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Dear All,

I want to introduce myself as krishna. I am currently studying engineering

in chennai. I have joined this group recently as I wanted to learn about

my religion. Having lived all my life in north, I have been unfortunate

enough to miss out learning these things during my childhood. But I look

forward to my education in the days to come.


I have a few queries. I apologize if my questions are misplaced in this

group. Please tell me if it is so.


If god is beyond any description capable by the human mind then why do we

resort to idol worship. Arent we limiting god to something which we can

describe when he much much more than that?


I wanted to learn the meaning of the veda mantras here. I approached some

people here in chennai and everybody insisted that I first memorise them

and only then would they be willing to explain. Why is it so important for

me first memorise them before trying to understand? Can I really being to

understand them without a guru?


Again, please excuse me if I have offended anybody. It is out of ignorance

that I am asking these questions.




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Dear Sriman Krishna,


I will try to answer with whatever I know.


1. Firstly the word "idol" is the word used by westerners to degrade our

religion. So we should not use that. The right word would be "icon".

2. Secondly we need to understand the concept of symbolism. For example: a

nation will have its flag, a corporation will have its own logo etc.. Now the

flag itself is not a country, but it represents that country, similarly the logo

will only represent the company. But for these symbols, it is difficult to

visualize and deal with the big entities like country and company.

3. When we need symbols to identify physical entities like mentioned above,

imagine visualizing and understanding the biggest entity i.e the "Paramathman"

without a symbol. It is going to be very tough for majority of us. So the

"icon" or the "image" of the God is requried.

4. Also, we need the forms say of Rama, Krishna etc.. to fix up our

concentration on the God in order to attain spiritual advancement. (Ofcourse,

there could be some individuals who may not need it.) So, by worshipping the

image of God, we are not limiting him to one thing.


I hope that answers your 1st question. Some body better knowledgeble could

answer your 2nd question.







On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 Krishna Iyengar wrote :


>Dear All,

>I want to introduce myself as krishna. I am currently studying engineering

>in chennai. I have joined this group recently as I wanted to learn about

>my religion. Having lived all my life in north, I have been unfortunate

>enough to miss out learning these things during my childhood. But I look

>forward to my education in the days to come.


>I have a few queries. I apologize if my questions are misplaced in this

>group. Please tell me if it is so.


>If god is beyond any description capable by the human mind then why do we

>resort to idol worship. Arent we limiting god to something which we can

>describe when he much much more than that?


>I wanted to learn the meaning of the veda mantras here. I approached some

>people here in chennai and everybody insisted that I first memorise them

>and only then would they be willing to explain. Why is it so important for

>me first memorise them before trying to understand? Can I really being to

>understand them without a guru?


>Again, please excuse me if I have offended anybody. It is out of ignorance

>that I am asking these questions.









>azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam


> Links











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Dear Krishna


This refers to your mail asking about our religion.


There are five forms in which God,Sriman Narayana can be worshipped namely

paramapaada,Vyuham,Vibhavam, Antaryami and Archa.

Depending on one's inclination and spiritual evaluation,the form of worship

varies. Archa or the worship of the images of the God in temples sung by Azhwars

is the easiest and surest way to attain the purushartas.


You can get introduced to these concepts by attending upanyasams of vaishnava

scholars which are plenty in Chennai.


Madras Univrsity offers B.A. in vaishnavism by correspondence.It also offers a

full time course for two years for M.A. in vaishnavism. Tamil translation of the

vyakhyanams which are the source material for our sampradayam is available in

the university premises.Vaishnava Shree aand Sudarsanar publications in English

do greatyeoman service for the cause of vaishnavism.They give the basic concepts



Ramakrishna Mission publishes english translation of important Upanishads. They

are available at low prices and on important days,there are discounts in prices

also.Some knowledge of vedas is helpful in appreciating the contents.It will be

useful to memorise some portion of veda with the help of a vedic scholar.


A naural desire and a feel and God's grace will make one knowledgeable in these



Adiyen Ramanujadasan





Krishna Iyengar <krishna_iy wrote:

Dear All,

I want to introduce myself as krishna. I am currently studying engineering

in chennai. I have joined this group recently as I wanted to learn about

my religion.zhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam

















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Dear Shri Krishna,

I'll skip the first question, as my views on that topic is not

consistent with our sampradaya. I'll also add two caveats - (a)

Though I may quote 'pramANas' in my reply, the conclusions are my own

and our traditionalists may disagree. (b) The reply may meander &

ramble, for which I apologize immediately to people with low

attention span.


Q2(a): Why is it important to memorize the veda mantras?

Q2(b): Can one directly skip this hard part and jump to

learning 'meaning of the vedas'?

Q2© Is a guru necessary to understand the meanings?


Short answers: (a) Because, that is the way it is. (b) No © No.

Long answers: (warning: rambling starts here...)


