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Gayatri Manthra

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Respected Sir:


Please forgive the writer if any errors have crept in. He is attemping to

reply with the the best of his knowledge and interests.


In a simplistic way, Gayathri is the Mother of the Vedas. The Vedas

themselves have proclaimed thus. The Sandhyavandanam is the one and only

Upasana which alongwith the Gayathri Mantra has to be performed/chanted as

per the VEDAS, not any human/Rishi or God. Vedas are not Gods as you may

by now be aware.


The Sun was and continues to be the centre of all human influences,

activities and thoughts. This has been so over since the birth of time.

Apart from the Sun, the waters, earth, air, space, fire etc. are the most

ancient and original elements without which man cannot function even a

single second.


Therefore, in its eternal and all pervading wisdom inherent in the VEDAS,

the VEDAS themselves have proclaimed that these are to be thanked, thought

- off, meditated upon by man so that the VEDAS may not be disturbed by

anti-social, problem entities like Rakshasas, devils, evil forces and so

on. For instance, In modern day parlance, these evil forces are the so

called "terrorists"


The VEDAS have compressed the entire cosmos, gods, everything into a simple

capsule containing the ritual of Sandhyavandanam. It includes prayers,

saranagathi, thanksgiving, confession, asking for pardon,

introspection,protection , request for MENTAL strength to every concievable

entity, living or otherwise. The unity of the universe is enshrined in the

various Sandya rituals/prayers. Water is accorded the highest place

alongwith Prana and both are given extraordinary powers equal to the

nuclear weapons which we talk of now. Hence, knowing well that in the

morning before Sunrise in case any force or entity tries to disrupt the

Sun's birth, the VEDAS have invested the powers to various gods etc.

through their respective residences like water, fire, air to become

transformed into a potent weapon capable of killing or preventing the evil

forces to stop the Sun from rising.


Similarly, in the afternnon and in the evening. Therefore, in the

mornings, since the Sun is at its lowest and weakest, about to be born, it

requires more support and hence the argyam offered is thrice, while in the

afternnon, the Sun having risen to its full glory has acquired strength and

power and does not need much support, hence the argyam is offered twice,

while in the evening as it is about to retire after a tired day, just at

the point of waning its powers, glory are comparatively weaker and hence

the argyam offered is thrice. The argyam is the single most important

activity which when combined with Pranayama benefits the Sun. Inside the

Sun the Gods reside, including Vishnu.


Agni and water and similar. Water is fire but in a different form.


Gayathri is not the woman whom Brahma married to the best of the writer's

knowledge. Gayathri is the the Divine Mother of the VEDAS. QED


This one supposes answers your first question.


As regards the second query: The Mantra is accorded highest improtance for

the simple reason everything which all of us do is as per the VEDAS and our

origin is the VEDAS. And the VEDAS have declared this Mantra. Hence this is

a primary mantra before anything else is to be chanted. If you do not

respect the policies laid down by the CEO, then even if you function

efficiently, effectively have your own creative ideas and profit the

company, it will not be acceptable. The CEO is the CEO and he is the man

who pays you. So you have no choice but to adhere to his policies/vision.


Amercian Express has this policy of not tying up with Mastercard or

Visacard, but will continue to have its own unique identiy as AMEX card.

This is their policy, their stand, their focus, and mission statement. An

employee of Amex cannot for the sake of enhancing the profit etc. break

this basic policy nor can he question its wisdom.


Similarly, the writer has heard numerous authoratative scholars, sages and

wise men constantly declare that without Sandhya no worship, no prayer,no

chanting,no divine work can be undertaken. After Sandhya it does not

matter whether one worships, chants, prays or does any pooja/divine work.

Everything is immaterial provided Sandhya is done scruplously.


It is a mandatory social, religions, divine responsibility to be discharged

until one breathes his last.


As regard the third query : This was there even before Sage Vishwamitra.

Sage Vishwamitra happened to be the Divine Vehicle choosen by the VEDAS to

reveal their glory.


Regarding your fourth Query : The deva is "Savita" one residing inside the

Sun and enabling the Sun to function.


Your fifth query : The writer will try to checkout and revert as and when

he gets the information.





IT'. So, as you steadily continue to do the Sandhyavandanam, with the

Gayathri chanting regularly, then something is bound to change inside your

mind/heart and this will perhaps, give you some insights into some of the

questions you are faced with.


Om Tat Sat

Tat Tvam Asi

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