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Urdhav-pundra (thiruman kappu)

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Post on Thiruman Kappu - Resending from 2000 archives.


=====Original Note by adiyen: Yr 2000=======

Humble pranams to all devotees:


Vaishnavas (Worshippers of Vishu as the Supreme) wear on

their bodies the LORD's external symbols.


There are several groups of Vaishnavas,

Sree Vaishnava, Chaitanya, Vallabha, ISKON Vaishnavas.


SreeVaishnavas have their faith in SreemanNarayana

(MahaVishnu & MahaLakshmi), and resort to Bhakti & Prapatti.

They wear on their foreheads the mark of the feet of the LORD,

in the vertical position.


Works like Padma Purana, Marichi, Pancaharatra, Viakhanasa,

Parameswara samhita etc. explain clearly how the feet of the Lord

should be worn on the forehead,

however they do not explain the details of the shape very clearly.


They do give about 25 objects, which the "Lords feet" should

resemble, all these shapes and forms have the authority of the shastras.


These 20 to 25 forms can be reduced to two forms, one resembling

the english letter "Y" and the other "U"


(BUT NEVER TO LOOK LIKE V, V shape does not have much support, as per shastras)


"Minor" Vedantic differences existed between scholars, subsequent to

the age of Purvacharyas, which formed into Vatakalai & Thenkalai

groups. (about 300 years ago)


Both groups wear the "Lords feet" of different forms

U & Y, but they both will quote the same Pancaratra samhita sloka as authority.


Y & U both denote the lord's feet.

(The Bhava of adorning is Dasatvam, Sheshatvsam)


Y specifically denotes both the feet of the lord

(Charanao, is Dwithia vibhakti)

We always say "Charanao Saranam Prapadye".


VedanataDesikan in "Saccaritra Raksha" explains that the

Mark worn on the forehead of Vaishnavas should not be

designated by the name, but be designated "HARIPADAKRITI"

The shape of the feet of Hari.


If there had been any controversy over this at that time, swami VedanataDesikan

would have mentioned the controversy and the reslotion in his work.

For Swami Desika Sampradaya followers:

He exaplins that the space between Srichurnam and ThirumaN, should be a

few fingers thick (at all places). Hence the V shape is not sanctioned here.


There are scholars who have their (shastra based) reasons for why

U stands only for one foot of the Lord. There are scholars who read

the "HARIPADAKRITI" as one foot and not two feet (as it could mean both)


So all the controversy we see over Y & U does not have a basis,

as different forms of the Lord's feet have been sanctioned by the Shastras.

No difference or quarrel should arise on the shape of Feet of the Lord.


The most important thing is why we wear it and the Bhava we need to have.



There is a difference in Y and U shape. This mainly arises from interpretation

of the same sloka that both groups agree on.

In the Phrases : " Arabhya Nasika Mulam "



Nasikamulam arabhya: "nasadikesa paryantam, anasamulam-arabhya"

- From Pancarathra Samhita


1st Interpretation (Literal meaning ) Followed by U mark.


Adi and Mula indicate the Space between two eyebrows, Nasanta (Nose Tip)


"Feet of the Lord" is from the space between the eye-brows

- Bhru Madha to the end of the Hair - Kesanta.


2nd Interpretation (Technical interpretation) Followed by Y mark.


Since Pancaratra samhita is a highly technical treatise (Not a literary work)

the Y group feels technical interpretation is more appropriate


Nasikamula is one word and not Two words, same as nasamula is one word.


The nose is divided into two parts :

The soft portion of the nose from the tip : Madhvasti

Over the Mashvasti, The Hard Part : Nasikamula (or Nasamula)


The Y shape comes as in this interpretation

the Mark should commence from the "Hard part" of the nose.



=> Vikhanasa muni Sishyas:- (Wearing Y Shape) in most Indian Temples.

Some Vaikhanasas also wear U shaped Thiruman.


I have heard some Vaikhanasa periyavas say (The Thiruvallikeni, Srivilliputtur


and Vaikhanasa Scholars)

Swamigals had quoted some Vaikhanasa slokas and explaines the

bottom part as the Stand for the feet of the Lord, as you would not

want to just make Maha Vishnu & Lakshmi sit on the floor,

you always put a stand on which you will

have them grace. So they have a stand shaped like KAMALAM.


PS: In Adiyen's family (VP) and many other Acharya Purusha families,

the padam denotes the Acharyan. (The current acharyan when he does

the intiation tells us he is doing this as a representative

of Swami Ramanuja)

(For all of us After Swami Ramanuja, this padam Denotes Swami Ramanuja

For those before Swami Ramanuja, it denoted their respective achryans)


=> A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: (Wear Y shape in all cases)

Since you see the Y shape on all the ISCON followers and HH A.C.B Swami,

adiyEn asked some of ISCON Acharyas for the reasons for the Y shape on their


All they said was it is per their Acharya and his words on this are

as per Puranas.



