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bharathA, lakshmaNA and chathrugNA-1

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Dear srEvaishNavites,





1. When we talk about swagatha swEkAram of bhArathA, we are talking of upAyam

whereas we are discussing shEshathvam and pArathanthriyam in the context of



2. When it comes to upEyam, three categories of devotees are observed by

nam-AzhwAr -nedumARkadimai -thiru-voi-mozhi.


a. sayamEa adimaith thalai ninRAr:(8-10-2) swayam prayOjanamAga ellA

adimaigaLaiyum seiyyum avargaL;

Those who do service for the sake of it and not for any other goal.



b. . kOdhil adiyAr:(8-10-9) Blemishless devotees-ananya prayOjanamAna

srEvaishNavargaLudaiya adimai.



c..nEkkam illA adiyAr:(8-10-10) Those devotees who cannot stand separation from

the Lord


EDU for the tenth pAsuram:


sayamEa adimaith thalai ninRArAgiRAr: sre bharathAzhwAnaip pOlEa;

kOdhil adiyAr AgiRAr srichathrugnAzhwAnaip pOlEA;

nEkkam illA adiyAr AgiRAr: sri iLaya perumALaip pOlEa.


Thus, all the three have been celebrated by AzhwAr in their own respects.



3. Sri piLLai lOkAchAryAr has taken sri lakshmaNA's service as a classic example

of selfless service in srEvachana bhUshaNam.

"upAyathukku pirAttiyaiyum ,dhraupadhiyaium pOlEa..........; upEyathukku iLaya

perumALaiyum, periya vudaiyAraiyum, piLLai thirunaRaiyUr araiyaraiyum,

chinthayanthiyaiyum pOlEa erukka vEaNum" 80.


This has been further elaborated in the 83th sUthram of srEvachana bhUshaNam .


(to be continued)

vanamamalai padmanabhan










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