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Some Reality Testing

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Dear Prapannottamas


I think that this tirunakshatra of Bhashyakara is also an excellent time to

reflect upon some Reality Issues:‹



> This day declared the decline of the Advaitam

> "Uyirgal Mei Vittu Adhipparnodu ondram endru sollum avvallalellam

> vaadhil vendran"


Advaitam has never declined and has out-stripped Srivaishnavism in it's

strength and popularity. There are far more mathams belonging to Advaitis

than to us, and their teaching and propogation programs as well as jana-seva

programs are far more vigorous than we could ever achieve.


> This day declared the decline of the jains, sankhyas, the buddhists, the

> karma meemamsakas and other veda kudhrushtis

> "Tharka Samanarum Sakkiyap Paeigalum Thazsadayon sorkatra Sombarum

> Sooniyavadarum Mandanar"


Jains Sankhyans etc - yes, but certainly not due to Bhashyakara, they were

already on the wane and as for the Buddhists - Buddhism is the fastest

growing religion in the West today.


We Srivaishnavas spend most of our time tending to the alankaram but hardly

any time having a snanam! We praise Bhashyakara is hyperbolic terms but

Sriperumbudur remains a deserted dirty dump. The very birthplace of

Bhashyakara is in an appaling state of neglect. The Jiyar - H.H. Sriman

Varada Yatiraja Jiyar has to spend his own pension to maintain the matham

which is virtually crumbling. Those who have some power have sold off the

temple property for personal gains and the gold has been stripped from the

Vimanam to make jewellery for their wives and daughters! Maybe we should

leave the alankaram till after we have had a thorough snanam.




Sri Rama

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> We Srivaishnavas spend most of our time tending to the alankaram

but hardly

> any time having a snanam! We praise Bhashyakara is hyperbolic terms


> Sriperumbudur remains a deserted dirty dump.

> Bhashyakara is in an appaling state of neglect.



Dear Swamin,


I really don't understand on what basis you say that Sriperumbudur

remains as a deserted dirty dump and in a state of neglect. I have

also been to Sriperumbudur for Swami utsavam this year which was

celebrated in a very grand manner as before.


Right from my childhood days I have never failed to visit Swami

Utsavam. If i could not be there for 10 days definitely I will be

there for atleast 3 days. I can also able to visualize the

developments that had taken place during the last five years. To name

a few I will write certain kainkaryams that had taken place.


1. The electrical work for the entire temple was done with fixtures

and fittings. So Swami sannidhi is no more dark we had seen before 5



2. We cannot imagine the crowd visiting Swami Sannidhi for the Montly

Thirunakshatram. Monthly thirunakshatram is almost become a mini

Chititrai Utsavam. Earlier Thirumanjanam was performed in mandapam

near Dwajastampam whereas it has been shifted to Gayatri mandapam

where more people can be accomodated and can have better darshan.


3. Thiruther Renovation work has started almost a decade before, but

somehow or other it was not happening for quite long time. Nearly

30% of the work is completed and hopefully the whole work will be

completed in another year with the Grace of Swami Emperumanar.


4. Swami sannidhi has received an Elephant, camel, cow and horse as

donation from a sponsor with corpus fund for maintenance. It is feast

for eyes to see Elephant, Camel etc marching in front of the Perumal

and Swamis procession.


I humbly request you to talk only about the facts and do not provide

any false information about Swami sannidhi.




The very birthplace of

>The Jiyar - H.H. Sriman

> Varada Yatiraja Jiyar has to spend his own pension to maintain the


> which is virtually crumbling. Those who have some power have sold

off the

> temple property for personal gains and the gold has been stripped

from the

> Vimanam to make jewellery for their wives and daughters! Maybe we


> leave the alankaram till after we have had a thorough snanam.


> Adiyen


> Sri Rama



Finally let us not involve H H Sri Varada Yatiraja Jiyar Swami in

this issue unnecessarily.


Alwar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam


adiyen SriVaishnava Dasan

Sampath Kumar

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Dear SriVaishnavas

ADiyen would like to add few to the points mentioned by Sri.PB Sampath

Kumar, what he ahs informed is correct and you can see lot of insurge to the

Swamy Utsavam in all 10 days and Adiyen blessed to be there on 4 days and

its a huge turn out by Bhagavadas in all numbers , and I did see any

sannidhis in dilapidated condition , the Prasadam and all are great

(probably thats where my eye and mind will be )and also you can see lot

SriVaishnava organisations /madams doing thatheeradhanai .


Also while seeing the increase in influx towards Swamy, most of the people

are approaching for Kamyam like Prarthana (due to large scale of publishing

in Kumudam Jothidam), am not sure whether its correct to approach the

Acharya for the Kamyam , and I am not sure who is so Prapanna by mind who

does not thing about Kamyam .


While seeing the big group of Chetana, it flashes across my mind that

"Chetana lAbam eeswranukku" , this Perumal is so Bhagyavan to see the

Ramanuja Srivaishnavas daily.



Best Regards

Gunaseelan V




Sampath Kumar [pbsampathkumar]

Friday, 9 May 2003 11:24 AM


[ramanuja] Re: Some Reality Testing




> We Srivaishnavas spend most of our time tending to the alankaram

but hardly

> any time having a snanam! We praise Bhashyakara is hyperbolic terms


> Sriperumbudur remains a deserted dirty dump.

> Bhashyakara is in an appaling state of neglect.



Dear Swamin,


I really don't understand on what basis you say that Sriperumbudur

remains as a deserted dirty dump and in a state of neglect. I have

also been to Sriperumbudur for Swami utsavam this year which was

celebrated in a very grand manner as before.


