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Gayatri Manthra

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Sri Krishnaya Namah!


Thanks a lot for a detailed explanation. I am in the process of getting a

detailed book on Sandhyavandanam from Tulasi Thota, Bangalore.


In the meanwhile, I still have few queries:


1. There is a sloka in the Sandhyavandanam - "dhyeya sada savithramandala

madhyavarthi; narayanaha sarasijasana, sannivishtahaha, keyuravan,

makarakundalavan, kiritihari ............ savithranamaka lakshminarayana

preraneya lakshminaraya prithyartham......" With this, can we deduce

Savithramandala madhyavarthi as Srimannarayana. I could not understand

much with my limited knowledge on Sanskrit.


2. Also, you said Savita lies inside Sun. Can you elaborate on Savita.

Is it Lord Srimannarayana.


3. Who is the author for this Naimisthika karma. Or is it a part of Karma

Kanda(first part) of Vedas


4. There are various types of this karma depending on veda - yajurveda,

rigveda etc., Why is that so. Why can't it be combined as a single capsule

(as you said below) and given to us.


5. How do we know our veda. Is it only by our ancestors, or is it dependent

on our Gothra, as you know, same gothras is allocated for different class

of people and this is very complex structure.


Hope you have time to answer these. Thanks for your time.




PS: Last but not the least, elders say in my household that if Gayathri

Manthra chanted daily for a period of 7 years, Gayathri follows you like a





Sri Krishnaparabrahmane Namah!

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Dear Sriman Sukumar and Ramachandran,


we are supposed to chant gAyatrI as dvijas. other than that there is

no attacehment to it in the sampradAyam. In fact, we are not supposed

to do any upAsanAs.


participating in laksha/akhaNda gAyatrI japam etc. does not go well

with the sampradAyam.


gAyatrI is not any female deity and hence not mother of any

scripture, as per our sampradAyam. SrImAn SrIbhAshyam appalAchArya

swAmI has clarified this in his works. Also there is a beautiful

explanation given for the gAyatrI mantra as I said earlier.


It is SrIman nArAyaNa, the mother and father of everything

("pitAhamasya jagatah.." bhagavad gItA)


we are not supposed to do any upAsanA but involve in kainkaryam.


In the temple premises, we have to face the presdiing deity i.e.

SrImannAryANa's archA form, and not east or west, while doing sandhyA

vandanam. However, sandhyAvandanam can be skipped or postponed when

we are busy with kainkaryams. This is what SrImAn TK GopAlAchArya

swAmI's sandhyA vandanam book says.


It is worth thinking of "naharam aruL purindhu.." pASuram of ALwArs

in this context.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

VinjmaUri SrImahAvishNu SarmA


ramanuja, sukumar <sukumar@k...> wro


> Sri Krishnaya Namah!


> Thanks a lot for a detailed explanation. I am in the process of

getting a

> detailed book on Sandhyavandanam from Tulasi Thota, Bangalore.


> In the meanwhile, I still have few queries:


> 1. There is a sloka in the Sandhyavandanam - "dhyeya sada


> madhyavarthi; narayanaha sarasijasana, sannivishtahaha, keyuravan,

> makarakundalavan, kiritihari ............ savithranamaka


> preraneya lakshminaraya prithyartham......" With this, can we


> Savithramandala madhyavarthi as Srimannarayana. I could not


> much with my limited knowledge on Sanskrit.


> 2. Also, you said Savita lies inside Sun. Can you elaborate on


> Is it Lord Srimannarayana.


> 3. Who is the author for this Naimisthika karma. Or is it a part

of Karma

> Kanda(first part) of Vedas


> 4. There are various types of this karma depending on veda -


> rigveda etc., Why is that so. Why can't it be combined as a single


> (as you said below) and given to us.


> 5. How do we know our veda. Is it only by our ancestors, or is it


> on our Gothra, as you know, same gothras is allocated for different


> of people and this is very complex structure.


