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The current state of our sampradayam.

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Today I went to the Local Venkeshwara temple, run by the PudigE Mutt of the

Madhwa Sampradayam. As a routine, the priests sing songs and they allow the

devotees to sing too. An elderly Iyengar (I don't want to call her a

Srivaishnava) lady sang a wonderful song which was pleasant to the ears, which

to my shock, ended with words glorifying sai baba!!


Becoming distraught, I asked her if she had taken "bharanyasam" as she is born

in a family which is supposed to follow Desika Sampradayam (which they don't as

it is apparent), and she says "no, but I intend to, I have taken samashrayanam

though, but Sri Saibaba is my main guru". I told her, "please consider me as

your grandson when I say please follow ONLY Sri dEsikA the great and nobody

else", although I am born in a Thenkalai family, it still pains me, as in a

larger scheme, we should all follow Ramanuja, and Swami Desikan/Swami MM are

representatives of Him, anyway, the elderly lady got offended!!! And her

daughter was even more upset, let me not get to the details of our

conversation. All I am asking is a vadakalai person to follow HER own



This is the fate of our sampradayam, the fact that pains me the most is NOT MANY

of Our AchAryAs of either school stretch the importance of ananya-bhakti, and

Samashrayanam has become just a mere symbolic affair. Although I have my

disagreements with ISKCON, I have seen the way the Gurus of ISKCON stress the

importance of surrender ONLY to Lord Krishna while decrying demi-god or any

other man-god, god-man etc worship, and in a way they inspire me a lot. Why

can't we do that in our sampradayam?? Whom are we afraid of?? Why can't our

AchAryAs say, "hey!! just worship Lord Sriman nArAyaNA and nobody else", why

simply can't they??


First of all, charity begins at home; all of us who are convinced about the path

of Sri Ramanuja, should STRESS the importance of our SiddhAnthA to all our near

and dear ones, talk to them about importance of ananya bhakti, discourage them

from worshipping anybody but Sriman nArAyANA. Also, learn from the ISKCON

devotees. We should give up coffee/tea, onion and garlic, no questions asked.

If a Russian or a Polish guy can give up everything and try to follow our

sampradayam, why simply can't we?? Are we so shamelessly out-of-control that we

can't give up these mundane addictions?? I for one, firmly believe in this: Even

a little compromise leads to the greatest degeneration, as we can see what is

happening now.


I am not talking about leaving everything and going back to the villages. Lord

Sri Krishna talks repeatedly about doing, nay, excelling in one's duty, but as

an act of sacrifice to the Lord Himself.


The problem is that we are not prepared to give up anything, not prepared to

educate/get educated, but then we cry hoarse about the "degeneration of our

sampradayam", or worse, jump at every chance to get into a "kalai" fight.


Again, I got some mails saying that I insulted DEsika, etc.. No, never. All I am

saying is that only should not blindly make statements without knowing the facts

in-toto. My aim was to attack not the great Sri Desikan, not even the Vadakalai

Sampradayam, but only the author whose words were filled with utter dichotomy,

thinking that he can get away with whatever he says/writes. I would anyday take

the association of a sincere Desika Sampradaya person than an also-ran Thenkalai




Kidambi Soundararajan.

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimath Varavara Munaye Namaha


Dear Sri.Soundararajan swamin,


Kindly accept adiyen's pranams. Adiyen read your mails

with much more interest than most of the mails in this

forum. Swamin's focus and input on our sampradhayam

are much needed boost to elementary level students

like me. However, adiyen beg to differ with you that

our sampradhayam is in a bad state. Adiyen for once

feel confident that our sampradhayam is in a strong

state. However, the 'true membership' has dwindled.

Adiyen wish to present three points.


1. What is our bench mark to evaluate the state of our


One belongs to Srivaishnavam if one's objective is

Moksham (eternal bhagavath kainkaryam) and moksham

only. If someone is not with that objective how can we

say that they belong to our sampradhayam? In this

light, the experience swamin had with that lady,

singing about a baba or dhabha, she obviously is NOT

interested in moksham and interested in other

materialistic things. How can we say that she belongs

to our sampradhayam? These 'askthika nasthikas' should

simply be ignored as 'moorkas'. Why do we even

evaluate our sampradhayam based on these people? If

this is our bench mark, yes our sampradhayam is in a

bad state.


It is unneccesary for me to say that no one becomes a

SriVaishnava by birth, whatever is the family

background. After going through the samsaric cycle for

many many births and deaths, through bhaghavatha

sambhandham one gets acharya sambhandham. And

eventually acharya sambhandham leads us to maha

viswasam and finally to Emberuman sambhandham. And all

this happens by His nirhetuka krupai only. Adiyen

would view that lady's state as some one who is in

lower rung of this ladder and pray to Emberuman to

make her move faster. But I am not going to evaluate

our sampradhayam based on her, becuase there are

billions like her.


2. Why are we in the state we are now?

Swamin raised a question that why can’t our acharyas

stress that we should worship ONLY Sriman nArAyaNA and

nobody else. But, it is beyond doubt and with

absolutely no uncertainty that our acharyas have

stressed this point. However, this message is not well

circulated amongst us. That is becuase our

poorvacharyas vyakyanams and exceptional works are in

a state not easily understandable by present

generation. For example, how many of the younger

generation today would even dare to open and read one

page of 'Edu' and try to understand? This is where the

success of ISKCON is obvious. Sri.Prabhupadha made

'all' of their sampradhaya messeges so easily

available in simple english. Adiyen personally know

many many gaudiya vaishnavas follow that sampradhayam

becuase it is presented to them in an easier way.


