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Sri Vedanta Desikar's lOkachArya Panchasat - Text 4

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Srimate Ramanujaya Nama:


Srimath Varavara Munaye Nama:



Text 4


muhurnathvA mUrdhnA vinathavividApad praSamanE


SaTArE: pAdAbjE madurkavidEvasya SaraNE |


idam yAcE vAcA - apyalakavakuLALIparigaLat


madhULImAdhuryam mama vacanabhangyAm sa diSathu ||




vinatha vivida Apad praSamanE - The person who drives away all dangers

approaching his devotees; madurkavidEvasya - To Madurakavi; SaraNE - that which

constantly showers protection and grace; SaTArE: pAdAbjE - the lotus feet of

SatagOpan (nammAzhwAr); muhu: - repeatedly; mUrdhnA - with one's head; nathvA -

offering obeisances; sa: - that nammAzhwAr; alaka vakuLALI parigaLat madhULI

mAdhuryam - like the sweetness of the honey flowing from the of the Magizha

flowers hanging as a beautiful garland decorating his eyebrows; mama - my

(mine); vacana bhangyAm - smart-talking ability; diSathu - let him shower his

blessings; idam - this desire; vAcA api - also by mouth; yAcE - am offering my





The magizhA flower is quite famously assoiciated with Swami nammAzhwAr.

"nAtkamazh malarmAlai mArbinan mARan Satagopan" says nammAzhwAr in his

ThiruvAimozhi (4-10-11). Likewise, Thirumangai AzhwAr is known for his liking to

the muLLI flower garland, and lotus garland is periyAzhwAr's speciality. The

verses "muLLich chezhumalarOr thArAn - sIrk kaliyan" (the thanian of siriya

thirumadal), "aNipuduvai paingamalath thaNtheriyal battarpirAn" (thiruppavai 30)

are famous. "Let Swami nammazhwAr bless me so that my verses in this lOkachArya

panchasat get the sweetness like the honey from his magizha garland contains",

prays Swami Desikan, just like Madhurakavi AzhwAr who says "mEvinEn avan ponnadi

meymmayE" (kaNNinuNsirutthAmbu 2) and surrenders to the lotus feet of Swami



AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLe Saranam.




Kidambi Soundararajan.








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