Section 1: Rapid loss of vedic branches

There used to be a saying - Even a cat in dakshinapatha knows

taittiriyam (taittiriyam -> a branch of yajurveda). Recently, I was

in the necessity of a qualified taittiriya expert who knows the

intricacies of tritiyeshti or dashahotra sacrifices. Things didn't

quite bear out. This is the condition of taittiriya yajurveda, which

is supposedly a "secure vedic tradition". Imagine the condition of

jaiminiya shakha of sama veda, where only about 5 80-year old

gentlemen know the entire mantras. Or the Katha yajurveda, whose

adherents are very limited in Kashmir and Himachal (already an

insecure tradition) and which may die out in front of our own eyes.

Or a handful of atharvavedis - who really belong to the atharvanic

tradition (in contrast to recent revival attempts by Kanchi mutt,

jeeyar mutt etc., where the focus in on mantra preservation with not

so much attention on the meanings, context, applications etc). If

turushkas destroyed couple of our vedic shakhas by invading &

massacaring, we are finishing off whatever survived. If this trend

continues, the hindus may have to learn about the vedas in western

universities. All the traditions would have been lost and the vedas

themselves would have become a museum piece. So, for (a) - Yes, one

has to memorize the mantras for the simple reason of not losing our

heritage & tradition.


Section 2: Traditional method of learning

The grihya sutras describe the "veda-vrata". After upanayana, one

enters the veda vrata, which gets completed only after

the "graduation bath" and the student becomes a snataka (Almost all

grihya sutras describe this; Atharva veda parisishta). This student

life is truly a "vrata" - this is a life full of restrictions,

fasting and restraint and devotion to the acharya. Sexual

transgression in this stage is a serious crime and the punishment is

that the student has to offer a donkey to Nirrti and wear the skin of

the donkey for one year and live only by begging. While begging he

should proclaim his deed (Paraskara grihya sutra; Manu smriti).

The Aranyaka portions are not even taught in the "village". The

student and teacher goes to the forest and the teacher reveals

the "secret teachings" there. Both of them undergo couple of vrata &

restrictions during the previous day (Ashwalayana grihya sutra;

shankhayana grihya sutra). This stuff goes on for atleast 12 years

(There is a variation in no. of years across the sutras). It goes

without saying that the guru/acharya is indispensable in this whole

setup (for ©). This anecdote is to give a picture of how one learnt

the vedas traditionally.


Section 3: Meanings & modes of interpretation

There is traditionally 8 different modes of interpretation. So, the

answer depends on what type of 'meaning' one is looking for. I am not

even counting Arya Samaj type interpretation. I am skipping Aurobindo

school of thought and the likes of Kapali Shastri & R.L.Kashyap. I am

totally ignoring the Western Indologists' understanding. (They have

made some important contributions, though). In one mode of

interpretation, the recitation of the mantra - the sound pattern

constitutes part of the picture. One ignores it at one's own risk.

This interpretation is actually little known to people outside the

tradition and western Indologists will never quite underst

and it. (For details, read Yaska's Nirukta; Shaunaka's Brhaddevata).

I also should add that all the traditional modes are not opposed to

each other and in couple of instances they are complementary.


So, for (b) - can one understand "wireless digital communication"

without a teacher? Assuming one has sound knowledge of elctromagnetic

wave theory, DSP, calculus, probability & stochastic processes, one

can simply borrow few books from the library and hope to understand

it. That is of course one has adquate background in the pre-

requisites. This is a poor analogy: Coming back to the vedas -

associated with them are the vedangas (limbs of the vedas). I have

taken the liberty to include related material in the traditional

limbs -

(i)Shiksha, pratishakya, pada patha & allied texts - Deal with

phonetics, pronounciation; preservation of the 'spoken word' and

preventing corruption. This cluster has a non-trivial no. of texts.

Take a moment to think about this and refer question (b) again.

(ii) Vyakarana, the grammer, nirvachana - semantical analysis,

sphota - theory of the word: Tools for vedic text analysis and


(iii) Nirukta & Brhaddevata - Former is work on etymology/philology

by Yaska. I included the latter because Shaunaka rejects couple of

Yaska's views and gives his interpretation.

(iv) Chandas - Actually the existing one describes both vedic metres

and classical metres.

(v) jyotisha & nakshatra vidya - Not same as our 'modern day

josiyam'. I would define this branch in my own words as - time

keeping based on astronomy for ritual purposes.

(vi) kalpa sutras, parisishtas, anukramanis - The first one a topic

in itself. I'll simply mention the divisions (srauta - crudely

translated as solemn rituals, grihya - .... as domestic rituals,

dharma sutras which later evolved into smritis (debatable) & shulba

sutras - construction of various fire altars. (Baudhayana gives proof

of pythogoras theorem in his shulba sutra - some 200 years before

pythogoras). Parisishtas are usually supplement & complement kalpas.

Anukramanis are indices of matras, meters and rishis.


BTW, the very first attempt to interpret the mantras occur in

brAhmaNa & AraNyaka portions themselves. The entire purpose of this

rambling is to give the glimpse of what our forefathers developed

to 'acquire the meaning' of the vedas. Part of the 'meaning' is in

application is a different story and is yagnika mode of nterpretation.


Sorry for rambling.



Kasturi Rangan

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