stranger. 4) Further how to ensure continuity forever ? Everyone - man and woman - had to contend with sickness, death, old age and other realities. The only to ensure this was the procreation as designed by nature so that before either or both die the next generation is there to take over the Vedic mantle. This brought up the issue of child-bearing etc. 5) How to ensure safe, healthy long living progeny ? Who (man or woman) is fit to be the vehicle for this requirement ? Whoever, either man or woman was chosen then such a person will not be able to STRICTLY OBEY the Vedic Law. Non-Obedience would invite trouble. So judiciously they arrived at a decision taking a cue ( elaborated below ) from their source, again, the Vedas. They decided that such a person (either man or woman) who will take the burden of carrying the child - irrespective whether it is a boy or girl will have to be Accorded a higher status to ensure that such a person need not STRICTLY OBEY the words of the Vedas ONLY with respect to chanting, repeating, propagating. However, the compromise for such an relaxation would be that the person , will proactively and actively and sincerely support the other opposite category i.e. if man is chosen to carry the burden of pregnancy, then he is excused and he has to support woman who will do FULL TIME CHANTING, CHANTING AND CHANTING, SANDHYAVANDANAM, GAYATHRI AND REARING THE AGNI. If women is chosen to carry the burden, then she is excused but she has to support man in his duties. Either way, man and woman were inter-dependent and one had to necessarily support the other who was busy in doing the Chanting. In the end, the Rishis found that to meet all these stringent demands of the Vedas, and since there were only two types of people. (a) male (b) female some sort of solution had to be found because if everyone - man and woman - STRICTLY OBEYED THE VEDIC DICTUM OF CHANTING then everyone - man and woman - would have to say Gayathri, everyone - man and woman - would have to wear the Upanayanam, everyone - man and woman - would have to do the Sandhyavandanam forever, everyone - man and woman - has to sit in front of the fire(Agni) for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours daily, everyone - man and woman - will have to do over 25 samskaras, everyone - man and woman - will have to do the Shrardam and Pitru works. In such a case who will ensure that the food consumed by the chanting people is pure, safe; who will ensure that the household of the chanting members (everyone - man and woman - ) is looked after; who will care for the children ?. Where is the support system to ensure this because only a particular class of people could be involved EXCLUSIVELY for this special job. Core competency was the key. Imagine in a family, if all the members are involved in chanting with the same principles of the Vedas full time? And since the Vedas had already declared that Gayathri is the starting point and nothing can be done without Gayathri and Sandhyavandanam, no one (male or female) could start Vedic chanting without these requirements. Further the prerequisite for Gayathri and Sandhyavandanam itself was the Upanayanam. In turn the primary requisite for Upanayanam was constant ability to strengthen the body, mind, inner parts to have capacity, capability, aptitude for learning, retaining, repeating, contemplating and teaching Vedas - see above Therefore, the person who was involved in chanting had to be segregated from the rest of the people (both man and woman) and confined to a ghetto called "agraharam" where the person is left to do the duty unhindered, without any distraction, disturbance and problem. However, since the person also had to have adequate body sustenance, the person should have very good props or support systems to co-ordinate all infrastructure, ward off problems, be the alter ego, literally the other half. Even now there are orthodox agnihotris In villages who do not even take a sip of water outside their house and do not eat any other food except those cooked by their wife. Some people might want to argue that this smacks of slavery of the serving individual/category to the other, but this is a wrong notion. The farmer helps cultivate the grain which I consume sitting in my office in Air-conditioned. I pay income tax to the government who subsidize the farmer. Whichever way one looks in this world there is one group helping the other. Does it mean the helper is the servant and the helped the Master? The master may be serving someone higher and so on. The chain of inter dependence is innumerable. Everyone - man and woman - has to be engaged in something worthwhile. So too one category was designated to help the other in maintaining the sanctity of the Vedas. The PARAMACHARYAR of Kanchi had a very good example for this EXCLUSIVE notion. He maintained that "do we not take care of glass as "fragile-handle-with-care-warning" when transporting? Why ? By the same reason, should the Rishis not care for maintaining the purity and sanctity of the Vedas ? Does this not warrant a distinctly separate, exclusive set of people whose SOLE AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE PRESERVE WAS TO CHANT, CHANT AND CHANT AND CHANT.?" Closer home, imagine what would happen if the Indian Prime Minister or George Bush spent time in making sure their shirts are properly washed, or ironed or their meal is properly done or their security guard or the pilot all are appropriate and doing their jobs. They cannot be disturbed. They have a different job while the support systems are there to co-ordinate. Without the support the PM or George Bush will collapse and will be an utter failure. THE WRITER SINCERELY HOPES THE FEMALE BHAKTAS DO NOT TAKE THIS AMISS. THERE NO DEGENERATION OF GENDER HERE. IT IS SIMPLY WHAT ROLE ONE PLAYS. EACH ONE OF US HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO BE ENGAGED. THIS SOMETHING IS A SUPPORT TO ANOTHER AND VICE VERSA. THIS IS WHERE THE HINDU SYSTEM SCORES OVER ALL OTHER SYSTEMS WHEREBY HIGHEST IMPORTANCE WAS GIVEN TO FUNCTION/JOB PROFILE AND NOT THE COLOUR OF THE SKIN, MENTAL CAPABILITY, PHYSICAL CAPABILITY, PERSONAL INTERESTS, GENDER ETC. What would happen if such a via media is not take? then utter chaos. Any other basis other than FUNCTIONALITY / JOB PROFILE /CORE COMPETENCY would be unfair and biased. By observation of what nature had already intended in the external, internal, physical, physiological, psychological at all levels, the Rishis found that man had physical / external capability for hard physical work and his physical limits could also be stretched. By contrast women were comparatively with a different disposition. Especially, during the 3 monthly days, and also during pregnancy from the 4th month till the 13th month extensive rest, care, delicate physical, mental, emotional handling had to be there. So women could not be subject to hard physical Labour or their physical and mental limits stretched beyond a point without damaging their internal organs and causing emotional instability THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR WHICH ENABLED THE RISHIS TO FIX THE TRADITION OF MEN CHANTING AND WOMEN SUPPORTING MEN IN THEIR JOB WAS THE SANDHYAVANDANAM WHICH HAD TO BE STARTED AT 3:30 EARLY MORNING, EXACTLY WHEN THE SUN WAS IN THE TOP AT NOON AND JUST BEFORE DUSK IN THE EVENING WITHOUT LET, WITHOUT BREAK, FOR LIFE - The scholarly Shri Malolan Cadambi has already elaborated on this in his rejoinder. The category of person (either man or woman) who was excused for chanting would also be logically excluded from the regimen of Sandhyavandanam. But then why should such a person suffer just because nature has decided something in their design ? What is the compromise which the Vedas were offering ? Some solace ? some comfort ? Once again the Vedas promptly came to the rescue of the Rishis. The Vedas proclaimed Gayathri (FEMALE) IS the mother of Vedas. ..... So this without beginning, without birth or without end entity called Vedas too has a source i.e. MOTHER a female. And to chant the name of all gods, all beings, any Shloka, any chanting, any prayer, any worship, suktha, veda parayanam, homam, any Shrardam, any ceremony, any function, even before taking the permission of Vinayakar or any god, the Supreme Mother's worship had to be done day in and day out. And since it would seem incongruous and silly not to say the least for the Vedas themselves to talk about Vedas, the Vedas sheltered under their Mother, Gayathri and commanded everyone - man and woman - to reach the Vedas only through their MOTHER. And since the MOTHER Gayathri is the first mother there is no need for HER to chant her own name. A MOTHER by her very stature commands respect and reverence while it is not mandatory for her to show the same respect and reverence to others. Someone has to be supreme and lead the crowd ? The CEO is the fit person. The CEO for Mankind is the Mother of the Vedas the Gayathri. The rest of mankind who do the bidding of the mother are the Clerks, workers, supplicants and devotees. Hence the common saying among Hindus "Mata Pita Guru Daivam". Guru and God are also secondary to MOTHER Therefore, the woman though not permitted to chant the Vedas is considered not inferior but superior. Looking at it from yet another view point we find that women are honored more than the men folk so to say: a) One of the names of Vishnu worship is called prominently SriVaishnavism. The first word is Sri i.e. female. Sri is also the prefix for Srinivasa of Tirupati, on whose chest rests the female. HIS strength and locus standi is derived from Sri and not the other way. b) The great Sankracharyars of Kanchipuram worship Kamakshi (female) as a primary deity. Moreover, only for the Sankracharya status, the Seers