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Dinacharya - UpanyAsam 8 - Transcript

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah



12/11/04: Uttara/ Poorva Dinacharya by Sri T.A. Srinidhi -

Kanchipuram - Upanyasam # 8


You can listen to this series live on Saturdays at 8 PM CST

Dial In Number: 702-835-5000 Code : 91544#



Emberuman and alwars get blissful with the company of

each other ­ especially during the Tiruadhyayana

utsavam at Tiruvarangam.


(In Padma purana Emberuamn says ‘naaham thishtaami

Vaikunte - - - - -. All this chetana and achetana is

HIS sareeram. But Emberuman says that he is not in

Sri Vaikunta, He is not even in the hearts of Yogis,

He is where ever his keertanam and Bhagawad

Guna-anubhavam takes place).


(In TVM , Tirunarayanan Emberuman ‘Oru naayakamaay - -

- - - alwar refers that our aasai for other things is

so much that it will never be satisfied like a endless

pit. The people in this lOkam are after money. Hence

alwars tells us that a big king lost his wealth over

nite. He lands up taking bikshe. Embarassed at his

situation he goes begging after it gets dark. He does

not even have a good vessel for the annam. The people

do not know that he is the king. He stamps a lying dog

and gets bitten. Before this state comes to any of us

alwar instructs us to get to Emberuman’s Tiruvadi).


(Alwars could not stay away from Emberuman. Similarly

Vaduga Nambi could not stay away from Emberumanar and

Erumbi appa could not stay away from Mamunigal).


(Chakravarti Tirumagan ­ when sugreeva saw him, he was

so happy. This was not so special. But Emberuman saw

sugreeva and was so enamoured. Emberuman saw

sugreeva’s bhaavam. He got so happy. They saw each

other without being satisfied. Sugreeva said we

become friends, our sukama and dukam are one.

Simiraly Erumbiappa saw Mamunigal and could not take

his eyes off Swamy’s Tirumeni)


Sloka #1


Athaa gOshti gariShtaanam - - . When doing dwayam

anusandhanam the inner meaning is that we think about

Sriman Narayana’s charanou (Nammalwar) and the one who

has surrendered to alwar is Swamy Emberumanar.


(SVB contains all the rules for a sri vaishnavan.

Mamunigal would do the vyaakyaanam of SVB. In URM

Mamunigal says among the 18 rahasya granthams, SVB

stands out. There can be no match for this great work.

If Mamunigal did not do the vyaakyaanam then there

would be no SVB meanings for us. MM padi, TTrayam,

Acharya Hrudayam, SVB, etc have vyaakayaanms blessed

by Mamunigal. Without HIM we would not have meanings

of the Sutrams of these great works based on the

Dravid Veda (DP).


(Sruti, Smriti, Alwar arulicheyyal, the vyaakyaanams

on these, are all flowers. There is not match for

these vyaakyaanams of acharya sutras on the DP. They

have no dOsam at all. To Swamy Pillai Lokachariar’s

pushpams, Mamunigal’s vyaakyanam add the pleasant

scent (maNam).


(When Vedas questioned about paramatma, they said the

one with Tiru (Sri). The one without Sri is not the

Paratwam). Just like the greatness of the flower is

because of the good smell(The smell is swayam

prakasam) Emberuman is pushpam, Piratti is maNam.

Similary SVB is pushpam and the vyakyanam is the good

smell).The sastram for the world is SVB.


(Once when sisyas had an argument, Mamunigal wanted to

correct them without hurting them. He pointed 2

fighting dogs and asked the animals if they had

studied SVB? This embarrassed the sisyas, and they

understood their mistake. SVB is very challenging to

follow. Nowadays it is great if someone is reading

and even trying to understand the greatness of this

sastram. SVB shows the best path for us).



The greatness of following SVB is explained with

examples. (Nambillai would even prostrate to the

sisyas and teach him. Once when alwan taught a sisya

the latter did not want public to know he was learning

under alwan. So alwan used to hold a book and pretend

as though HE was having doubts and learning from the

sisya. The guna poorthi is to be noted here).


(When Nambillai was in Srirangam, Tolappar swamy did

apacharam to Nambillai. Swamy Nambillai did not say

anything. Tolappar after hearing his wife, went back

to ask forgiveness. Nambillai asks for forgiveness

instead. All these nistais are explained in SVB.

Anyone who does kutram one should show forgiveness,

feel sad for them. This is almost impossible to

follow in the world. Mamunigal says there could be a

hand full trying to actually follow the teachings of



(Today we have Nampperumal anubhavam only because of

our great acharyas. So many people gave up their lives

for sampradayam. Swamy Lokachariar at 105

tirunakshatrams when he was leaving for Paramapadam

touched so many objects so that they could have the

sambandham for moksham. He wanted to share HIS wealth

(Emberuman) with everybody).


