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Vali Vadham, Rama Vs Vali, Jatayu Moksha, - Q & A From Purvacharyas

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Humble Pranam to all devotees:


RamaAvathara Questions and Authentic Answers

- Given to us by our Purvacharyas.


Saturday, Jan 17, 8AM CST : Tamil: By Sri ESB Swami


Bridge Number : 1-702-835-5000 , Code : 91544#


"Athimanusha Sthavam" of Sri Koorathazhvan from slokam 23.


Exaplanations of what has been covered and expected this Saturday


Adhimanushasthavam: Continuation: Rama vs. Vali


Last week 's Upanyasam the question was

Why did You kill Vali, that too from a hiding place?”


Here while replying, Our Purvacharyas even go back to Thataka vadam.

Anusuya states that Rama killed a beautiful woman, how could He?

The answer is when Dasara sent Rama and Lakshmana to the forest with

Viswamithra they were ordered to obey their Acharya implicitly.

Once His Guru gave the command to kill Thataka Rama had no say,

He had to obey. Rama was well versed in Vedas and He knew that His father's

words had to be followed implicitly.


Now justifying Vali vadam the answer is:


1: A hunter hunts animal from hiding only and sends the arrow,

You knew that Vali was an animal, and so You did kill him like that.

He was not even given the status of an enemy, and so what You did is correct.


You are from Raghu vamsam, son of Dasarada, and You have no faults, since

You follow the Dharmic way of life.


2: Vali ill treated his brother and took his kingdom and wife.

SriRama being ekapathni viradan, He could not tolerate Vali's cruelty to his

friend Sugriva and wife.


Rama was a Saranagada Vathsalan, and He showed mercy even to Ravana at the


But Vali was considered an animal and hence he was not given that opportunity to


treated as an equal and a chance to surrender. Rama's avathara rahasyam was to

kill Ravana.


3: Since Vali, son of Indra already made pact with Ravana, he was not given a


to come and surrender to Rama. Vali also had a boon, which grants him to get


of his opponent's strength.



Adhimanushasthavam: Last week: Jatayu Mokhsha


In last week's Upanyasam Sri.EBV Swami recapped some of the previous weeks


and went on to talk about Rama vs. Vali war.


Sri KoorathAzhvan was addressing Lord Rama stating:-


"You cannot hide Your Parathathvam. You are a Sarvagjnani and much as You try,

You cannot hide Your brilliance.


You did not know where Sita was hidden, but You gave Moksha to Jatayu?

Who has the right to give Moksha? Only Jananthanan can grant Moksham. ?

What did Jatayu do to earn Mokasha? (Side Note: What can anyone do earn

Moksha?/ Is HIS grace conditional?)


Did he do Karma Yoga, or Jnana Yoga, or Bakthi Yoga? - None.

He was only a bird, and was killed by Ravana.

Did You give him Moksham as a man?


In the next Sloka, He is talking to Perumal about Rama Avatara rahasya, and thus



Rama, You are born as a Man,

and Ravana's boon was not to be killed by anything or anybody,

and he went through the list, but fortunately for Devas he left out man.


Why did You take over this job, which even Deva's can't accomplish?

Oh! My Lord! You built a dam over the ocean which floats, that was built

with stones brought the from mountains carried by monkeys,

who kept running away because they were scared of the waves.


When You prayed to the Ocean King, he only looked at Your Sowlabyam and didn't

come to help You, even after 3 days. At this point You got angry and commanded


Sowmithre- son of Sumithra, bring my bow and arrow.


But Lakshma being a servant for Rama wanted to help another servant (Samudra


, first brings only the bow, then slowly the arrow, at which point Samudra Raja

comes running to

beg for forgiveness from Rama and agrees to cooperate with the construction of

the bridge.


Then the monkeys started bringing in mountains instead of stones to build the


Even squirrels wanted to help, which they did by running into the water to get

wet, then

rolling into the sand to gather dirt and dropping it on the bridge to hold the



Unless You are the Almighty Who else could do these kinds of acts??



This week Sri ESBSwami is going discuss the question.


Oh! Lord! You are the one who is not bound by the cycle of birth and death.

You , Who in a second's anger made the Ocean King come and fall at Your lotus

Feet to surrender,

also fell to the cruel arrows of Indrajith? How did You let it happen?


Also You haven't even crossed the ocean to win evil Ravana,

You didn't even know His might, but You made a friend in his younger brother and

already crowned him the emperor of Lanka? How did You do it.?



Adiyen would welcome feedbacks and comments on this write up, so that one could

improve self. If this is too lengthy please let me know. But, please donot miss


Upanyasams laden with pearls, humor, bhakthi and knowledge.


Vedics volunteers go through a lot of time and energy to bring these

excellent speakers to your living room. USE THIS OPPURTUNITY.


Azhvar Emperumanaar Jeear Thiruvadigale Saranam


Adiyen Chitra Ramanuja Dasee


List of upanyasams: www.vedics.net

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