can see and bless anyone elder or younger, male or female, except the MOTHER. Therefore, once a person is chosen by the Mutt to be the future pontiff, has to give up among other things 'seeing' his mother forever. He may see his father and the father may also meet him after his ascending the Mutt throne. This is because He can bless his father as a human, and once he ascends the Mutt seat he becomes impersonal to all, except his Mother. If by mistake he sees his mother, he has to come down and prostrate before her. Otherwise, all, even his own father has to prostrate before him. The Sankracharyar will prostrate only before God and no one else. The only human exception is his own mother. Hence his mother is forbidden to see him and he is equally forbidden to see her. c) Take the primary samskara for enabling the male child to start chanting the Gayathri, the Upanayanam. The Upanayanam is done by both parents. If unfortunately, the boy does not have a mother, then the father alone cannot transmit the Gayathri mantra and perform Upanayanam in the absence of his wife. Therefore, utmost care is to be taken to ensure the safety, health, growth, well being of the women. The father (male) is denied this privilege. So the supreme importance is given to the Female/woman for mankind's welfare THAT IS WHY DURING UPANAYANAM, THE VEDAS HAVE DICTATED THAT THE MOTHER SHOULD BE PRESENT AND THE WOMEN OF THE HUSBAND ALONGWITH THE GURU, THE CHILD IS PRESENT ENCLOSED INSIDE THE CLOTH. THE MOTHER REPRESENTS AT THAT MOMENT GAYATHRI AND SUPERVISES THE WHOLE CHANTING TO ENSURE THAT THE GURU AND THE FATHER ARE INDEED DOING THE CORRECT CHANTING. THAT IS THE ONE AND ONLY TIME THE FEMALE HEARS THE GAYATHRI. THAT IS ALSO THE FIRST AND LAST TIME THE SON DOES ABHIVADAM TO THE MOTHER AS HIS OWN MOTHER PLUS MOTHER GAYATHRI. HE TELLS HER HIS GOTRA, HIS NAME, HIS LINEAGE ETC. AND SHE ACCEPTS IT AND THEN DEPARTS OUT OF THE SACRED ENCLOSURE TO HER ABODE IN HEAVENS. WITHOUT THE WOMAN INSIDE THE SACRED ENCLOSURE, THE GAYATHRI CANNOT BE TRANSMITTED AND THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF VEDAS ARE RENDERED NULL AND VOID. SUCH IS THE SUPREME IMPORTANCE GIVEN TO THE MOTHER d) There were sundry reasons also for women being chosen for a different calling. The Vedic chanting, Sandhyavandanam etc. were to be performed bare chested. Most temple priests and pooja etc. are done with the torso being left bare with the Sacred thread shown prominently. Also, since the thread was considered Sacred, while attending to nature's call and on some other occasions, the thread had to be worn differently in a safe manner. Performing this while wearing a 9 yard saree with upper cloth etc. would be somewhat unfair to women folk. Women are therefore referred in Vedic parlance as "Dharma patni". There is no word as "Dharma-pati". She is the wife of Dharma i.e.that which is upright. She is the supporter of Dharma and since her opposite is engaged in Dharma, she too is putting her bit and helping. Coming to our modern day, can someone say why are there no women in the fire fighting agencies, in military (there is a small percentage everywhere in Western modern nations, but this is still a miniscule percentage as an exception, not an active force to reckon); in oil rigs; in diamond mines; as engine drivers; cab drivers; long distance lorry drivers; Not because of some chauvinistic discrimination, but because these are not the natural potentialities of women. Their forte as per the ancient Indian Rishis etc. was in pushing, encouraging, urging man and children to the Vedic path. Physically, they may be wife, sister, mother, but their real purpose is to represent Gayathri to goad man to do his job diligently. ----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 01/29/03 05:46 PM ----- Anand Iyengar <malolakrupa@yah To: bhakti-list> cc: Question regarding Chanting of Vedas by women 01/21/03 04:09 AM Please respond to bhakti-list Respected All, Adiyen is not knowledgable enough(in anything), but when it comes to vedas i have heard from several people that women should not be chanting the vedas. Adiyen does not intend to discriminate women or hurt anybody's feeling , so i request the learned bhagavatas to throw some light on this issue. Dasan Anand "Rama Krishna K" <kramakrishna@bhe nappinnai_nc, ramanuja,> , , sv-general, bhakti-list 03/28/20 03:34 PM cc: Please respond to [sv-general] Why women are eager to do what sv-general sastras prohibit ? Priya Bhagawatas, Asmadsrigurubhyonamaha!! Srimathaynarayanayanamaha!!! With reference to the following email Adiyen would like to put forth some points to ponder --\ ----------------- Message: 1 Tue, 04 Feb 2003 15:34:35 -0000 "nappinnai_nc <nappinnai_nc" <nappinnai_nc women and prabandham Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya nama: Dear saha bhAgavathAs, Salutations to all. Keeping vedas aside,let us take prabandham. Both