There is a set of books called ‘Eettin Thamizhakkam’

(meaning Edu in simple Thamizh). These books are

written by a scholar about 30 years before and

published by University of Madras in a set of 10

volumes and provide ‘Edu’ in a simple Thamizh style.

However, this is not available any more. During my

last trip to India, I had to do lot of digging in

University book store to trace some of the volumes of

this book. I found few volumes with total damage lying

in a corner of the room on floor, where as mundane

novels are protected in moisture proof containers.

That is the state of our sampradhayam. So, our focus

must be on bringing in to light these kinds of works

more and more to lime light and strengthening our

foundation. May be even that lady would change.


3. Why are we still arguing about our internal


Any sampradhayam is bound to have different view

points. As long as the fundamentals and final

objective are the same, these differences in approach

and practice must be viewed in a healthy and positive

way with mutual respect and cooperation. However, even

today in our sampradhayam, I see elders twice my age

from both the schools try to score victory over the

other as if this is a contest. If today’s elders

realize that even after one life time, they could not

dissolve the differences, at least they need not pass

it on to the next generation. May be over a period of

time these differences will die themselves. I don’t

want my grand son or grand daughter to be still

classified as some ‘kalai’ instead of simply



Swamin, kindly accept adiyen’s apology for any

apacharams. It is not my intention to prove a point or

anything. Adiyen personally feel that if Emberuman

could choose even some one like me to surrender unto

him unconditionally, our sampradhayam is not in any

danger. Even though I am an elementary level student,

I am not young. I am almost 40 (half the well is

crossed) and still in a beginning state. May be that

is the state of our sampradhayam.





Ramanuja Dasan

Sampath Kumar Padmanaban



Azhwar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam





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Dear Swamy

Adiyen wish to calrify my thougt process few , I could see that you wish to put

certain hard followed conditions to the human beings , if I am correct , thats

not the way, better way is to tell them whats with Him and try to get into the

reason why she is praying Sai Baba , she is not that much foolish to pray them

, she would have looked for some materialistic return and got it thru them ,

think about the pAsuram "Kama roopam Kondu ElunthalipAn " , its His leela.

What we can make effort is to teach the swaroopam to them , see if you are so

agitated now because you know the swaroopam "Ananya Seshathvam Kazhigy" , not

many people are aware of such things . So in the practice what Adiyen observed

is by putting any rules or regulations you cant change them unless you teach

the swaroopa lakshanam to them .

Let me take your points

>We should give up coffee/tea, onion and garlic, no questions asked. >If a

Russian or a Polish guy can give up everything and try to follow >our

sampradayam, why simply can't we?? Are we so shamelessly >out-of-control that

we can't give up these mundane addictions?? I for >one, firmly believe in this:

Even a little compromise leads to the >greatest degeneration, as we can see what

is happening now.

Why we should give up all these ? if you give up every thing are you sure of

what r u supposed to get , Adiyen feel NO, these are not the upAyam, thats why

our poorvAcharyas never dealt with what is your food habit, what are all the

Vrudhams you should etc , these are pretty ritualistic in nature , to neechan

like me I will think more on those prohibited items rather than Him :(

Now all the more important is we should try to see why people get into rest of

the demi Gods and how can we address those issues from our side, here I mean

lot of bhAgavada Service rather than Swaroopam etc , pl correct me if I am




On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 vimalkumar ranganathan wrote :



>Today I went to the Local Venkeshwara temple, run by the PudigE Mutt of the

Madhwa Sampradayam. As a routine, the priests sing songs and they allow the

devotees to sing too. An elderly Iyengar (I don't want to call her a

Srivaishnava) lady sang a wonderful song which was pleasant to the ears, which

to my shock, ended with words glorifying sai baba!!


>Becoming distraught, I asked her if she had taken "bharanyasam" as she is born

in a family which is supposed to follow Desika Sampradayam (which they don't as

it is apparent), and she says "no, but I intend to, I have taken samashrayanam

though, but Sri Saibaba is my main guru". I told her, "please consider me as

your grandson when I say please follow ONLY Sri dEsikA the great and nobody

else", although I am born in a Thenkalai family, it still pains me, as in a

larger scheme, we should all follow Ramanuja, and Swami Desikan/Swami MM are

representatives of Him, anyway, the elderly lady got offended!!! And her

daughter was even more upset, let me not get to the details of our

conversation. All I am asking is a vadakalai person to follow HER own



>This is the fate of our sampradayam, the fact that pains me the most is NOT

MANY of Our AchAryAs of either school stretch the importance of ananya-bhakti,

and Samashrayanam has become just a mere symbolic affair. Although I have my

disagreements with ISKCON, I have seen the way the Gurus of ISKCON stress the

importance of surrender ONLY to Lord Krishna while decrying demi-god or any

other man-god, god-man etc worship, and in a way they inspire me a lot. Why

can't we do that in our sampradayam?? Whom are we afraid of?? Why can't our

AchAryAs say, "hey!! just worship Lord Sriman nArAyaNA and nobody else", why

simply can't they??


>First of all, charity begins at home; all of us who are convinced about the

path of Sri Ramanuja, should STRESS the importance of our SiddhAnthA to all our

near and dear ones, talk to them about importance of ananya bhakti, discourage

them from worshipping anybody but Sriman nArAyANA. Also, learn from the ISKCON

devotees. We should give up coffee/tea, onion and garlic, no questions asked.

