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Non Srivaishnava Hyms. - Excellent post by Sri Sreekanth

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Humble pranam to all devotees:


Very good points by Sri Sreekanth,


Please read carefully,

No one is being asked to follow or worship others here,

It is only the Bhajans written by others purely on Lord Narayana

and his incarnations which are in question.


The bhajans in most cases help bring about

the mood in many satsanghs, As long as the bhajans

are on our Lord Sriman Narayana and his incarnations,

they should be acceptable to Vaishnavas.

The bhajans are being sung in glorificaion of the lord,

what wrong can there be in singing the glory of the lord.


If not for Adi-Shankaracharya, almost all of the Vedic Religion

would have become budhist. The interesting thing is he was a

devoted vaishnava, and preached GOD as Narayana.


The Philosophies are differrent between shankara

Ramanuja and Madhwa, but there has

been mututal respect for other Acharyas at least

from Sri Vaishanva Point of view.


As HH Chinna Jeeyar Swmai often quotes,

"Respect Others, WORSHIP your own"



At 08:56 AM 11/18/2005, Sreekanth wrote:

>Dear devotees:

>please accept adiyen's humble pranam


>I don’t understand why you will have serious problems

>in chanting the sthothras of other acharyas.


>(re: ISKCON bhajans, eventually,

>ISKCON has very different teaching than in

>SrIvaishNava sampradayam, if so called “adwaithic”

>sthothra is not acceptable, achinthya bhedhabheda

>sthothras are also not acceptable, the same can be

>extended to Githa gOvindam too).


>All sthothra works of acharyas, glorifying srimannarayanan

>including those out side form sampradyam should be praptham or

>acceptable to us, simply becoz of the reason that who

>is the subject (prabandha vailakshaNyam and vishEshya

>vailakshaNaym are important here) of those sthothras.

>we cannot categorize other acharyas simply because, we

>are not even qualified to go to nearest extend of

>their knowledge or will be able to understand their

>works, only things one has to be careful is the way of

>surrender, or the way each chethanan chooses, to reach



>Certainly a srivaishavan, who approaches acharya for

>samasrayanam, has to keep pathrivrathyam after words,

>in every means. This doest mean, that, one after

>performing saranagathi, can blame all other acharyas,

>and talk ill about them and their sampradayam. One

>thing we should understand as a "matham"


>Sanakaracharya-ramanuja-madhwa belong to same, class,

>vaishanavam. no doubt about that, As far as prasthana

>thraya bhasyas are concerned, all three acharyas speak

>only about Sriman narayanan as the goal. they have

>differences only about the means to attain him, and

>his swaroopa comapared to others. every sampradayam

>will have definite reasons for their claims. and it is

>the infinite magic of bhagavan, that he himself,

>created so many versions of things. in fact, these

>things are kept only becoz of the reason, people will

>fall immediately into such debates, which acharya is

>acceptable and who is not. in this respect, I cannot

>control myself remembering the SrI sUkthIs of swami

>PiLLAi lOkAcharya and swAmi vEdAntha dESika. in both

>mumukshupadi as well as in srIvachana bhUshaNam, and

>in nyAsa vimSathi, they have talked very little about

>the qualifications of Acharyas. but they have talked

>tons and tons about sishya lakshanam. which if we

>perform a self criticism, we will see whether we are

>in a position to criticize other blessed births.


>What ever one should say, with out sankaracharya, the

>shrine at badarinath, might be still a Buddhist

>shrine. there won’t be a Vedic religion back to us.

>but by this I did not mean that one should follow his

>sampradayam, and I have no soft corner towards that,

>the path shown by the Azhwars, emperumanar, pillai

>lokacharyar, and manavalamamunikal, is the last and

>final path, there is no doubt about that. but in the

>name of sampradayam, and talking other subjects, like

>how the shape of thiruman should be, can i chant other

>sthothras, etc… at every step of such discussions we

>forget one thing, the real goal, the real knowledge,

>bhagavan sriman narayan. And that is exactly what he

>is looking for also, he is keenly watching us, to see

>what extent, we desire for him, or what extent we go

>for other worthless debates.


>Works like bhajagovindam, narayaneeyam, githa

>gOvindam, marathi abhangs of thukaram, namadev,

>thulsidas, surdas, kabir, meera bhai, all sung with

>utmost devotion or “arthy” to reach the paramam padam.

>a prapanna has only two things in possession,

>akinchanyathwam and ananya gathithwam. with this, a

>prapanna approaches an acharya, perform saranagathi.


>All the rest the prapannan does, including grantha

>kalakshepas, are for the better understanding of

>jeevathma swarooopa, which will invoke an attraction

>towards, bhagavadanubhava preethikaritha kainkaryam.

>what is the result of all these? kainkaryam itself is

>the result of doing kainkaryam...swayam prayOjanam. so

>chanting sahasra nama, (sahasra namam also has atleast

>3 bhasyams one adwaithic, one vishistadwaithic, and

>one dwaithic) chanting other sthothras, who ever has

>written them should not be a matter there. a very

>simple example here


>“SrIvaikuNTEthu parE lOkE SriyAsArdham jagathpathim

>AsthE vishNurachinyAthmA bhakthai bhagavathai saha:”

>this manthra, is chanted by each SrIvaishNava during

>thiruvaradhanam. Where does it comes from? Vishu

>puraNa? Other sathwika puraNas? No…. it comes from the

>last verse of lingapuraNa.


>Then every one will not like every sthothras, that is

>up to their tastes, as far as I am concerned, I cannot

>chant, too complicated hymns, with highly terse and

>hard to pronounce words , becoz, the happiness in

>chanting will go, while concentrating on the spelling,

>and concentrating on the way of chanting, for the sake

>of not committing mistakes. Let what all we do should

>end up with creating happiness and preethi in perumAls

>and bhagavathals mind.


>Kindly forgive me if I hurt some ones feelings are

>kindly feel free to correct me. Mistakes “nAnEthAn



>AdiyEn SrIkAntha rAmAnuja dAsan

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