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Mumukshuppadi - sUtra 284

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Dear Sriman Venkatesan,


Thanks for the series.


ramanuja, "vtca" <vtca>



> Sutra:

> 284. pERRukku vENduvadhu vilakkAmaiyum irappum.



> Sri PBA Swami's Sarartha Deepikai:

> Still, is there not something that has to happen on

> the side of the chetana for gaining the goal?


> There are two things that need to happen for that:

> 1. Not rejecting His protection, by attempting to

> do things by himself;

> 2. And praying for His grace so that that protection

> leads to the service desired.


Your explanation is in accordance with

maNavAlamAmunigaL's vyAkhyAnam. Here, the AchArya

instructs us that we should not have any ahankAra that

we can get mOskha on our own (which is equal to

rejecting His grace) and wish for His grace. These two

things naturally happen for the chosen soul. Otherwise

one may interpret that "not rejecting" and "praying"

are upAyas to reach Him.

This goes against MaNavALa mAmunigaL's statement in

ThiruvAimozhi nUtthandhAdhi "pEtthukkupAyam undhan

pEraruLE" - Your grace alone is means for receiving by



The above difficulty can be overcome by studying sUtra

284 in conjunction with sUtra 285 and re-analyzing.


285. chakravarththi thirumagan pApaththOdE varilum

amaiyum enRAn; ivan puNyaththaip pOgattu varavENum



Meaning (as given by you):


1. When Sri Rama sent Sugreeva to bring Vibeeshana to


He said "yadi vA rAvaNa: svayam". That is, Rama asked


even if it is the great sinner Ravana, that he be


to Him. Since, sins are not the path to reach Him, it


seen that even if one is a sinner it will work (if He

desires it).

2. Lord Krishna, by saying "sarva dharmAn parityajya",

asks that the chetana give up the good acts, which

might be thought of as required for the goal, as well.


Now sUtra 284 can be interpreted as follows:


pEtru which means "receiving" is by the Lord Himself.

For the Lord to be the true upAya, vilakkAmai or not

rejecting the chEtana beacuse of his pApas, and urging

the chEtana not to count on his puNyas (irappu), are

the qualities that have to be there. This is further

explained in sUtra 285. This is in accordance with

AzhwAr's asertion 'veridhE arul seivar'

(thiruvAimozhi) which is interpretd by SrI

vEdanthAchArya (dramidOpanishat ratnAvaLI) as

atharkitha-anugrahatva or blessing without any logic.




> Pillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

> Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan












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