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Sri E. S. Bhoovaraha swami upanyasam on Athimanusha sthavam .. July 9, 2005. details inside.

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================================================================IMPORTANT: If

you have already registered you can use the same passcode. Otherwise please

register at www.vedics.net/upanyasam to get the


rAmAnujaya namaha:srimadh vara vara munayE namaha:Humble pranam to all devotees:

Sri. U. Ve. E. S. Bhoovaraha Swami will continue the upanyasam on AthiManusha

Sthavam of Sri Koorathazhvan this Saturday.

Swami started the anubhavams on Sri Krishnavataram during last few upanyasams.

Swami will continue the from slokam 47.

Date and Time:Saturday, July 09, 2005, 9 AM CST.

Bridge codes:Registered participants can use the same passcode from the last

upanyasam. If you have not registered yet, please register at



In order for us to bring you these quality upanyasams to yourdoor steps, we

request you to subsrcibe for yearly membership for upanyasams for a very very

nominal fee of $51 . Vedics will bring upanyasams atleast twice every month and

on special occassions. So you get live upanyasams for about $2 per lecture. In

addition to this you will receive unlimited access to recordings of all prior

upanyasams on AthiManushaSthavam.

How to get passcodes (for new rs):

Please register to get the passcode for the upanyasam, at www.vedics.net/upanyasam

Listening to Prior upanyasams on AthimanushaSthavam

If you are a d member, you will receive access to all the pre-recorded

upanyasams on Athimanusha Sthavam.

Please join us with family and friends for this upanyasam and please spread the

word around for any interested devotee.Azhwar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale

SaranamJeeyar Thiruvadigale SaranamirAmanusan adiyArgal

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimath VaraVara Munaye Namaha


Dear Sri. Sundar Saranathan


Adiyen is a d member for this lecture series

and enjoy the divine flow from Sri.Bhoovaraha Swami.

How would we be able to access the recorded version of

the previous lectures?. Adiyen missed the third part

of this series. Kindly let me know the details.





Ramanuja Dasan

Sampath Kumar..



--- Sundar Saranathan <sundar138 wrote:






> IMPORTANT: If you have already registered you can

> use the same passcode. Otherwise please register at

> www.vedics.net/upanyasam to get the passcode.



> sri:

> srimathE rAmAnujaya namaha:

> srimadh vara vara munayE namaha:


> Humble pranam to all devotees:



> Sri. U. Ve. E. S. Bhoovaraha Swami will continue the

> upanyasam on AthiManusha Sthavam of Sri

> Koorathazhvan this Saturday.


> Swami started the anubhavams on Sri Krishnavataram

> during last few upanyasams. Swami will continue the

> from slokam 47.




> Date and Time:

> Saturday, July 09, 2005, 9 AM CST.


> Bridge codes:

> Registered participants can use the same passcode

> from the last upanyasam. If you have not registered

> yet, please register at www.vedics.net/upanyasam


> Subscription:


> In order for us to bring you these quality

> upanyasams to your

> door steps, we request you to subsrcibe for yearly

> membership for upanyasams for a very very nominal

> fee of $51 . Vedics will bring upanyasams atleast

> twice every month and on special occassions. So you

> get live upanyasams for about $2 per lecture. In

> addition to this you will receive unlimited access

> to recordings of all prior upanyasams on

> AthiManushaSthavam.


> How to get passcodes (for new rs):


> Please register to get the passcode for the

> upanyasam, at www.vedics.net/upanyasam


> Listening to Prior upanyasams on AthimanushaSthavam


> If you are a d member, you will receive

> access to all the pre-recorded upanyasams on

> Athimanusha Sthavam.


> Please join us with family and friends for this

> upanyasam and please spread the word around for any

> interested devotee.


> Azhwar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

> Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam


> irAmanusan adiyArgal







> Mail

> Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the







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