Right from my childhood days I have never failed to visit Swami

Utsavam. If i could not be there for 10 days definitely I will be

there for atleast 3 days. I can also able to visualize the

developments that had taken place during the last five years. To name

a few I will write certain kainkaryams that had taken place.


1. The electrical work for the entire temple was done with fixtures

and fittings. So Swami sannidhi is no more dark we had seen before 5



2. We cannot imagine the crowd visiting Swami Sannidhi for the Montly

Thirunakshatram. Monthly thirunakshatram is almost become a mini

Chititrai Utsavam. Earlier Thirumanjanam was performed in mandapam

near Dwajastampam whereas it has been shifted to Gayatri mandapam

where more people can be accomodated and can have better darshan.


3. Thiruther Renovation work has started almost a decade before, but

somehow or other it was not happening for quite long time. Nearly

30% of the work is completed and hopefully the whole work will be

completed in another year with the Grace of Swami Emperumanar.


4. Swami sannidhi has received an Elephant, camel, cow and horse as

donation from a sponsor with corpus fund for maintenance. It is feast

for eyes to see Elephant, Camel etc marching in front of the Perumal

and Swamis procession.


I humbly request you to talk only about the facts and do not provide

any false information about Swami sannidhi.




The very birthplace of

>The Jiyar - H.H. Sriman

> Varada Yatiraja Jiyar has to spend his own pension to maintain the


> which is virtually crumbling. Those who have some power have sold

off the

> temple property for personal gains and the gold has been stripped

from the

> Vimanam to make jewellery for their wives and daughters! Maybe we


> leave the alankaram till after we have had a thorough snanam.


> Adiyen


> Sri Rama



Finally let us not involve H H Sri Varada Yatiraja Jiyar Swami in

this issue unnecessarily.


Alwar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam


adiyen SriVaishnava Dasan

Sampath Kumar





azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam



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Dear Bhagavadhas,


Adiyen would like to give you all, some background information on

Shri Rama Swami.


Shri Rama Swami is the Acharyan for the Shri Ramanuja Matam in

Australia and was directly appointed by Shri HH Yathiraja Jeeyar

Swami. Swami runs the Ramanuja Matam in Australia and performs

Samashrayanam to others and has been proving the greatness of Shri

Vaishnavam worldwide. He is in constant touch with the Shriperumbudur

Yathiraja Jeeyar swami. Though we may see only the outward

decorations etc in the temple, we might not know the internal details

of the Shriperumbudur Ramanujar Temple. Shri Rama Swami, being in

touch with the Jeeyar swami, knows the internal details and hence he

sent us a post regarding the same. I think what he says is completely

true and has to be understood as per the intent. I request Swami to

explain his intent to the group so that it becomes clear to all.


Shri Rama Swami,

Adiyen apologies on behalf of others in case you took any offense.

Also request tht you forgive me for writing a note on you without

your consent.



Ramanuja Dasan


PS: Now Shri Perumbudur is portrayed as a Sarpa Dosha Nivrutthi

sthalam by popular local tamil magazines and that is why so much of

crowd has started flooding in. They have spread the news that Shri

Ramanujar(the very adi-seshan) is capable of relieving people from

Sarpa Doshams:)) Whether it is for kamyam or not, if people go and

get THE ACHARYA'S blessings, that would take care of their next

birth. It is all the lord's leela isn't it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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> 3. Thiruther Renovation work has started almost a decade before, but

> somehow or other it was not happening for quite long time. Nearly

> 30% of the work is completed and hopefully the whole work will be

> completed in another year with the Grace of Swami Emperumanar.



Dear Sri Sampath Kumar and others


Is the fund collection for the Thiruther Renovation work handled by

Vedics? The reason I ask is, I just got a request from adiyEn's

acharyan, Sri Kovil Kandadai Appan Ramanujachariyar. If Vedics is

collecting for the renovation, then I can send my contribution via Vedics.





Venkatesh Elayavilli

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SrimathE Ramanujaya Nama:

AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadikalE Saranam



Dear Sri Rama.


Part of what you said is, sadly, very true, we tend to dwell too much

on the past glories and not pay attention to what is going on now or

what might happen in the future. Even though Sri Ramanujar is

universally accepted as a first social reformer, we as a community,

have strayed away from that path slowly over the course of centuries.

We are no where near the Christian or Islamic groups in Social Charity

and that goes for all Sri-vaishnava and non-srivaishanva communities

within the so called hindu religion.


I think as a community we need to move closer to social services like

Sankara Netralaya or the Andra Hospital in Chennai etc. I also should

add that VEDICs has taken up similar tasks, though in a smaller scale.

I have been reading about the VEDICS lately and I should say I was one

of the iniital sckeptics when the charter was formed. I will also say

that they proved me wrong and I hope that VEDICS will become more of a

Social Organization based on Sri Vaishanva principles. As a community

we have lot of catching up to do.



Venkatesh Elayavilli



> We Srivaishnavas spend most of our time tending to the alankaram but


> any time having a snanam! We praise Bhashyakara is hyperbolic terms


> Sriperumbudur remains a deserted dirty dump. The very birthplace of

> Bhashyakara is in an appaling state of neglect. The Jiyar - H.H.


> Varada Yatiraja Jiyar has to spend his own pension to maintain the


> which is virtually crumbling. Those who have some power have sold

off the

> temple property for personal gains and the gold has been stripped

from the

> Vimanam to make jewellery for their wives and daughters! Maybe we


> leave the alankaram till after we have had a thorough snanam.


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