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GPP-27(Sri IlaiyAzhwAr Vaibhavam-14)

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe Ramanujaya namaha


Sri Vara Vara munaye Namaha




Sri ILaiyAzhwAr Vaibhavam-14




On sending his wife back to her parents place, IlaiyAzhwar decided to take up

sanyasam as per the verse, “ellaramallEl thuravaram”. Swamy was forced to take

up this decision since he felt that it was not wise enough to live a lifetime

with such a wife who didn’t even help him out to welcome visitors (athithi

sathkAram) in the proper way, which was an important duty of a gruhasthan

(“athithisathkArayokyaiyendrikE prathikoolayAi erukkira bhAryaiyai savAsanamAga

tyajiththu sanyasikkakkadavan”). So lLaiyAzhwar decided to sacrifice this

samsaram and hence went to the thiruvanantha saras with the following verses

meditated in his mind, “ananthasarasi snAthvA vimAnas chAyayAnvithE I vimukthas

sarvapApEbhyO vishnulOkam sa gachchathi II”. On reaching the divine water

swamy took his divine dip with the verses, “samyagn nAgAhvayE theerthE vigAhya

gadhakilbhisha: I nirasthEtharabhOgAsO varadham sharaNangatha: II” reverberating

in his minds.




Swamy then did the sankalpam (take a oath) to sacrifice everything

(“yathOkthakAriNam bhikshum bhagavantham vA guruthvEnAngeekruthya

sanyAsAshramAsrayisyAmi”) and then reached the divine temple of pErarulAlan

(“thozhuthezhu thondargal thamakkup piNiyozhiththamarar peruvisumbharulum

pErarulAlar”) and recited the divine paasuram of azhvar, “thAyE thandhaiyendrum

thAramE kilaimakkalendrum nOyE pattozhindhEn” and then submitted his wish to

sacrifice this samsaram which has been like a disease separating him from

bhagavath bhAgavatha Acharya kainkaryams and requested emperuman to bless him

with only the service at his divine feet. And hence swamy humbly requested

perarulAlan to bless him with thrithaNdam, kAshAyam etc taking the position of

his acharya (“thrithaNdam vaishnAvam lingam viprANAm mukthi sAdhanam I nirmAnam

sarvadharmANAmithi vEdhAnusAsanam II”




PerarulAlan was highly pleased with iLaiyAzhwar’s request and hence he presented

the same through the archakar (“thrithaNda mupaveethanja vAsa: kowpeenavEshtanam

I sikyangavasamithyEthath pipruyAthyAvadhAyusham II”) and ordered iLaiyAzhwar to

adorn the thrithaNdam and kAshAyam till he lived here and also renamed him as

“erAmAnusa muni” and also ordered thirukkachchi nambigal, to go and leave

erAmAnusa muni in the mutt, “nammirAmAnusanai madaththilE vaiththuvArum” and

thereby thirukkachchi nambigal obliged to the same.




(To be continued)




AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam




Varadarajan Ramanuja dAsan


Sumithra Ramanuja dAsee














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