men and women may ask why women don't participate in prabandham ghoshti. In ThiruvaiyARu Thyagaraja ArAdhana festival both male and female singers sing pancarathnam. So why not prabandham? What is the reason behind it? I will post an article based on my observation(music). Would like to know what other readers have got to say. AzhvAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar ThiruvadigaLE sharaNam NC Nappinnai --\ ----------------- When similar question was posed to the Jeeyar swamiji, we were told that first of all we should ensure whether what all are supposed to do especially the male members of the so called vedic community are really doing, like Yagnopaveethadharana, sikha dharana, Trikala sandhyavandanam, nitya Tiruvaaradhana, observance of Azhwar/Acharya Tirunakshatram, Itihaasa Paarayanam, Srimadbhagawadgita parayanam etc. to achieve supreme bliss for one and all After ensuring that all the vedic community without an exception are doing what they are supposed to do cent per cent, then we can come to the subject how other sections of the people should do what they are not supposed to do. Coming to the subject of women in Sanskrit/Dravida veda parayana goshtis, His Holiness told that when sastras are granting women everything without doing such veda parayanam but just supporting the rest of the family/society to comply with vedic rituals, why they should be so eager to do first hand rituals what sastras prohibit especially in this kaliyuga? >From common sense point of view putting forth the bare facts, every member of the vedic community, especially members of this type of forums recognize the fact that women in periods get 'asuchi' and not eligible to participate in auspicious rituals like veda parayanam or Bhagawadaaradhana. It is also known that the periods (total number days of 'asuchi' extends to 4- 5 in general) not only do not come accurately but also come sometimes unnoticeably. Thus, if our sastras pertaining to the kaliyuga did not bar women from veda parayanam, Bhagawadaraadhana, sandhyavandanam etc, then women participating in goshtis of prabandha parayanam or vedic rituals either may have to walk out immediately noticing the outcome of periods; or sometimes it may become too late and the whole vedic ritual might have got already contaminated. Thus our sastras which always have a long foresight, might have formulated some prohibitions to avoid unwarranted/ugly situations. Thus one can visualize what all the problems the vedic rituals might have to face if there is no bar at all on the participants. This would not have been the case in tretayuga or kritayuga where the physicial characteristics of people are far different from kaliyuga regarding age, growth, strengths, physcial controls etc. Jai Srimannarayana Dr.Kilambi Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasan Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 2, 2003 Report Share Posted April 2, 2003 Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya nama: Srimad Vara Vara Munaye nama: Dear Sri Ramachandran, Your article is very good but it does not account for special cases. I have expressed my comments on your post and kindly reject the same if it does not apply. Also please forgive me if my reply,anywhere sounded rude. > What is this background base ? VEDAS > The Vedas form the backbone of mankind's birth, life, death, after > life and the entire gamut of interplay in the universe. The > Vedas are without end or beginning, without any gender, > invisible, eternally pervading,ruthlesslessly neutral and > ultimately are in 'Sound' form. It is said that the Vedas precede > even the Gods. Agree to all with the exception of the last statement. You're in deep trouble if you make a statement that vedas precede even the Gods. BTW which Gods are you talking about? One can not talk about any God other than Sriman Narayana whose vital breath is vedas(guys expert in puruSha sUktham clarify). So they(vedas and the Lord) co-exist. You had mentioned that Vedas are eternal without a beginning and an end. In another place you write gAyathri as the starting point of vedas, which is beginningless to use your own words,thus by contradicting your own statement. First of all it is only Narayana manthram(and no other manthram)which is equivalent to the vedas(in layman's words it is Narayana who is the veda and veda is Narayana due to the fact that the two are inseparable and also vedas being the vital breath of Narayana). Gayathri manthram became popular due to vishvAmithra otherwise I doubt if many people would oft quote it as you have done so. Every manthram/nama(including kEshava meaning the one who killed the demon kEshi) is only secondary to NArAyaNa manthram. I don't want to get into the topic of sanDhyAvandanam as I am less informed in such subject matters and moreover it is not my territory. But I hope some guys/members would speak on my