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The colour of Srichurnam: RED or Yellow

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Red color denotes HIS love and grace Grace. (Thayar)

(1: HIghtens the beauty & color of the LORD : Red on White)


(On a side note)Red color reflects the least energy, and is yet the most

effective for

the Human eye, if interested please reply to adiyen i will explain via personal



The yellow color is also used by Vaikhanasas Vaishnavas who do not undergo

Bharanyasam, (They undergo panchasamskaram while in thier Mother's womb)


BOTH Yellow and Red Srichurnam are made of turmeric (unprocessed: yellow)


The yellow variety is not mere turmeric powder;

it undergoes certain process before it is applied on our skin.


The red variety is turmeric mixed with lime, and also processed.


There is very small (minute) significance in the different color,

despite arguments to the contrary.


For both parties in Pancharatra system: SriChurnam represents the

presence of Lakshmi.


Some Sri Vaishnavas of the Desika Sampradaya wear

yellow SrIChurnam. Some wear red.


All the Thengalai sampradaya wear red SrIChurnam.


These arguments on color of Srichurnam did not exist during

Ramanuja, Lokacharya, Vedanatacharya or Mamunigal's time.

(they would have mentioned this in some work)


So these are new developments (about 200 to 300 years)

in our age old sampradaya (Starting from the Lord Himself),


It has become common in recent times for some to argue

that yellow SriChurnam alone is correct for Vadakalai based

Sri Vaishnavas. And some Acharyas have started making this a

standard to enforce.


This is baseless, I have seen many families, who were wearing Red,

stating vehemently that is what their ancestors had adorned.

Then One fine day, they change to Yellow as their Acharya has

told them to Change. (Going against Andal's teachings "SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom")


I have seen orthodox, extremely devout and knowledgable

Vadakalai Sri Vaishnavas wear the RED Srichurnam.

(authentic photographs of the first 20 or 30 Ahobila Mutt, Parakala Matt swamis



(IMHO:There is nothing wrong in openly dicussing these with our acharyas, as

long as

this is done very humbly and with the intent to learn, authentic acharyas will

be happy to help)

(Aunthentic Acharyas and Vaishnavas are free of Anger so one can discuss and

learn openly)

(Our Purvacharyas have questioned and learnt a lot from questioning

as shown in GuruParampara Prabhavam 6000 padi)


(PS: Adiyen also had questions on when the Seperate ritual Bharanyasam started,

as there is no mention of this for any of our purvacharyas, even for Swami


his history records his first harcut to shikha to upanayannam etc, But No INFo


whom he got Bharanyasams from. (Or any other acharyas got their Bharanyasams




One's personal practice should be dictated by family tradition.

If you know your father, grandfather used to wear red, stick with

what has been your family practice.


More details to follow, with Shastra proofs and personal reasearch


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"It has become common in recent times for some to argue

that yellow SriChurnam alone is correct for Vadakalai based

Sri Vaishnavas. And some Acharyas have started making this a

standard to enforce.


This is baseless, I have seen many families, who were wearing Red,

stating vehemently that is what their ancestors had adorned.

Then One fine day, they change to Yellow as their Acharya has

told them to Change. (Going against Andal's teachings "SeiiyaDhana



Dear Sriman Mukundan Pattangi:

I would like to express my total displeasure for the above comments.

They are very poor in taste. You are indeed telling that Sri Desika

Sampradhaya Acharyas who were telling their sishyas to wear yellow

srichrunam are doing SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom?? Swamin for me adiyen's

achraya is the supreme deity. Just to show the supremacy of the

Acharya Sri Namperumal showed his sishya bhakthi towards Sri

Mamunigal. Sri Mamunigal did not cry for Sri Ranganathan's grace but

he cried Swami SriBhashyakarar's grace in Aarthi Prabhandam. Swamin

it is your right to argue which form of Thiruman or Srichurnam is

correct based on your beliefs. I have no problem with that. But when

you start saying that Sri Desika sampradhaya people who were

following their Acharya's words are doing SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom, is

completely unacceptable. Those Acharyas have more anushtanams, more

sastra knowledge than you and me. And they are asking their sishyas

to follow certain things. What is your problem? You follow your

Acharya's words.

You say discuss issues with your Acharyas. Every sishya who is

curious about our sampradhyam ask all sorts of questions to their

acharyas. I don't think anyone needs your recommendation. But I

think you need to clarify things for yourself first. I was laughing

when you said, "The yellow color is also used by Vaikhanasas

Vaishnavas who do not undergo

Bharanyasam, (They undergo panchasamskaram while in thier Mother's

womb)". Because in many Vaikanasa agamas temple, Archakas do wear

red color sri chrunam.