Now the Presence of MahaLakshmi between the feet of the LORD is acccepted by

both U & Y (Tiruppolinda sevadi yen seeninyin mer porittai - PeriAzhwar)

Lakshmi is represented as Sre:Churna. This is Turmeric (yellow in color) made

red during manufacture.


According to Pancaratra, in the mystical diagram representing the Lord position

of Lakshmi is marked red.

Hence many acharyas and their devotees have adopted the red color for



Many Vadakalai devotees use the Yellow color and they also have relevant

authorities that they quote from.

Hiranya Varnam .....(Golden color) (Sri-Suktam first line)



Follow up quesiotns that will come up:


Q. Why we wear Thiruman at all:


A. To take the feet of the Lord on our forehead and other parts

(To indicate we are HIS servants)


Q. Why do we do that. ?


A. To make our body a temple for Sre:manna:ra:yana: (Sre: & Narayana)

and to identify us as his property.


With this we realize & act in accordance to the Lord and are guided by HIM

: in our Heart we always have HIM; all our physical actions (On Shoulders we

have his sign)

; in speech we are guided by HIM, in thought we are guided by HIM.

and perform "Selfless service" to the Lord and his devotees.


Q. Why do we put Thiruman on the Lord:

(Why put the feet of the Lord on the Lord?)


A. Lord wears Thiruman as the indication of the ayudhas (weapons)

(some say to protect devotees, and universe)


Also to identify with other devotees, to show HE is one of us.

And lead by example.



Prayer 1:


adiyEn prays to Lord Srimannarayana and Purvacharyas to help with the

spreading of Sree Sampradaya all over the world, without any divisions

between Y & U, without any concern about caste & race.


Prayer 2:

We also pray for SadBuddhi so we all treat all devotees with utmost respect and


(and treat them as you would treat the Lord Incarnate.)


If we treat all devotees of the lord with utmost respect and regard,

we will see our beautiful Sampradaya spread all over the world,

we will see our Mayors, Presidents and general public all over taking

to this beautiful and logical sampradaya.


If anything is wrong in this mail it is adiyEn's fault in understanding

our Acharyas and their works.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr Jeeyar thiruvadigale saranam


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi



======Sri Mohan Sagar's note in 2000 ===========

Respected bhAgavathas,


Here are a few additional thoughts, based on what I have learned, to add to Sri

Mukundan Pattangi's lucid and insightful posting on thiruman:


The goal of a SriVaishnavan is to awaken to the joyous realization that he/she

is the simple servant of the Supreme Lord, Sriman Narayana. Such a realization

is life changing, effecting every level of our

being, taking us to a level where in body, mind and spirit we become humble

receptacles to His Divine Grace and simple instruments to His Good Efforts.


We want such a realization to be experienced in everything we do, say or feel.

Both the desire for this experience and the experience itself is outwardly

expressed to ourselves and others through the wearing of thiruman and

sri:chu:rnam in the 12 major energy nodes of our body.


Two fundamental qualities must be cultivated in a devotee seeking to come to the

Divine awakening described above.

One is Peace and the other is Divine Love.


Peace is only known at the twin Lotus Feet of of Sriman Narayana.

These are our only refuge and our True Home. So, these are placed on ourselves


twin vertical white lines. Divine Love can be known only by becoming constantly

aware of the Lord's Mercy and Compassion, which reside with Him as

His Eternal Consort, Sri, the Divine Mother.


Her presence is seen in the red/yellow marking that is known

as the sri:chu:rnam. We could stop here, but, in order for

both of these to be known and experienced correctly,

a proper foundation is required.

Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja becomes this foundation through our

Acha:rya paramparai, and this is seen as the connector, the

base, if you will, on which the three vertical lines rest.


This base is represented by either the semi-circular shape

or the ""lous flower"" shape that is placed just under the



To me, what is important is not whether the thiruman is shaped U or Y,

but rather the philosophical attitude that one must cultivate when

one is wearing them. We must recognize and treasure the that our

very ability to wear thiruman is the kind gift of our Acharya,

who provides with us this great honor during our sama:sra:yanam.


We must see the thiruman as a holy sacrament, a ritual that invokes in us the

the mood of being simple instruments in the Lord's Loving Hands through the

mercy of the Acharya paramaparai that finds its foundation and highest

ideal in Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja.


It is sad and ironic that the very symbol that was intended to

cultivate and express this highest level of Divine Love and Peace,

this gift of our Acharyas, would create such strife in our community.


I join in Sri Mukundan's prayers for a better understanding that will help

us to work together harmoniously in preserving and sharing the wonders

of our Ramanuja Darshanam.


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