If a Russian or a Polish guy can give up everything and try to follow our

sampradayam, why simply can't we?? Are we so shamelessly out-of-control that we

can't give up these mundane addictions?? I for one, firmly believe in this: Even

a little compromise leads to the greatest degeneration, as we can see what is

happening now.


>I am not talking about leaving everything and going back to the villages. Lord

Sri Krishna talks repeatedly about doing, nay, excelling in one's duty, but as

an act of sacrifice to the Lord Himself.


>The problem is that we are not prepared to give up anything, not prepared to

educate/get educated, but then we cry hoarse about the "degeneration of our

sampradayam", or worse, jump at every chance to get into a "kalai" fight.


>Again, I got some mails saying that I insulted DEsika, etc.. No, never. All I

am saying is that only should not blindly make statements without knowing the

facts in-toto. My aim was to attack not the great Sri Desikan, not even the

Vadakalai Sampradayam, but only the author whose words were filled with utter

dichotomy, thinking that he can get away with whatever he says/writes. I would

anyday take the association of a sincere Desika Sampradaya person than an

also-ran Thenkalai Iyengar.



>Kidambi Soundararajan.





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Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

Gunaseelan Venkatachary

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Dear Swamin

Adiyen saw this definition in your posting that

> What is our bench mark to evaluate the state of our


>One belongs to Srivaishnavam if one's objective is

>Moksham (eternal bhagavath kainkaryam) and moksham

>only. If someone is not with that objective how can we

>say that they belong to our sampradhayam? In this

>light, the experience swamin had with that lady,

>singing about a baba or dhabha, she obviously is NOT

>interested in moksham and interested in other

>materialistic things. How can we say that she belongs

>to our sampradhayam? These 'askthika nasthikas' should

>simply be ignored as 'moorkas'. Why do we even

>evaluate our sampradhayam based on these people? If

>this is our bench mark, yes our sampradhayam is in a

>bad state.

depicts that those willing to attain Moksham are supposed to be called

SriVaishnavas , Adiyen beg to differ He is Sarva Seshy , he cant differentiate

btw Alwar and rest of the Seshas and He is every where and what not , if you

look into Alwar Divya Prabhandams

" avaravar iRayavar ena ady adayvargal ,

avaravar iRayavar kuraivilar iRaiyavar

avaravar vidy vazhy adaya ninRanarE"

in TVM 1st decade itself

what does it mean ? does Alwar say that those worship other Gods are in lower

rung compare to the so called SriVaishnavas.

Also purushArtham for a SriVaishnava is certainly not Moksham , thats His Job ,

we are by swaroopam "Parathanthriyan" then how come we can choose our abode .

Adiyen feel All are SriVaishnavA in the world "no difference" what they do .

Simply because He is always with all JeevAthmAs and Sri as well (this is also

Alwar's "eerach chol ") , so Adiyen humbly request you to not to make such

difference amongst us .

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan


On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 Sampath Kumar Padmanaban wrote :


>Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

>Srimath Varavara Munaye Namaha


>Dear Sri.Soundararajan swamin,


>Kindly accept adiyen's pranams. Adiyen read your mails

>with much more interest than most of the mails in this

>forum. Swamin's focus and input on our sampradhayam

>are much needed boost to elementary level students

>like me. However, adiyen beg to differ with you that

>our sampradhayam is in a bad state. Adiyen for once

>feel confident that our sampradhayam is in a strong

>state. However, the 'true membership' has dwindled.

>Adiyen wish to present three points.


>1. What is our bench mark to evaluate the state of our


>One belongs to Srivaishnavam if one's objective is

>Moksham (eternal bhagavath kainkaryam) and moksham

>only. If someone is not with that objective how can we

>say that they belong to our sampradhayam? In this

>light, the experience swamin had with that lady,

>singing about a baba or dhabha, she obviously is NOT

>interested in moksham and interested in other

>materialistic things. How can we say that she belongs

>to our sampradhayam? These 'askthika nasthikas' should

>simply be ignored as 'moorkas'. Why do we even

>evaluate our sampradhayam based on these people? If

>this is our bench mark, yes our sampradhayam is in a

>bad state.


>It is unneccesary for me to say that no one becomes a

>SriVaishnava by birth, whatever is the family

>background. After going through the samsaric cycle for

>many many births and deaths, through bhaghavatha

>sambhandham one gets acharya sambhandham. And

>eventually acharya sambhandham leads us to maha

>viswasam and finally to Emberuman sambhandham. And all

>this happens by His nirhetuka krupai only. Adiyen

>would view that lady's state as some one who is in

>lower rung of this ladder and pray to Emberuman to

>make her move faster. But I am not going to evaluate

>our sampradhayam based on her, becuase there are

>billions like her.


>2. Why are we in the state we are now?

>Swamin raised a question that why can’t our acharyas

>stress that we should worship ONLY Sriman nArAyaNA and

>nobody else. But, it is beyond doubt and with

>absolutely no uncertainty that our acharyas have

>stressed this point. However, this message is not well

>circulated amongst us. That is becuase our

>poorvacharyas vyakyanams and exceptional works are in

>a state not easily understandable by present

>generation. For example, how many of the younger

>generation today would even dare to open and read one

>page of 'Edu' and try to understand? This is where the

>success of ISKCON is obvious. Sri.Prabhupadha made

>'all' of their sampradhaya messeges so easily

>available in simple english. Adiyen personally know

>many many gaudiya vaishnavas follow that sampradhayam

>becuase it is presented to them in an easier way.


>There is a set of books called ‘Eettin Thamizhakkam’

>(meaning Edu in simple Thamizh). These books are

>written by a scholar about 30 years before and

>published by University of Madras in a set of 10

>volumes and provide ‘Edu’ in a simple Thamizh style.