Asking intelligent and inquisitive questions is one thing. But

making comments with half-boiled truth will only propagate hatred

among already divided SriVaishnava community. Please avoid hatred

filled half-boiled comments from your writings.


Adiyen Ramanujadasan Kannan




ramanuja, Pattangi <danp@u...> wrote:

> Sri:


> ======================================================

> Red color denotes HIS love and grace Grace. (Thayar)

> (1: HIghtens the beauty & color of the LORD : Red on White)


> (On a side note)Red color reflects the least energy, and is yet

the most effective for

> the Human eye, if interested please reply to adiyen i will explain

via personal mail)


> The yellow color is also used by Vaikhanasas Vaishnavas who do not


> Bharanyasam, (They undergo panchasamskaram while in thier Mother's


> ========================================================

> BOTH Yellow and Red Srichurnam are made of turmeric (unprocessed:


> ========================================================

> The yellow variety is not mere turmeric powder;

> it undergoes certain process before it is applied on our skin.


> The red variety is turmeric mixed with lime, and also processed.


> There is very small (minute) significance in the different color,

> despite arguments to the contrary.


> For both parties in Pancharatra system: SriChurnam represents the

> presence of Lakshmi.


> Some Sri Vaishnavas of the Desika Sampradaya wear

> yellow SrIChurnam. Some wear red.


> All the Thengalai sampradaya wear red SrIChurnam.


> These arguments on color of Srichurnam did not exist during

> Ramanuja, Lokacharya, Vedanatacharya or Mamunigal's time.

> (they would have mentioned this in some work)


> So these are new developments (about 200 to 300 years)

> in our age old sampradaya (Starting from the Lord Himself),


> It has become common in recent times for some to argue

> that yellow SriChurnam alone is correct for Vadakalai based

> Sri Vaishnavas. And some Acharyas have started making this a

> standard to enforce.


> This is baseless, I have seen many families, who were wearing Red,

> stating vehemently that is what their ancestors had adorned.

> Then One fine day, they change to Yellow as their Acharya has

> told them to Change. (Going against Andal's

teachings "SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom")


> I have seen orthodox, extremely devout and knowledgable

> Vadakalai Sri Vaishnavas wear the RED Srichurnam.

> (authentic photographs of the first 20 or 30 Ahobila Mutt,

Parakala Matt swamis )


> (IMHO:There is nothing wrong in openly dicussing these with our

acharyas, as long as

> this is done very humbly and with the intent to learn, authentic

acharyas will be happy to help)

> (Aunthentic Acharyas and Vaishnavas are free of Anger so one can

discuss and learn openly)

> (Our Purvacharyas have questioned and learnt a lot from


> as shown in GuruParampara Prabhavam 6000 padi)


> (PS: Adiyen also had questions on when the Seperate ritual

Bharanyasam started,

> as there is no mention of this for any of our purvacharyas, even

for Swami VedantaDesikan,

> his history records his first harcut to shikha to upanayannam etc,

But No INFo on

> whom he got Bharanyasams from. (Or any other acharyas got their

Bharanyasams from)



> One's personal practice should be dictated by family tradition.

> If you know your father, grandfather used to wear red, stick with

> what has been your family practice.

> ================================================

> More details to follow, with Shastra proofs and personal reasearch

> ================================================

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May I request with folded hands every one that there should not be any

misunderstanding on this subject of the color? I noted that there are

lot of different opinions on this topic. I think that we should follow

what the ancestors did and what our acharyas say. I think that there

should not be any more discussion on this topic. Let us not hurt any

one's sentiments. Let us pray for Sriman Narayana and Piratti for their



subhakan wrote:


> "It has become common in recent times for some to argue

> that yellow SriChurnam alone is correct for Vadakalai based

> Sri Vaishnavas. And some Acharyas have started making this a

> standard to enforce.


> This is baseless, I have seen many families, who were wearing Red,

> stating vehemently that is what their ancestors had adorned.

> Then One fine day, they change to Yellow as their Acharya has

> told them to Change. (Going against Andal's teachings "SeiiyaDhana

> Seiiyom")"


> Dear Sriman Mukundan Pattangi:

> I would like to express my total displeasure for the above comments.

