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Sripedia is now an official contributor to ibiblio.org, which at a

practical level means that web-space and bandwidth are abundantly

and freely available to Sripedia, so relevant content elements such as

sound and images may now be added.


A copy of the site can be found at http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia.


Here are some ideas of content that fit in with sripedia's charter

that may now be streamed of the web.


1. Video of Sandhyavandanam being performed

2. Vedic chanting to assist in veda-adhyanam.

3. Divya Prabhandam in santhai form.

4. Upanyasams on Upanisads, Brahma Sutras, & Gita.

5. other contributions/suggestions welcome...


If anyone is interested in helping to produce/procure the content

or has other suggestions please let me know.



Srinivasan Sriram

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Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:

Srimad Vara Vara Munaye nama:


Dear Sriram,

I don't have the resources to help you out wrt your first

4 points but I'm going to suggest something. Just as you put the

actual text of Brahma Sutram(samskrt with English translation by

Thibaut),is it possible for you to put both the maNipravALam text and

its English translation of the two gems of collections namely Sri

Vacana BhuShaNam and AcArya Hrdayam(which explains Sri Ramanuja

sampradayam in nutshell)? I would give my heart and soul for this

task. Please let me know about this.

Best Regards

AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE sharaNam

NC Nappinnai

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How can anyone scan in old texts. That way we can store the info.

If you can find out what tools are needed and how one can do that it

will be great





S. Sriram [ajiva_rts]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:05 PM

Oppiliappan; ramanuja

ibiblio & content contributions



Sripedia is now an official contributor to ibiblio.org, which at a

practical level means that web-space and bandwidth are abundantly

and freely available to Sripedia, so relevant content elements such as

sound and images may now be added.


A copy of the site can be found at http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia.


Here are some ideas of content that fit in with sripedia's charter

that may now be streamed of the web.


1. Video of Sandhyavandanam being performed

2. Vedic chanting to assist in veda-adhyanam.

3. Divya Prabhandam in santhai form.

4. Upanyasams on Upanisads, Brahma Sutras, & Gita.

5. other contributions/suggestions welcome...


If anyone is interested in helping to produce/procure the content

or has other suggestions please let me know.



Srinivasan Sriram








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"krishna kashyap" <kkalale1



> How can anyone scan in old texts. That way we can store the info.

> If you can find out what tools are needed and how one can do that it

> will be great



The process of bringing out a text electronically involves the following

Note: A variantof this process was used for the Sri bhasya


1. A copyright clearance process.

Depending on the text in question, and the need for distribution this

would be one of the following

a) All texts "first" printed pre-1923 are free of copyright as a general


of thumb.

b) For those printed later permission from either the author, publisher or



2. Scanning in

All this requires is a $49-$69 scanner for most works and once attached

to a computer this can be easily scanned in. The files are typically saved

in .png format to take advantage of space etc.


3. OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

Typically, the scanner comes with OCR software. For english texts the

scanned image can be OCR'd to produce raw digital text output. This

will typically have numerous errors and would need proofing

Although recently a Sanskrit OCR has been announced by Dr.

Venugopal http://www.cedar.buffalo.edu/ILT it's efficacy is yet to

be determined. For Tamil texts none exist, although I have been working

with Project Madurai who are now testing out the Distributed Proofreading

software url - http://www.tamil.net/projectmadurai



4. Proofread the OCR'd text.

This can be done manually or through the use of a Distributed Proofreading


for. e.g. http://www.pgdp.net


5. Release the e-text

If it is copyright free, typically at the start of the process one would use

the legal

services of a group such as Project guttenbewrg to ensure that it is free of

copyright free and subsequetly Project Guttenberg would e-release it in




Since images etc. take up significant web-space i.e. in the gigabytes

besides needing wide exposure, sripedia.org has gained official status

with ibiblio giving it wide exposure, mirroring on mulitple locations


and access to as-large-as needed web space and bandwidth. Note

archive.org is way beyond tera and now reaching petabytes in storage.


Please feel free to ask me any further questions that you may have.



Srinivasan Sriram

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Dear sri Krishna


This is not a problem, I have scanned in 100 year old texts.

Because the quality is not that great, I first make a photocopy using

some of the advanced copiers and then scan that. This gives a very

good quality (compared to the original). Once i scan them, I save them

to PDF using Acrobat. The resulting files are very compact and easy to

view across platforms. Once the setup is done, it took me about less

than 1mnt per page (with a feeder its much easier).


The problem with some ofthe old tamil books on Sri Viashnavam, is they

are mixed with grantham, sanskrit and telugu. So an OCR is close to

impossible for these books. If I were you, I would recommend using PDF

for storing the scanned texts. this preserves the original font face

and all the characteristics of the original print.


please see:




The text of interest is the GPP 6000.


Iam in the process of scanning a 1909 publication of Sri

Vaccanabhushanam along with commentaries by Sri Manavala mamuni and

Sri Tirunarayanpuratt ay, one of Sri manavala mamuni's teachers.




venkatesh elayavalli




ramanuja, "krishna kashyap" <kkalale1@s...>


> How can anyone scan in old texts. That way we can store the info.

> If you can find out what tools are needed and how one can do that it

> will be great


> krishna


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"elayavalli" <elayavalli


> The text of interest is the GPP 6000.


> Iam in the process of scanning a 1909 publication of Sri

> Vaccanabhushanam along with commentaries by Sri Manavala mamuni and

> Sri Tirunarayanpuratt ay, one of Sri manavala mamuni's teachers.



Others on this list have earlier expressed a desire to transcribe the Sri

Vaccanabhushanam. I agree that OCR is almost completely valueless,

however Project Madurai has now installed the Distributed Proofing

and they focus on Tamil etext preparation, i.e. see the image and key in

the transcription.

It maybe of value to consider using this approach once the book is scanned


You may look at http://www.tamil.net/projectmadurai for more details

on PM, their Proofing site is still being tested, those interested may

request me separately for its url.



Srinivasan Sriram

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