Guest guest Posted June 1, 2003 Report Share Posted June 1, 2003 > > > If person A is God and person B is the jeeva. A > controls B > totally. > > >B is totally dependent on A. B cannot do any > activites on his own > > >(meaning no free will). This is the scenario. > Suppose if B > performs > > >something sinful, it is understand that actually > it is person A > who > > >is actually the doer. Given this, how can person > A tell person > > >B, "hey, you have done this and not done that, so > you go to hell > for > > >that, or undergo karmic reactions for this". UNQUOTE: Dear Sriman Soundararajan, According to karmA theory, God not only sends US to hell but also to heaven. But we should not aspire for either. So it is He Who is actually making us do and also giving the results. That is His lIlA. QUOTE: > > > > >Sounds totally illogical, right?? In other words, > if A is the > > >ultimate doer of things, how can he ask B to do > things like "Ask > > >questions" or "Don't do this" or even > "Surrender"?? I mean, isn't > it > > >totally illogical if person A even asks B to do > anything at all, > > >given that A is actually the doer?? UNQUOTE: at more than one place in gItA, He says I am the actual doer. For example, SrI rAmAnuja bhAshya for gItA says at SlOka 9.6, "sakalEtara nirapEkshasya Bhagavatah sankalpAt sarvEshAm sthitih pravruttih" which means "the existence and actions of evrybody is due to the sankalpa of the Lord Who is independent of all enitities other than Him". He can simply take all of us to Vaikunta. But He will take only when He wishes. As long as we are alive (at least those Who believe in Him), He wants us to be in the mood of paripUrNa SEsha vrutti or complete subservience. Encouraging us to ask questions, telling dos and donts and asking to take shelter in Him, all are His own ways of endearing us to Him. For Him whether we do bhakti or karma yOga does not matter. he stands as the upAya on His own! QUOTE: > > > > > > > > * With respect to Nirhetukam which means, > "Causeless Mercy". > Well, > > >the same Bhagavad Gita, which speaks about Karma > Yoga, Jnana > Yoga, > > >Bhakti Yoga and finally Prapatti, somehow fails > to talk about > > >the "Causeless Mercy" of the lord. UNQUOTE: SrI rAmAnuja bhAshya speaks of it, though the AchArya does not use that particular word. Neither Krishna nor Alwars say "do not pray to Him, do not choose Him" etc. When Krishna is starightaway speaking to arjuna, why should He say "u do all sinful activities, I will still liberate you?". but He even says that! ((at the end). of course, He does not say "do sins", buT "i will deliver u from all ur sins". In our sampradAya, both puNya and pApa are undesirable (iruvinai) and it is the Lord who liberates from such karmAs. QUOTE: > > > > > > >Perumal only says, "surrender, do >this, do > that". Not in a > single > > >verse has he said, "Just surrender >unto me > mentally and remain a > > >vegetable physically". No. UNQUOTE: That is how we are supposed to be. That is called "achitvat pAratantryam" or considering oursleves to be like a non-sentient object at His disposal. QUOTE: > > > > > > > > Can I surrender to an Acarya, have > Samashrayanam done and > > >mentally pray to Perumal, "I am yours. I have > surrendered unto > You. > > >Whatver I do, You are the Karta", and then end > up watching a > nice > > >episode of Seinfeld?? Meaning, does it reflect > the traits of a > > >prapanna?? UNQUOTE: U can pray to Him with or without samASrayaNam! Actually the "tApa" part of samASrayaNam symbolizes the achtitvat pAratantryam mentioned by adiyen above. This means our body and the soul in it are like temple vessels with chakra drawn on them and are meant only for bhagavad bhAgavata kainkaryam. This is in accordance with how Sri Bhattar defines the jIva in ashtaSlOkI. Also dandavath praNAmam or falling like a stick before elders (prostration) only once, symbolizes achitvath pAratantryam. I dont know who is Seinfield. If yo have faith in the AchArya's words, u will indulge in paripUrNa SEsha vrtti or complete subservience and hence do things only in the mood of kainkaryam. Also AchArya samASrayaNam is not the key but AchArya abhimAnam or the concern AchArya has for us and the confidence hegives to us is important. That is considered to be uttArakam (spiritually uplifting) by our AchAryas and not samASrayaNam. QUOTE: > > > > * Based on what has appealed to my logic (which is totally inferior > >and flawed), I am of the opinion that we do have a bare minimum of > >free will. Based on that free will, we exercise options, we choose. > >We choose to surrender or not surrender. If we don't surrender, then > >again we get lost in this cycle of samsara. UNQUOTE: Sri Bhattar says we do not have any free will. It is the divine couple who choose us. That is what Sri Bhattar says in "Ahur vEdAn amAnam..." SlOka of SrI guNa ratna kOSa. As I already wrote, if we think we have chosen Him, we have done something to win Him, such thoughts involve ego. That is why we believe that even the belief in Him is out of His grace. So it is a matter of belief and cannot be proved. The concept of nirhEtuka krpA is