> They are very poor in taste. You are indeed telling that Sri Desika

> Sampradhaya Acharyas who were telling their sishyas to wear yellow

> srichrunam are doing SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom?? Swamin for me adiyen's

> achraya is the supreme deity. Just to show the supremacy of the

> Acharya Sri Namperumal showed his sishya bhakthi towards Sri

> Mamunigal. Sri Mamunigal did not cry for Sri Ranganathan's grace but

> he cried Swami SriBhashyakarar's grace in Aarthi Prabhandam. Swamin

> it is your right to argue which form of Thiruman or Srichurnam is

> correct based on your beliefs. I have no problem with that. But when

> you start saying that Sri Desika sampradhaya people who were

> following their Acharya's words are doing SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom, is

> completely unacceptable. Those Acharyas have more anushtanams, more

> sastra knowledge than you and me. And they are asking their sishyas

> to follow certain things. What is your problem? You follow your

> Acharya's words.

> You say discuss issues with your Acharyas. Every sishya who is

> curious about our sampradhyam ask all sorts of questions to their

> acharyas. I don't think anyone needs your recommendation. But I

> think you need to clarify things for yourself first. I was laughing

> when you said, "The yellow color is also used by Vaikhanasas

> Vaishnavas who do not undergo

> Bharanyasam, (They undergo panchasamskaram while in thier Mother's

> womb)". Because in many Vaikanasa agamas temple, Archakas do wear

> red color sri chrunam.

> Asking intelligent and inquisitive questions is one thing. But

> making comments with half-boiled truth will only propagate hatred

> among already divided SriVaishnava community. Please avoid hatred

> filled half-boiled comments from your writings.


> Adiyen Ramanujadasan Kannan




> ramanuja, Pattangi <danp@u...> wrote:

> > Sri:

> >

> > ======================================================

> > Red color denotes HIS love and grace Grace. (Thayar)

> > (1: HIghtens the beauty & color of the LORD : Red on White)

> >

> > (On a side note)Red color reflects the least energy, and is yet

> the most effective for

> > the Human eye, if interested please reply to adiyen i will explain

> via personal mail)

> >

> > The yellow color is also used by Vaikhanasas Vaishnavas who do not

> undergo

> > Bharanyasam, (They undergo panchasamskaram while in thier Mother's

> womb)

> > ========================================================

> > BOTH Yellow and Red Srichurnam are made of turmeric (unprocessed:

> yellow)

> > ========================================================

> > The yellow variety is not mere turmeric powder;

> > it undergoes certain process before it is applied on our skin.

> >

> > The red variety is turmeric mixed with lime, and also processed.

> >

> > There is very small (minute) significance in the different color,

> > despite arguments to the contrary.

> >

> > For both parties in Pancharatra system: SriChurnam represents the

> > presence of Lakshmi.

> >

> > Some Sri Vaishnavas of the Desika Sampradaya wear

> > yellow SrIChurnam. Some wear red.

> >

> > All the Thengalai sampradaya wear red SrIChurnam.

> >

> > These arguments on color of Srichurnam did not exist during

> > Ramanuja, Lokacharya, Vedanatacharya or Mamunigal's time.

> > (they would have mentioned this in some work)

> >

> > So these are new developments (about 200 to 300 years)

> > in our age old sampradaya (Starting from the Lord Himself),

> >

> > It has become common in recent times for some to argue

> > that yellow SriChurnam alone is correct for Vadakalai based

> > Sri Vaishnavas. And some Acharyas have started making this a

> > standard to enforce.

> >

> > This is baseless, I have seen many families, who were wearing Red,

> > stating vehemently that is what their ancestors had adorned.

> > Then One fine day, they change to Yellow as their Acharya has

> > told them to Change. (Going against Andal's

> teachings "SeiiyaDhana Seiiyom")

> >

> > I have seen orthodox, extremely devout and knowledgable

> > Vadakalai Sri Vaishnavas wear the RED Srichurnam.

> > (authentic photographs of the first 20 or 30 Ahobila Mutt,

> Parakala Matt swamis )

> >

> > (IMHO:There is nothing wrong in openly dicussing these with our

> acharyas, as long as

> > this is done very humbly and with the intent to learn, authentic

> acharyas will be happy to help)

> > (Aunthentic Acharyas and Vaishnavas are free of Anger so one can

> discuss and learn openly)

> > (Our Purvacharyas have questioned and learnt a lot from

> questioning

> > as shown in GuruParampara Prabhavam 6000 padi)

> >

> > (PS: Adiyen also had questions on when the Seperate ritual

> Bharanyasam started,

> > as there is no mention of this for any of our purvacharyas, even

> for Swami VedantaDesikan,

> > his history records his first harcut to shikha to upanayannam etc,

> But No INFo on

> > whom he got Bharanyasams from. (Or any other acharyas got their

> Bharanyasams from)

> >

> >

> > One's personal practice should be dictated by family tradition.

> > If you know your father, grandfather used to wear red, stick with

> > what has been your family practice.

> > ================================================

> > More details to follow, with Shastra proofs and personal reasearch

> > ================================================





> azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam




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