>However, this is not available any more. During my

>last trip to India, I had to do lot of digging in

>University book store to trace some of the volumes of

>this book. I found few volumes with total damage lying

>in a corner of the room on floor, where as mundane

>novels are protected in moisture proof containers.

>That is the state of our sampradhayam. So, our focus

>must be on bringing in to light these kinds of works

>more and more to lime light and strengthening our

>foundation. May be even that lady would change.


>3. Why are we still arguing about our internal


>Any sampradhayam is bound to have different view

>points. As long as the fundamentals and final

>objective are the same, these differences in approach

>and practice must be viewed in a healthy and positive

>way with mutual respect and cooperation. However, even

>today in our sampradhayam, I see elders twice my age

> from both the schools try to score victory over the

>other as if this is a contest. If today’s elders

>realize that even after one life time, they could not

>dissolve the differences, at least they need not pass

>it on to the next generation. May be over a period of

>time these differences will die themselves. I don’t

>want my grand son or grand daughter to be still

>classified as some ‘kalai’ instead of simply



>Swamin, kindly accept adiyen’s apology for any

>apacharams. It is not my intention to prove a point or

>anything. Adiyen personally feel that if Emberuman

>could choose even some one like me to surrender unto

>him unconditionally, our sampradhayam is not in any

>danger. Even though I am an elementary level student,

>I am not young. I am almost 40 (half the well is

>crossed) and still in a beginning state. May be that

>is the state of our sampradhayam.





>Ramanuja Dasan

>Sampath Kumar Padmanaban



>Azhwar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

>Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam





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Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

Gunaseelan Venkatachary

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I think you've gotten me wrong. You say teach

the swaroopam. But, to "teach", one has to be in a position to teach. Like they

say, "walk the talk". We have to elevate ourselves to a decent level before we

start preaching. Do you think I can talk reason to the kind, old lady?? No, I

don't want to waste my time. This is where the role of the AchAryan sets in,

for she'd listen to her AchAryan that to me. The AchAryan needs to explicitly

give instructions.

Let us not confuse the concept of nirhEtukA

kripa with mundane lifestyle. A human being should have principles. Our

principles are laid down by the knowledgeable(parents/elders). We are taught

not to steal, not to be violent, not eat meat etc, and we stick them as

principles. As aspiring Sri VaishnavAs, our principles should be set to higher

standards than the mundane, as laid down by our poorvAchAryAs.


You said:


"Adiyen wish to calrify my thougt process few , I could see that you wish to put

certain hard followed conditions to the human beings , if I am correct , thats

not the way, better way is to tell them whats with Him and try to get into the

reason why she is praying Sai Baba , she is not that much foolish to pray them

, she would have looked for some materialistic return and got it thru them ,

think about the pAsuram "Kama roopam Kondu ElunthalipAn " , its His leela"What

we can make effort is to teach the swaroopam to them , see if you are so

agitated now because you know the swaroopam "Ananya Seshathvam Kazhigy" , not

many people are aware of such things . So in the practice what Adiyen observed

is by putting any rules or regulations you cant change them unless you teach

the swaroopa lakshanam to them "



I didn't suggest that we should lay down any rules on regulations on that lady.

We have to ensure that atleast from this point forward we can re-vitalize our

sampradayam so that atleast our near-and-dear ones atleast don't end up as

saibaba devotees. And to drive the point, we should try to ensure that our

imperfections are minimal.

You said:


Why we should give up all these ? if you give up every thing are you sure of

what r u supposed to get , Adiyen feel NO, these are not the upAyam, thats why

our poorvAcharyas never dealt with what is your food habit, what are all the

Vrudhams you should etc , these are pretty ritualistic in nature , to neechan

like me I will think more on those prohibited items rather than Him :(



I am totally surprised at this statement. You can please enjoy your onion

sambhar, but kindly don't say it is fine. As it is not. In the Bhagawad Gita,

Lord Krishna clearly says that a human being is characterized by the food that

he eats. Before one starts preaching, he needs to ensure his moral standii. We

follow the food practices for the following reasons:


1) They are not of the sattvic kind, and they are known to be sensual stimulants

2) Coffee/Tea are not to be drunk for the same reason that one shouldn't

smoke/drink; caffeine is an addictive drug.

3) Above all, we don't offer these food types to the Lord, this is one of the main reasons.


But, giving up Onion/Garlic is not the goal, for even monkeys are vegetarian.

These are factors which are supposed to be hurdles to one's spiritual

advancement. Can we talk about "Yathiraja Vimsati" to a young Sri Vaishnava

with a strong garlic smell in the mouth?? As a young boy of 16, I was really

unimpressed when I saw one of the Bhattars of the Tirumala Temple enjoying his

meals at a local restaurant. As a novice (not even an aspirant then), that left

a bad taste on my mind, and the same day I saw some nice ISKCON devotees

displaying their top-most devotion (a westerner says he doesn't wear any shoes

in Tirumala as it is Vaikuntham itself, and he won't eat food except than the

one that is OFFERED to the lord, forget even onion/garlic).


First of all, let us understand the meaning of the word, AchAryA. Means, "the

one who leads by example". As the followers of the AchAryan, we are supposed to

follow whatever he says/does. And the good AchAryan represents Swami Ramanuja

and nobody else. If one is in an unforeseen circumstance, that is a different

issue. But, to the maximum, we should REGULATE OURSELVES.