logical if we want to be wihout any ego (at least on a spiritual platform - which may slowly extend to materialistic platform and transform us into good citizens in the mood of service). If we think sAttvika ahankAra etc. we can have, nirhEtuka krupA is illogical. As I already wrote, if somedbody knows that He is the Supreme and He is the deliverer, will he still say "I want to exercise the option of keeping away from Him?". So it is a matter of conviction and not a matter of choice. We believe He only gives such knowledge. QUOTE: > > > > > If we do surrender, then Perumal grants us Moksha. Like Sri > >Lakshmi Narayanan pointed out, perumal grants moksha to people are > >perceived to be undeserving too, like Sisupala, etc. That is his > >causeless mercy, or Nirhetuka Kripai. Or in other words, Nirhetuka > >Kripai cannot be perceived to be the ONLY means of Moksham. > UNQUOTE: As far as AlwArs and AchAryas are concerned, that is the only means. QUOTE: > > > > > * The third idea that is suggested is this: We surrender, but still > >perumal chooses to grant moksha or not, based on his will. I think > >it is a very dangerous, demotivating point. Historically, there has > >never been a case in which Perumal had failed to offer Moksha to > >somebody who had surrendered. He might have tested them, like Sri > >Thondaradippodi AzhwAr, but had never failed to offer to them Moksha. > UNQUOTE: I agree with you on this. > QUOTE: > > * The same Carama Shloka ends with the phrase, "Ma Sucah", > >means "do not fear". How many times has Perumal used words > >like "Asamsayah" which means, "do not doubt", or even words > >like "Satyam", which means "Promise"!! The same perumal who has used > >very powerful, assuring words like the above, cannot fail to offer > >Moksha to a fully surrendered person. UNQUOTE: He Himself choses such a person, and that person will not be making any effort but simply relying on Him i.e. fully surrendered, as He has made that jeeva devoid of ahankAra and mamakAra. > QUOTE: > > * So, the crux of the matter is this: Instead of just relying on > >the "Nirhetuka Kripa" of perumal, it is a good idea for us to follow > >His instructions. Accept an AcAryan. Surrender unto Him. And follow > >the spiritual practices as laid down by him. Why?? Because Perumal > >says so. UNQUOTE: In our sampradAyam, we need to believe in His nirhEtuka krupA or His being the upAya and upEya. We cannot rely on anything else. That is what AchAryas of our sampradAya preach and we need to have faith in them. We have to do anushtAnams or spirtual practices (vAzhvinai and adimai). Wihout anushtAnams, life is considered to be meaningless like u quoted the example of watching some Senfield. these anushtAnams are meant only for making our life meaningful. Again it is PerumAL who puts us in such SEsha vrtti, says Bhattar in ashtaSlOkI. The only anushtAna we need to do for mOksha is NOT doing anything or NOT rejecting His krupA. QUOTE: > > > > > * Well, stickers to the idea of "ONLY-NIRHETUKA KRIPA" can raise > >this wonderful point: They can say that it is the same Perumal who > >makes a person surrender unto him. Meaning, if one is even remotely > >interested in Bhagavath Vishayam, it is just because of the mercy of > >Perumal alone, or in other words, Perumal chooses his surrenderers. > UNQUOTE: That is what SrI rAmAnuja says in gItA bhAshya, for SlOka 8.14. first he gives a gist of the SlOka which speaks of the yOgI with his thoughts fixed on the Lord and syas the Lord is easily accessible to him. The SrI rAmAnuja further explains: "suprApScha tadviyOgam asahamAnah aham Eva tam vrNE" which means "I, the bhakta sulabha, only choose the jIva as I am not able to bear his separation". The AchArya says perumAL will remove all impediments for such a chosen jIva. He qotes the upanishat statement "yamEvaisha vrNutE tEna labhyah". one may ask how He is able to bear the separation of other jIvas. for this He only knows the reason. actually that is what SrI nammALwAr conveys thru "thirumAlirumjOlai" padhigam. One may please post the meaning of "thirumAl thanbAl..." pASuram of ThiruvAimozhi nUtthandhadhi. QUOTE: > > >We don't have any free-will, and anybody who even "chooses" to > >surrender does so because of Perumal's Nirhetuka Kripa. But then the > >counter-point is that, then Bhagavad Gita is just a stage-show for > >Perumal. Since, he chooses his prapannas, he is just joking when he > >says things like "Surrender unto me.." etc. > UNQUOTE: He is not joking. He is saying take me as your means for liberation (mAmEkam SaraNam vraja). I learnt that entire Bhagavad gItA can be interpreted in accordance with divya prabandham. But we need to approach the right AchArya for that. However, a dispassionate self-study referring to rAmAnuja bhAshya (which is very much encouraged in our vaidika system under the name "svAdhyAyam") will greatly help but one needs to apporach an AchArya for clarification on certain issues. AzhwAr emperumANAr Jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saranam. Dasan, Vishnu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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