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our position on sri ananda teertha's dvaitha

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Hari: Om


SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrI krishNa parabrahmaNE nama:

SrImAn nArAyaNa charaNau saraNam prapadyE


Dear devotees,


Even though Sri rAmAnuja AchArya has strongly rejected all other

interpretations of vEdAnta and firmly established Sri visishta

advaitha as the purport of vEdas, still there have been many new

schools of vaishNavAs evolved after Emperumanar, most prominent

being dvaitha school. The dvaitins seem to be unhappy even with flaw-

less sri visishtAdvaitha, and often challenge neophytes like me with

their scriptural knowledge. Hence, I pray to the Sri VaishNava

community to provide me with scriptural basis for our interpretation

that after mOksha, we share the same ananda as that of the Lord.

Dwaitins also question our position on the equality of all souls

(they see tAratamya), for which I solicit references in sruti. I

also want to know the reason for sri vaishNavAs to reject the bimba-

pratibimba philosophy of Sri Ananda Teertha. This is a request to

protect myself from the onslaughts of aggressive opposers of

rAmAnuja darsanam. I also want from learned devotees, the prescribed

etiquette towards aggressive vaishNavAs(who oppose our position) of

other sAmpradAyAs.


Thank you very much.



SrIperumbUdUru vEnkata vinOd.

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