It is a matter of convenience that our AchAryan doesn't state these explicitly,

is it not?? Well, can I pillage or plunder and reason, "Well, my AchAryan

doesn't say anything about it"??


Talking of degeneration, it is indeed sad that I have to even justify that the

most rudimentary aspects of the Sri VaishnA lifestyle. Swami VedAnta dEsikan

has explicitly mentioned the rules and regulations, including the food habits

as well. If one says, "no, he is a VK achArya, hence I don't have to follow

that", well, "God save the queen..."



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Dear Vimalkumar Ranganathan Swamy

Agreed that these are to be taught by her Acharyan, as you know in this sphere

where we are geographically apart , its pretty difficult for them as well to

monitor and try to correct individuals, so Adiyen feel the facilitation should

be done by others who are near by, to tell the correct thing, but if you feel

you cant sell the concept due to various reasons , He only should find a way ..

>Let us not confuse the concept of nirhEtukA kripa with mundane >lifestyle. A

human being should have principles. Our principles are >laid down by the

knowledgeable(parents/elders). We are taught not to >steal, not to be violent,

not eat meat etc, and we stick them as >principles. As aspiring Sri VaishnavAs,

our principles should be set >to higher standards than the mundane, as laid down

by our >poorvAchAryAs.

I am not clear why His KrupA cant stand with Mundane life style ?

Also I am not sure what do you mean by aspiring SriVaishnava ?

What is the standard we are talking about (as set by PoorvAcharyas)?

If answers for all these are life styles , I am sorry I have diff of concept .

What ever you do(whether its mindane or special Yagam etc) , its His sankalpa,

you cant change it , also as I said in other mail as well He is very much

related to ALL EQUALLY

so am not clear what you wish to do xtra to become a SriVaishnava ..



On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 vimalkumar ranganathan wrote :

>Dear Sri Guna Swamin,

> I think you've gotten me wrong. You say teach

the swaroopam. But, to "teach", one has to be in a position to teach. Like they

say, "walk the talk". We have to elevate ourselves to a decent level before we

start preaching. Do you think I can talk reason to the kind, old lady?? No, I

don't want to waste my time. This is where the role of the AchAryan sets in,

for she'd listen to her AchAryan that to me. The AchAryan needs to explicitly

give instructions.

> Let us not confuse the concept of nirhEtukA

kripa with mundane lifestyle. A human being should have principles. Our

principles are laid down by the knowledgeable(parents/elders). We are taught

not to steal, not to be violent, not eat meat etc, and we stick them as

principles. As aspiring Sri VaishnavAs, our principles should be set to higher

standards than the mundane, as laid down by our poorvAchAryAs.


>You said:

> >>

>"Adiyen wish to calrify my thougt process few , I could see that you wish to

put certain hard followed conditions to the human beings , if I am correct ,

thats not the way, better way is to tell them whats with Him and try to get

into the reason why she is praying Sai Baba , she is not that much foolish to

pray them , she would have looked for some materialistic return and got it thru

them , think about the pAsuram "Kama roopam Kondu ElunthalipAn " , its His



>What we can make effort is to teach the swaroopam to them , see if you are so

agitated now because you know the swaroopam "Ananya Seshathvam Kazhigy" , not

many people are aware of such things . So in the practice what Adiyen observed

is by putting any rules or regulations you cant change them unless you teach

the swaroopa lakshanam to them "

> >>


>I didn't suggest that we should lay down any rules on regulations on that lady.

We have to ensure that atleast from this point forward we can re-vitalize our

sampradayam so that atleast our near-and-dear ones atleast don't end up as

saibaba devotees. And to drive the point, we should try to ensure that our

imperfections are minimal.


>You said:

> >>

>Why we should give up all these ? if you give up every thing are you sure of

what r u supposed to get , Adiyen feel NO, these are not the upAyam, thats why

our poorvAcharyas never dealt with what is your food habit, what are all the

Vrudhams you should etc , these are pretty ritualistic in nature , to neechan

like me I will think more on those prohibited items rather than Him :(

> >>


>I am totally surprised at this statement. You can please enjoy your onion

sambhar, but kindly don't say it is fine. As it is not. In the Bhagawad Gita,

Lord Krishna clearly says that a human being is characterized by the food that

he eats. Before one starts preaching, he needs to ensure his moral standii. We

follow the food practices for the following reasons:


>1) They are not of the sattvic kind, and they are known to be sensual stimulants

>2) Coffee/Tea are not to be drunk for the same reason that one shouldn't

smoke/drink; caffeine is an addictive drug.

>3) Above all, we don't offer these food types to the Lord, this is one of the main reasons.


>But, giving up Onion/Garlic is not the goal, for even monkeys are vegetarian.

These are factors which are supposed to be hurdles to one's spiritual

advancement. Can we talk about "Yathiraja Vimsati" to a young Sri Vaishnava

with a strong garlic smell in the mouth?? As a young boy of 16, I was really

unimpressed when I saw one of the Bhattars of the Tirumala Temple enjoying his

meals at a local restaurant. As a novice (not even an aspirant then), that left

a bad taste on my mind, and the same day I saw some nice ISKCON devotees

displaying their top-most devotion (a westerner says he doesn't wear any shoes

in Tirumala as it is Vaikuntham itself, and he won't eat food except than the

one that is OFFERED to the lord, forget even onion/garlic).


>First of all, let us understand the meaning of the word, AchAryA. Means, "the

one who leads by example". As the followers of the AchAryan, we are supposed to

follow whatever he says/does. And the good AchAryan represents Swami Ramanuja

and nobody else. If one is in an unforeseen circumstance, that is a different

issue. But, to the maximum, we should REGULATE OURSELVES.