> Hope you have time to answer these. Thanks for your time.


> Sukumar


> PS: Last but not the least, elders say in my household that if


> Manthra chanted daily for a period of 7 years, Gayathri follows you

like a

> shadow.




> Sri Krishnaparabrahmane Namah!

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Dear Shri Vishnu,

Your post was wonderful. It exactly reflects our sampradayam as per

the views of our Acharyas. Just one question/clarification.


> In fact, we are not supposed to do any upAsanAs.

We can do upAsanAs. Shri Ramanujar in fact insists that the upAsanA

phase(Dharma Jignyasa) should exists in one's life cycle. But, whom

do we worship through such upAsanA, should an upAsanA be done as a

means for something or should it be done after realizing the

swaroopam are the subjects of discussion. As per our sampradayam,

upAsanA must be done only to Lord Sriman Narayana and that upAsanA

must be done to make him happy, and not expecting any boon or miracle

or help back from him. There are people who perform Sudharshana

Yagnyam etc, saying that it is for the welfare of the family of the

person who performs it. That very intent is not recommended by our

sampradayam. If the same yagnyam was done as per the karma kandam i.e

the dharmam, since these dharmams(vedas) are defined by the lord, by

doing these we make him happy and hence, the sampradayam itself

supports it.

I guess what you meant was those upAsanAs that are "Kamyartham" i.e

that are done for one's benefit.


Please feel free to correct me if I were wrong.



Dear Sukumar,

> With this, can we deduce Savithramandala madhyavarthi as

> Srimannarayana.


Yes. What you have said is correct. Dhye sadha savithru mandala

madhyavarthi Narayana sarasija asana sannivishtaha.. Keyuravan magara

kuntalavan kruteehaari hiranmyavapuhu dhruta "shanka chakraha" -> Is

very much the Surya Narayana.


In fact, we have to do all our dharma karyams as per the Vedas. And

via those karyams, we show our gratefulness to the inner controller,

i.e the paramatma and make him feel happy by doing what he has asked

(not expecting anything in return though). That is why, when we say

the manthra devata, we attach the paramatma too i.e

Savita Devata Paramatma Devata

Shri Mahavishnu Paramatma Shriman Narayano Devata

etc. This is to mean, we do the upAsanA to the devata and through

that devata in turn to the Paramatma who is the actual controller of

that devata. So, pretty much everything in this world could be

worshipped, provided the worship is done to the inner controller, the

omni-present lord. And for those, who cannot worship in such a way,

it is better to stick to the Lord's particular form i.e for Ex:

"Sa Shanka Chakram Cha Kireeda Kundalam

Sa Peetha Vashtram Cha Rasirugekshanam

Sa Haara Vaksha Sthala Shobi Kausthubham

Namami Vishnum Sirasa Chathur Bhujam"

[The one who has the Conch shell, the mighty Discus, the Crown and

the Rings, the Beauty Yello dress, the Kausthubam beed! I bow and

worship that Vishnu, the one with the Four Hands]



Ramanuja Dasan

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ramanuja, "Lakshmi Narasimhan"

<nrusimhan@h...> wrote:

> Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

> Dear Shri Vishnu,

> Your post was wonderful. It exactly reflects our sampradayam as per

> the views of our Acharyas. Just one question/clarification.


Dear SrimAn narasimhan,


kindly forgive me for my blabberings.


By upAsanA, I meant kAmya worship only and not any ArAdhanam, ritual,

or some other act done in the mood of kainkaryam or in the mood of

acquiring knowledge.. I said "we are not supposed to do any upAsana

but involve in kainkaryam" in my prev mail.


adiyen rAmAnuja dAsan




> > In fact, we are not supposed to do any upAsanAs.

