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Gayatri Manthra / impact

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The writer is extremely pleased to note your interest. He will try to

gather as much as relevant and correct information and revert to you and



For the time being, he will address your post script i.e. Gayathri

following like a Shadow if said for 7 years. This may be put differently.

If even once, repeat, once the Gayathi is said with full focus, then you

will be enveloped in the shadow of the Gayathri and will fall under Her

divine protection. you need not wait for 7 years, not even 7 seconds !!!

.. Gayathri does not follow. It/She is there all pervading in Subtle sound

form in every nook and corner. It is simply we mortals are not capable to

tap the benefit/glory of the Gayathri being occupied with our day-to-day

routines, problems, pursuits.


Can you hear the high frequency sound issued by the bat ? But the other

bats can hear. The FM radio which you hear is through a radio/receiver and

not with your naked ears. In and around you the glory /benefits of the

Gayathri is surrounded and all pervading. You have to chant and tap the

impact. In Yoga, the stage initially is called Pratyahara. i.e. deprive the

5 senses of their ahara or food i.e. sensations and then you are already

tuned in to a different frequency/wavelength which will enable you to tap

the divinity around.


This is not an idle declaration. Please believe this implicitly


Please continue with your good efforts in this direction. Perhaps with

your sincerity wars can stop !!!


Om Tat Sat

Tat Tvam Asi




Please forgive the writer if any errors have crept in.

He is attemping to reply with the the best of his knowledge and interests.


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