>It is a matter of convenience that our AchAryan doesn't state these explicitly,

is it not?? Well, can I pillage or plunder and reason, "Well, my AchAryan

doesn't say anything about it"??


>Talking of degeneration, it is indeed sad that I have to even justify that the

most rudimentary aspects of the Sri VaishnA lifestyle. Swami VedAnta dEsikan

has explicitly mentioned the rules and regulations, including the food habits

as well. If one says, "no, he is a VK achArya, hence I don't have to follow

that", well, "God save the queen..."







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Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

Gunaseelan Venkatachary

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I am not a Sri Vaishnava, it is a great honor and

state, I am aspiring to be one. I am not worthy of calling myself a Sri

Vaishnava; this is how I'd categorize an "aspiring Sri Vaishnava". AzhwArs and

AchAryAs are SrivaishnavAs. Swami MM was a SrivaishnavA; Sri nammAzhwAr says,

"thamargaL thamargaL thamargaLAM...", that should be a Srivaishnava. I am not

being judgemental, but let us not blame all our inabilities on Nirhetuka KripA.

nirhetukA kripa means causeless mercy, that is when one surrenders, it is

totally because of the Lord that he does. Now, ask for yourself, what should

the saranagathan do? What should an aspiring saranagathan do???


Please answer the following questions with your understanding of "nirhetuka kripa":

Can I go to a mundane masala movie filled with vulgarity and graphic violence?? Why not??

Can I practise polygamy?? Why not??

I loot $10,000 from work, and the same evening I chant the complete ThiruvAimozhi. Is that OK?

I took part in the Upadesa Rathna Malai goshti today and had wonderful dinner at

a veg/non-veg restaurant the same evening. Is that OK??


I am not saying Kripa can't stand mundane lifestyle.

All I am saying is that mundane lifestyle should be atleast decently perfect

enough for us to have a standing. I am saying just don't practice what

shouldn't be and call it "Nirhetuka Kripa". Forget being a Srivaishnava, even

to being a Vaishnava, Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad GIta, "enquire from a

knowledgeable guru", enquiry (not from a critical standpoint, but from a

knowledge-seeking standpoint) is a must. That is the problem, all of us being

born in Srivaishnava families take it for granted. Just learning the DP and not

setting standards, watching SUNTV or whatever they show on the idiot box and if

the children turn out to be least interested in anything spiritual, who is to

be blamed??


Before you ask, I am not judgemental, "avaravar vidhi

vazhi aday ninranarE". I am only talking to those who want to safeguard and

expand our sampradayam. If the example of ISKCON where millions of people with

the highest standards surrender to the Lord doesn't inspire us, I don;t know

what else will.


If it all comes down to just having onion/garlic, please

go ahead and do so, I can even pay the bill for you. If we have pitfalls, we

should be able to accept those and move on, but not legalize those in the name

of nirhEtuka kripa, that becomes dangerous.



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Dear SrEvaishNavites,


It is the hypocrisy that kills. If i belong to southern school of thought, let

me at least follow that properly. dhEvathAnthram bhajanam on one hand and

AzhwAr's pAsuram on the other -height of hypocrisy.


I know people from both the shcool of thoughts, suddenly become sincere to their

schools only when it comes to the marriage of their offspirngs and insist on

'thirumaN' kAppu- to the kailai they belong to. ''

Otherwise, they neither normally recognise Sri VEdhAnha Desikan or Sri MaNavALa mAmunikaL.


The first two questions have to be addressed:


1.When a person belonging to southern school of thought worships

dhEvathAnthram-s does he have moral right to reject Sri VEdhAntha Desikan

-Height of hyprocisy again?


2.In the same spirit, when a person belonging to northern shcool of thorught

goes and falls at the feet of all and sundry, does he has the moral right to

reject Sri PiLLai LokAchAryAr or MaNavALa mAmunikaL?


3. AzhwAr-s have clearly proclaimed and our rahasya granthangaL have toed the

line, that one should not go for dhEvanthAnthram. Therefore, let us not in the

name of nirhEthuhak kripai try to justify these acts.


4. Irrespective of the ultimate end, if one does not want nithya kainkaryam, and

if one wishes for some material wishes - at least let them fall at the feet of

Lord KrshNA. Perhaps, in due course this will change.


5. Yes our AchAryAs should be vociferous and telling while performing

samAsrayanam in this regard. The message apparently is not getting conveyed and

samAsryanam has become a mere ritual. As mentioned, the numbers do not matter,

it the conviction that matters and the conviction should be born at the time of

samAsrayanam at least, if not earlier.


6. Coming to the topic of discussion, thhough I agree by definition, they do not

belong to srEvaishNavism by practice, is it not our AchAryAs role to reclaim

them? 'payan anRAGilum pAngallanAgilum, seyal nanRAgath thriuthip paNi koLvAn"

kaNNinuN siRuthAmbu


7. Yes, the sampradhayam books should be permeate more. I think and

vEdhics are doing this to a great extent.That is indeed great.


8. I request you who are all in the know of things, to encourage our younger

generations to open these grantham-s and start studying. Let them consult

learned people and Acharyas and listen to upanyAsam cd-s. Kanchi swAmy's books

are eternal treasures.Let them be made clear that these are not difficult to

understand and is in the grasp of one and all. This change in the mindset from

the elders is also required.


( the first counsel I got from many of my elders was - do not open srEvachana

bhUshaNam and read. You will not understand This attitude should completely



It is unfortunate that desisting from worshipping other deities is only an

entrance test but the way argument goes, it is like becoming a final exam.


