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advancing in bhakthi

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:


Dear Vaishnavas,


I am writing here a few points regarding bhakthi.

We need three foremost things.1.Guru.2.Sastras.3.Sathsangh.


We should approach an acharyan who is

a pure devottee and who descended in a disciplic

succession of a sampradaya.As krishna says in Geetha

:Tad viddhi prani pasthena"We should approach him and

learn knowledge of the Almighty from him. Secondly the

shastras are so important for our knowledge and

bhakthi.Sastras means Ramayana, Nalayiram,Bhagwatham

and scriptures which increases our bhathi and guides

us to attain Narayana and not Vedas.Vedas simply

confuses us and will not lead us anywhere.Vedas give

importance to regulative principles and not to

bhathiOf course Vedas also points about Brahman, but

it is difficult to understand brahman from Vedas.

Vedas simply say about Dharma, artha, Kama and lastly

moksha.Bhakthas wont even aspire for moksha.Mukthi is

a servant of bhakthi.When bhakthi is practised mukthi

automatically follows bhakthi.

And lastly The association of pure devottees.Devottees

should always mingle together , sing together, excange

views, a neophyte devottee should approach a senior

devottee and ask questions and get doubts cleared like

that.Association is very important. There are other

things which are also anukulyam and prathikulyam in

bhakthi path.


Six faults that destroy bhakthi:

!.Over eating and toomuch collecting.

2.over endeavoring

3.idle talking 4.Too much attachments or too much

neglect of rules and regulations 5.Association with

worldly minded persons.6.ardent longing or greed.


Six qualities that enhance bhakthi.:





4.Various activities favourable for devotional service

5.Giving up association of non-devottees

6.following in the footsteps of previous acharyas.


So devottees, I think we have to follow these things

if we want to become pure devottees of Narayana or



Krishna Dasee


Vedavalli Rangaanthan.

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