SVB explains purushakaram, acharya lakshanam, sisya

lakshanam etc.


(Vadakku Tiruveedi pillai and Periyavacchan Pillai

were the main acharyas doing kainkaryam to Swamy

Nambillai. With his grace/blessings Lokachariar was

born and was given the same name as Pillai. Later he

came to be known as Lokachariar. Later he blessed the

parents of Lokachariar with a second son alagiya

perumal nayanar ­ the 2 best gems for sampradayam.

Just like lakshamana to Emberuman, Balarama to Kannan,

these 2 brothers were together always. They learnt

all sastrams under VK Pillai).


(maN, ponn, peN are the 3 raakshasis(3 peedais) for

us. Leaving the aasais for these 3 is a challenge -

If we try to follow SVB these 3 peedais will run away.

Lokachariar is the avataram of Kanchi Perarulalan

Himself ­ recall “Avaroo neer? “)


(Sri Vedantachariar glorifies Swamy Lokachariar in

Lokachariar Panchashat. Swamy Lokachariar also gave

Sri Vedantachariar a tanian). We should not get into

the details/research if they did this. Let us

concentrate on what the slokas actually say.


- - -when thirsty for knowledge, SVB and Acharya

Hrudayam will quench this thirst.


(Vedas protect Emberuman like a kavacham. The Puranas

are ratna haarams. SVB are the pavalams. The

prakasham not brought out totally in Vedas and Puranas

are brought out by SVB).


Sloka 2-3


Saayantanam tata: - - - - -. Mamunigal used to

complete the evening sandyavandanam and perform

Tiruvaradhane to Perumal in the evening. Now

Kaalakshepam would occur again with sishyas. He would

spend quality time with sisyas and give them



(Naichaanusandhanam is remembered here. All our

acharyas bring out the naichya bhaavam always. Once

Bhattar when in his tirumaligee, nobody went to bring

him to the temple. The utsavam was delayed as a dog

entered the temple. Bhattar says that this

shanti/prokshanam was done for a dog. What about this

dog (himself) who comes to you everyday. He calls

himself a dog like Tirmangai Mannan called himself a



(Mamunigal would discuss Artha panchakam in detail

with sishyas).


Then he would make his tirumeni rest on a golden cot

(this is only for varNanai). In reality Swamy did not

sleep on a golden cot studded with gems. The tarai

(ground) looked like a golden cot because of the

radiance of his tirumeni.


Sloka 4-5


His tirumeni was so fair like milk. He was called

vellai Jeeyar. (Kannan is black, Balarama is white).

Only once when a sishya asked, he took his adi seshan

form. He did not do this to show his true self. It

was only to please his sisya. Mamunigal sits on seshan

as Emberuman gave his seat to HIS acharya as a gift.

Sisyas would always ask for His sukumara tiruvadi

(ratnam like beautiful nails).


(In Last pasuram of URM ­ due to Ponnadi sambandham,

when we go to paramapadam, amaanavan who comes to

greet us and touches us because of this great

Mamunigal Tiruvadi Sambandham. This is our bhagyam

which cannot be matched. Hence sisyas used to ask for

His Tiruvadi always).


(Once Emberuman padukais thought, (Swamy

Vedantachariar’s-Sri Paduka Sahasram) about the

greatness of Emberuman’s tiruvadi. This is the

tiruvadi (small) that kicked shatakasura, protected

Pariksit, the home for the Pandavas. When arjuna and

Duryodhana came to see Emberuman. Duryodhana

(SuyOdhanan) sat next to Emberuman’s tirumudi (head),

and arjuna next to HIS tiruvadi (feet). Padukais

clutched on to HIS tiruvadi).


(Once the padukas went away from His Tiruvadi - the

padukas questioned “mitra bhaaveena - - - -when

Emberuman did not accept Bharat alwan’s sharanagati.

Hence the padukais left Emberuman).


Sloka 6


All divya deshams are at acharya tiruvadi

(Sri Vaikuntam, Ksheerabdi, Dwarakai are all at HIS

tiruvadi). We had the bhagyam of being born in Bharata

desham and having some contact with a Divya Desham.

Now we have acharya and Mamunigal sambandham. When

acharya gives us the new life and turns us to Bhagawan

by accepting us, acharya Himself is mother, father,

bandhu, etc. We should do kainkaryam to Mamunigal

with seshan-seshi bhaavam.


Everything is true, dreams are true. Emberuman is

within us making us do kainkaryams. Mamunigal is our

relative in every manner.


To be continued



Pallandu to this upanyasam series by Sri T.A. Srinidhi Swami


Pallandu Pallandu to this kainkariyam of Translation

by Sri Anand Srinivasan & Smt. Sheela Belur (Ranganayaki)



You can listen to this series live on Saturdays at 8 PM CST

Dial In Number : 1-702-835-5000 code : 91544#

cost : FREE. Language: Tamil.


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