9. I think what Sri Kidambi SoundaraRajan wrote was out of feeling that, those

belonging to srEvaishNavic lineage go astray.


'ezhuvAr-vidai koLvAr-yEn thuzhAn adiyEa vazhuvA vagai ninaindhu vaigal

thozhuvArp-vinaich sudarai nandhuvikkum vEAnkaTamEA -vAnOar manach sudarai

thUNdum malai" mudhal thiruvandhAdhi.


'mARRumOr dheivam vuNdenRu iruppArOAdu vuRRilEan,

vuRRadhum vun adiyArkku adimai, maRRellAm pEASilum,

nin thiruvettezhuthum kaRRu nAn - kaNNa purathuRai ammAnEA' Periya ThriuzMozhi 8-10-3;


Thanks a lot.



vanamamalai padmanabhan

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Dear Sri Sampathkumar Swamin,

While I am thankful for your kind

words, let me please mention that I am a nobody in front of people like Sri TCA

Swamin, Sri Padmanabhan Swamin, Sri Sadagopan Iyengar or Sri Madhavakkannan

Swamin. In fact, I consider Sri TCA Swamin to be one of my gurus as it was his

acharya.org website that kindled my strong interest in the sampradayam. I

request every member of this forum to visit the website and read all the


Talking of the degeneration, I just saw one of the

venerated "Sri Vaishnava" scholars addressing Muruga as "MAL marugan". What can

I say!!


I openly welcome your comments,

but kindly allow me to address those.

Quote >>However, adiyen beg to differ with you thatour sampradhayam is in a bad

state. Adiyen for oncefeel confident that our sampradhayam is in a strongstate.

However, the 'true membership' has dwindled.Adiyen wish to present three points.


>> End quote.

Well, I speak for our whole Sri sampradayam in general, I hate to differentiate

between rAmAnuja/dEsika sampradayams at this juncture. Well, kindly look at all

the languishing divyadesams or even look at the current interest of the present

crop of "Iyengars". True, lack of encouragement from the rulers as in those

days started to dwindle and hence forced our forefathers start looking for

materialistic pursuits, and the trend continued and as generation passed on, we

have people with Srivaishnava names doing anything bhagawath kainkaryams. I

think it is for everyone to see, how many of our cousins/friends are even

interested in our sampradayam, or can even chant the SrisailEsa mantram

completely? Well, I don't have to reiterate the number of times we've seen the

so-called Srivaishnava priests doing totally unwarranted acts. We have

pan-parag chewing priests, cigarrette-smoking "vAdhiyArs", and ofcourse

"Srivaishnava" Bhattars of our temples sporting "Sabarimala"

attires. Not to forget the Saibabas and Kalki bhagawans in our midst. I strongly

believe that if there is not an overhaul to be done, our sampradayam will be

reduced a bunch of ritualistic brahmins who perform ceremonies for money.

>> You said.1. What is our bench mark to evaluate the state of

oursampradhayam?One belongs to Srivaishnavam if one's objective isMoksham

(eternal bhagavath kainkaryam) and mokshamonly. If someone is not with that

objective how can wesay that they belong to our sampradhayam? In thislight, the

experience swamin had with that lady,singing about a baba or dhabha, she

obviously is NOTinterested in moksham and interested in othermaterialistic

things. How can we say that she belongsto our sampradhayam? These 'askthika

nasthikas' shouldsimply be ignored as 'moorkas'. Why do we evenevaluate our

sampradhayam based on these people? Ifthis is our bench mark, yes our

sampradhayam is in abad state.

It is unneccesary for me to say that no one becomes aSriVaishnava by birth,

whatever is the familybackground. After going through the samsaric cycle

formany many births and deaths, through bhaghavathasambhandham one gets acharya

sambhandham. Andeventually acharya sambhandham leads us to mahaviswasam and

finally to Emberuman sambhandham. And allthis happens by His nirhetuka krupai

only. Adiyenwould view that lady's state as some one who is inlower rung of

this ladder and pray to Emberuman tomake her move faster. But I am not going to

evaluateour sampradhayam based on her, becuase there arebillions like her.


>> End quote.

I agree with you totally in this regard. I don't want to refer that lady as a

Srivaishnava. My bad. An "Iyengar" is not a Srivaishnava. Only a person

surrendered to RAmAnuja is a Srivaishnava. This is my understanding.


You said

>>2. Why are we in the state we are now?Swamin raised a question that why can’t

our acharyasstress that we should worship ONLY Sriman nArAyaNA andnobody else.

But, it is beyond doubt and withabsolutely no uncertainty that our acharyas

havestressed this point. However, this message is not wellcirculated amongst

us. That is becuase ourpoorvacharyas vyakyanams and exceptional works are ina

state not easily understandable by presentgeneration. For example, how many of

the youngergeneration today would even dare to open and read onepage of 'Edu'

and try to understand? This is where thesuccess of ISKCON is obvious.

Sri.Prabhupadha made'all' of their sampradhaya messeges so easilyavailable in

simple english. Adiyen personally knowmany many gaudiya vaishnavas follow that

sampradhayambecuase it is presented to them in an easier way. There is a set of

books called ‘Eettin Thamizhakkam’(meaning Edu in

simple Thamizh). These books arewritten by a scholar about 30 years before

andpublished by University of Madras in a set of 10volumes and provide ‘Edu’ in

a simple Thamizh style.However, this is not available any more. During mylast

trip to India, I had to do lot of digging inUniversity book store to trace some

of the volumes ofthis book. I found few volumes with total damage lyingin a

corner of the room on floor, where as mundanenovels are protected in moisture

proof containers.That is the state of our sampradhayam. So, our focusmust be on

bringing in to light these kinds of worksmore and more to lime light and

strengthening ourfoundation. May be even that lady would change.