> We can do upAsanAs. Shri Ramanujar in fact insists that the upAsanA

> phase(Dharma Jignyasa) should exists in one's life cycle. But, whom

> do we worship through such upAsanA, should an upAsanA be done as a

> means for something or should it be done after realizing the

> swaroopam are the subjects of discussion. As per our sampradayam,

> upAsanA must be done only to Lord Sriman Narayana and that upAsanA

> must be done to make him happy, and not expecting any boon or


> or help back from him. There are people who perform Sudharshana

> Yagnyam etc, saying that it is for the welfare of the family of the

> person who performs it. That very intent is not recommended by our

> sampradayam. If the same yagnyam was done as per the karma kandam


> the dharmam, since these dharmams(vedas) are defined by the lord,


> doing these we make him happy and hence, the sampradayam itself

> supports it.

> I guess what you meant was those upAsanAs that are "Kamyartham" i.e

> that are done for one's benefit.


> Please feel free to correct me if I were wrong.



> Dear Sukumar,

> > With this, can we deduce Savithramandala madhyavarthi as

> > Srimannarayana.


> Yes. What you have said is correct. Dhye sadha savithru mandala

> madhyavarthi Narayana sarasija asana sannivishtaha.. Keyuravan


> kuntalavan kruteehaari hiranmyavapuhu dhruta "shanka chakraha" ->


> very much the Surya Narayana.


> In fact, we have to do all our dharma karyams as per the Vedas. And

> via those karyams, we show our gratefulness to the inner


> i.e the paramatma and make him feel happy by doing what he has asked

> (not expecting anything in return though). That is why, when we say

> the manthra devata, we attach the paramatma too i.e

> Savita Devata Paramatma Devata

> Shri Mahavishnu Paramatma Shriman Narayano Devata

> etc. This is to mean, we do the upAsanA to the devata and through

> that devata in turn to the Paramatma who is the actual controller


> that devata. So, pretty much everything in this world could be

> worshipped, provided the worship is done to the inner controller,


> omni-present lord. And for those, who cannot worship in such a way,

> it is better to stick to the Lord's particular form i.e for Ex:

> "Sa Shanka Chakram Cha Kireeda Kundalam

> Sa Peetha Vashtram Cha Rasirugekshanam

> Sa Haara Vaksha Sthala Shobi Kausthubham

> Namami Vishnum Sirasa Chathur Bhujam"

> [The one who has the Conch shell, the mighty Discus, the Crown and

> the Rings, the Beauty Yello dress, the Kausthubam beed! I bow and

> worship that Vishnu, the one with the Four Hands]


> Adiyen,

> Ramanuja Dasan

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ramanuja, s.ramachandran@h... wrote:



> >

> Similarly, in the afternnon and in the evening. Therefore, in the

> mornings, since the Sun is at its lowest and weakest, about to be

born, it

> requires more support and hence the argyam offered is thrice, while

in the

> afternnon, the Sun having risen to its full glory has acquired

strength and

> power and does not need much support, hence the argyam is offered


> while in the evening as it is about to retire after a tired day,

just at

> the point of waning its powers, glory are comparatively weaker and


> the argyam offered is thrice. The argyam is the single most


> activity which when combined with Pranayama benefits the Sun.


Dear Sriman Ramachandran,


My intention is not to dig out the archives but to bring out an

interesting point.


In BhagavdgIta, Krishna says:


yadAditya gatam tEjah

jagat bhAsayatEkhilam

yat chandramapi yacchAgnau

tat tEjO viddhi mAmakam.


>From this, it is to be understood that Sun, Moon, Fire etal. are

supported by the Lord and they do not need our arghyam for making

them strong.


Then why arghyam?


Lord Krishna says in gItA:


patram pushpam phalam tOyam

yO mE bhaktyA prayachhati

tadaham bhaktyupahrutam

aSnAmi prayatAtmanah


Whether we offer Him a leaf, fruit, or some water out of love, He

accepts them.


We are supposed to offer arghyam to SrImannArAyaNa during sandhyA in

the same mood.


Ramanuja Dasan


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