behalf along these lines from the standpoint of Sri VaiShNavism. In contrast to what you wrote,a brAhmaNa does not have much physical strength(infact mental strength is more important than physical strength to sustain long gurukula life). ParashurAma-karNa is the classic example and how ParashurAma finds that karNa is not a brahmin is known to everybody. The example you mentioned is not a "slight" slip of tongue but a "gross" one because the story/line itself is reversed and hence the mathra is not the same. Slip of tongue(or Freudian slip of speech)can happen to anyone. This type of mistakes are gender free(applies to both men and women). No one can claim that from day one of his/her birth to the last breath of his/her life,he/she had been perfect in each and everything. That is the greatness of the lIla vibhUthi. FULL time chanting was alotted only to brAhmaNa not to other two varNAs. Other two varNAs can learn vEdas but their main profession respectively,is to protect and take care of the trade of the society/country. Vedas are eternal and universal. Any system(applies to vedic system) is called complete if and only if it accounts for all cases(general and special). It is very difficult to develop such a system. If child- bearing is considered as a case then I agree to some of your points. What about women who don't want to get married and hence child- bearing for those women doesn't even arise? But when one is young(be it male/female)rational thinking is lacking and hence most of the times(in kali yuga)kids are forced(without their consent) to learn and this type of enforcement have had a psychological effect(mostly bad) in the later years of their life. > THIS IS WHERE THE HINDU SYSTEM SCORES OVER ALL > OTHER SYSTEMS WHEREBY HIGHEST IMPORTANCE WAS GIVEN TO > FUNCTION/JOB PROFILE AND NOT THE COLOUR OF THE SKIN, MENTAL > CAPABILITY, PHYSICAL CAPABILITY,PERSONAL INTERESTS, GENDER ETC. > By observation of what nature had already intended in the > external,internal, physical, physiological, psychological at all > levels, the Rishis found that man had physical / external > capability for hard physical work and his physical limits could > also be stretched. Above paras of yours are contradictory. When it comes to physical capability surely a brAhmaNa will score a "duck" in comparison to people who are meat eaters. In this case a brAhmaNa would forfeit the rights. But vedas say that only a brAhmaNa can teach vedas while the other varnas can learn and chant but not eligible to teach. This alone proves that more than the physical strength what is needed is the mental strength. You have based all your arguments on physical capabilities only. > By contrast women were comparatively with a different > disposition. Especially, during the 3 monthly days, and also > during pregnancy from the 4th month till the 13th month > extensive rest, care, delicate physical, mental, emotional > handling had to be there. So women could not be subject > to hard physical Labour or their physical and mental limits > stretched beyond a point without damaging their internal organs > and causing emotional instability This is only in the case of cesaerian(2-3 months rest is advised after the delivery and if it is a normal delivery women can do work as usual from the 3rd or 4th day). Doctors themselves advise women to do normal work to have a normal delivery. Infact women who are pampered(without doing any physical work) during their pregnancy end up with lot of problems. If we go to villages we would see lot of women doing hard work till the last minute of the delivery. A woman does not produce children 365 days a year or throughout her life time that she should be barred from learning. What about men who may suffer from temporary illness? For example there is a 7 yr old boy who went to gurukulam learnt vedas say till 18-19 yrs and all of a sudden he had a stroke(or some complexity can be introduced)and had to have complete rest for 2-3 months and then becomes alright. Would you say that he would become ineligible to continue chanting because there was a break? Or what about the learning/knowledge he gained prior to the attack? Should he vomit all those things? So why can't females also be sent much before they reach puberty. Even if they learn for two years that's a good learning. At the age of 6/7 I don't think there is much of a difference in mental and physical capacity between boys and girls. > Hence the common saying among Hindus "Mata Pita Guru Daivam". > Guru and God are also secondary to MOTHER Therefore, the woman > though not permitted to chant the Vedas is considered > not inferior but superior. This is a wrong interpretation. Mother comes first because everybody (including the Lord in incarnation form and excluding Sri)comes from a mother's womb and hence she is mentioned first. This doesn't imply that God is secondary to her. Mother tells the baby who