>> End quote.

Well, if our AchAryAs (not the poorvAchAryAs, but the current initiating

achAryAs) to give clean instructions, why do we have the so-called

SrivaishnavAs doing non-sensical things EVEN after samAshrayanam?? For example,

the lady I mentioned had already taken SamAshrayanam. Likewise, if you look

around, you cannot see many people practising standards that are expected from

a prapanna. Strictly speaking, people having taken samashrayanam should not

even eat outside, is it the real case??


You said>> 3. Why are we still arguing about our internaldifferences?Any

sampradhayam is bound to have different viewpoints. As long as the fundamentals

and finalobjective are the same, these differences in approachand practice must

be viewed in a healthy and positiveway with mutual respect and cooperation.

However, eventoday in our sampradhayam, I see elders twice my agefrom both the

schools try to score victory over theother as if this is a contest. If today’s

eldersrealize that even after one life time, they could notdissolve the

differences, at least they need not passit on to the next generation. May be

over a period oftime these differences will die themselves. I don’twant my

grand son or grand daughter to be stillclassified as some ‘kalai’ instead of


>> End quote.


I totally agree this TK/Vk fight is a useless waste of time when one considers

that both the schools are facing erosion. As for me personally, I don't care

for these kalais, etc. Yet, I do love Swami MM and PL a lot and would do

anything to defend their greatness, that was why I was hard on my mail

discussing Anbil Swamin. Few people realize that without Swami PL or MM,

Srirangam would've become another al-aqsa by now.


You said >>

Swamin, kindly accept adiyen’s apology for anyapacharams. It is not my intention

to prove a point oranything. Adiyen personally feel that if Emberumancould

choose even some one like me to surrender untohim unconditionally, our

sampradhayam is not in anydanger. Even though I am an elementary level

student,I am not young. I am almost 40 (half the well iscrossed) and still in a

beginning state. May be thatis the state of our sampradhayam.

>> End quote


Swamin, age is nothing but a number. It is never too late, especially when one

just wants to surrender to Sri emperumAnAr. Even ajAmilan was saved by the Lord

when he was at his deathbed. He was a sinner even until that moment.



KidAmbi Soundararajan. Azhwar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

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Memories of the famous singer Smt Aruna sairam come to my mind when I

read about that lady in the temple (described in this thread) involved

in singing. Losing oneself in singing His praise can have only one

name – bhakti. That lady has had bhakti as means and bhakti as end.

Only that her guide is Saibaba!!


Reading all that flowed as a result, I can not but have to get reminded

of the story of the yogi who was obsessed with the way a woman in a

nearby place lived, only to see her to be taken to heavens (after

death) in an edifying way and himself taken in a way that is otherwise!

I think there is something drastically missing in the way how we have

to understand our sampradaya.


-Jayasree saranathan

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Sri Vimalkumar,


Your questions are very valid, logical and practical. However I am

attempting to answer them to the extent I have learnt and

understood. I request all others to correct me wherever I am wrong.


1. You said "nirhetukA kripa means causeless mercy, that is when one

surrenders, it is totally because of the Lord that he does". This

itself is contradictory. You agree that it is causeless and also say

that it happens ONLY when one does the act of Surrender. Aren't

these contradictory as, when one does the act of surrender and He

accepts it, it becomes a cause.


2. To answer your questions on whether one can go to a masala movie

et al, the answer is No. But wait, nirhEtuka krupA means, He will

shower His grace even on people who do this without realising it. A

realised soul (Even here the realisation is due to Him as said by

nammAzhwAr ".....un manatthAl en

ninaindhirundhAi", ".....aRiyAkkAlathuL aDimaikkaN anbu seidhu"

etc), will never indulge in such activities. Rather, he will indulge

in activities like ".........therithezhudhi vAsitthum, kEttum,

vaNangi vazhipattum, poositthum, pOkinEn pOdhu".

One cannot, rather should not, be saying that he is going to a

masala movie because of His nirhEtuka krupa.


3. We are not doing all those movie watching etc, due to His

nirhEtuka krupA, but due to our ignorance. But due to His nirhEtuka

krupA, He forgives the sins of a soul, (actually, He even takes the

sins as His bhOgyam as per Sri aruLaLa perumAL emberumAnAr in his

gnyAna-sAram and pramEya-saram)and make it a realised one and take

it into His abode from where there is no return. THIS IS THE RIGHT



4. On the other hand, if we are to question that, whether such an

act on the part of emberumAn towards a soul, which is a sinner, is

not wrong and sends wrong signals to every one to indulge in

unlawful activites, the answer is no. Because He is the owner of the

soul and He has the ultimate right to do whatever He wants. We on

our part are only slaves and do not have the rights or authority to

question His act. Then where is the question? It is like this, if a

watch of ours is malfunctioning, we are at liberty to either rectify

it and use it again or just throw it. He we are the master and the

watch is a slave, & where is the question of the watch asking you,

why are you doing like this. This is the true swaroopam of a

prapannA, which is called pArathanthriyam. Likewise, our

PoorvAchAryAs have said that the true characteristic of a prapannA

is that he should be like the achit, that is the watch in the

analogy above.


I feel, I may have answered your question to the feeblest of my

knowledge. I request, once again, to correct me wherever I am wrong.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

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