the father is and the father's duty is to send the children to the right guru/AcArya and it is AcArya who uplifts the soul spiritually. > a) One of the names of Vishnu worship is called prominently > SriVaishnavism. The first word is Sri i.e. female. Sri is also > the prefix for Srinivasa of Tirupati, on whose chest rests the > female. HIS strength and locus standi is derived from Sri > and not the other way. According to SriVaiShNavism, Sri is considered as the "daya/compassion (an attribute)" of the Lord and hence She is inseparable from Him. It is because of Sri, He starts the lIla vibhUthi but He has all the energy that is needed to run both vibhUthis,and this energy is not derived from any external source other than Him. This has been highlighted and cautioned by Sri YAmunAcArya & Sri Ramanuja against all other philosophies. The Lord has sadguNAs namely j~nAna,bala,aishvarya,vIrya,shakti,thEjas(which play an important role in the doctrine of vyUhas). I guess you're mixing up the advaita views and lakshmi tanthram on "shakti aspect" and Sri Ramanuja's views "clearly" differ from those of Sri Shankara's. Learned members are requested to throw light on this. > b) The great Sankracharyars of Kanchipuram worship Kamakshi > (female) as a primary deity. Moreover, only for the Sankracharya > status, the Seers can see and bless anyone elder or younger, male > or female, except the MOTHER. Therefore, once a person is chosen by > the Mutt to be the future pontiff,has to give up among other > things 'seeing' his mother forever. He may see his father and the > father may also meet him after his ascending the Mutt > throne. This is because He can bless his father as a human, and > once he ascends the Mutt seat he becomes impersonal to all, except > his Mother. If by mistake he sees his mother, he has to come down > and prostrate before her. Otherwise, all, even his own father has > to prostrate before him. The Sankracharyar will prostrate only > before God and no one else. The only human exception is his own > mother. Hence his mother is forbidden to see him and he is equally > forbidden to see her. You have been praising women all along and now you have dropped them on the floor by saying that sanyasi(according shaivaite/advaitic tradition)is forbidden to see his mother who is the "cause" for the existence of sanyasi. Your statement should have been explicit saying that only according to "Advaitic tradition" a sanyasi is forbidden to see his mother. Advaitic philosophy itself is "impersonal" and obviously those who follow that have to be impersonal which is not the case with SriVaiShNavism. You are making a statement as if your point is the universal truth as far sanyasis are concerned. Your point is not valid in SriVaiShNava tradition and I request bhAgavathas to share thoughts on the same. > Coming to our modern day, can someone say why are there no > women in the fire fighting agencies, in military (there is a small > percentage everywhere in Western modern nations, but this is > still a miniscule percentage as an exception, not an active force > to reckon); in oil rigs; in diamond mines; as engine drivers; cab > drivers; long distance lorry drivers; Not because of some > chauvinistic discrimination, but because these are not the natural > potentialities of women. Their forte as per the ancient Indian > Rishis etc. was in pushing, encouraging, urging man and children > to the Vedic path. Physically, they may be wife, sister, mother, > but their real purpose is to represent Gayathri to goad man to do > his job diligently. There are not that many women in many areas. Possible reason could be that they had been subjugated as "physically and mentally less capable" for yugas/ages. Many chinese women know martial arts. Only now women have started coming out of the house to explore "what the world really is". Infact according to psychologists,the divorce rates are high because women are no longer financially dependent on men and they are literate unlike the the women of yester years. Because of this independence of women,men feel insecured these days. I do agree that there are some natural physical constraints for women but still the explanation is not unambiguously clear and also the question, why sUdras are ineligible to learn the vedas, has gone unanswered. In one of the questionaire on SriBhAShya(Sri Ramanuja's commentary on brahma sUthra),Sri U.Ve SriBhAShyam Srirangam Narasimhachar swami said that these days women have the desire to know and learn many things and hence Jeeyars and AcAryAs encourage women to learn. Everything was written based on my limited knowledge and hence once again seek forgiveness if I(or the tone or the contents)unintentionally sounded rude anywhere. AzhvAr EmperumAnAr JIyar thiruvadigaLE sharaNam NC Nappinnai Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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