Guest guest Posted November 20, 2005 Report Share Posted November 20, 2005 the two main languages Srivaishnava hyms have been composed in. Due to my knowledge of Hindi/Gujarati i am able to recite Sanskrit hyms but with great difficulty. Therefore i feel the need to recite bhajans and Keertans in Hindi and Gujarati (such as tulasidas and Narsihn mehta).. Another point i must make is that here in the Britian there very few Srivaishanavas, so even though i follow Ramanuja Sidhanta, ISKCON which is more larger remains a major part in developing my bhakthi. Due to fewer language barriers i find the ISKCON keertans easier to sing and have expreinced great joy and Hari bhakthi whilst doing so. Again thanks for all your kind replies Jai Sri Krishna. vinod sv <winode_sv (AT) (DOT)> wrote: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">SrI:SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:SrI lakshmI narasimha parabrahmaNE nama:dear vaishNavas,Respect others, worship yours.This is a simple suggestion with its meaning beingvery deep. SrI AchArya’s instruction can be analyzed asRespect all other’s even if it is unacceptable to you,as it is other’s; but nevertheless worship yours only.-> ‘Tolerate’ others in all circumstances even iftheirs is against yours; but nevertheless continue toworship yours only.And this simple instruction also suggests us not toaccept other’s simply because you have to respectothers; but ‘practice yours ONLY’. However, most people take it as accepting other’sviews for us to respect theirs. In reality, we canrespect other’s views without accepting them. A Hinducan respect a Christian without acceptingChristianity. A Christian can respect a Muslim withoutaccepting qurAn. There is no necessity for people toaccept other’s views to respect their views. So is thecase within the beliefs within Hindus.We can respect shankara AchArya followers withoutaccepting advaita. Respect is two fold, one being merediplomacy wherein one has to just follow someprotocols to exhibit it; in the latter, one has toexhibit a genuine respect for the fellow person deepin the heart. As we all know, vaishnavism is all aboutbeing devoid of duplicity, we do respect people comingfrom all religions and beliefs to the core of ourhearts; but we do not accept their philosophies unlessthey are in line with Emperumanar’s. And if we haveproblem with this, we have to check if we are trulybelieving in Yati rAja.Here our context is to read the slokas written by nonSrI- Vaishnavas. Our context is also to check theanology shown between established hymns(withnon-sAmpradAyic commentaries) and the non-sAmpradAyicslokas.1. ‘SrI vishNu sahasranAmam has even non SrIvaishNavic commentaries, but for that reason, we arenot discarding it’:::: So there is no harm in readingto the slokas of AchAryas of other sAmpradAyams. This argument appears to be substance-less in light ofthe author of this hymn being Sri vEda vyAsa Himself.‘vyAsAya vishNu rUpAya. vyAsa rUpAya vishNavE’. SrIvyAsa dEva Himself has written Lord vishNu’s 1000names, for which some people have given explanationwhich is not sAmpradAyic. This is akin to, ‘if someone attempts to give an advaitic commentary to AchAryarAmAnuja’s gadya trayam, we cannot reject gadya trayamas advaitic’. Some times, some of the Sri vaishNavascriptures are commented by non sAmpradAyic people,but their commentaries are invalid, and for thataccount only our AchAryas have given us correctcommentaries, discarding the wrong ones. If the personwho attempted to give wrong interpretation ofrAmAnuja’s gadya trayam has also written another setof slokas, we cannot argue that because we cannotreject gadya trayam, we cannot reject this new set ofslokas also. This person’s wrong connection torAmAnuja doesnot approve his other works, because hisconnection with the rAmAnuja’s work itself is invalid.From this we can safely conclude that, if some onecomposes a work not in line with emperumanar, all hisother works lose their ground to be acceptable to asri vaishNava. Nevertheless, SrI vaishNavas respectall others; although worship theirs own. Please do notpromote non vaishnavism and duplicity. Respectingothers doesnot mean accepting others and followingthem.Then the question remains, ‘ why do we want to chantthe slokas written by non sri vaishnavas? Are there nosufficient works of Sri vaishNava Acharyas that wehave to resort to other sAmpradAyas????????’If we mean to chant the slokas to praise SrImAnnArAyaNa, it is best for us to learn the meanings ofthe slokas, because praising SrImAn nArAyaNa cannot bemere ritualistic. When one doesnot have thepossibility to learn the meanings of the slokas, thenit is atleast better to chant them; in that case, oneshould strictly take the hymns written by SrIvaishNava AchAryas if one truly believes insAmpradAya. This is called pAti vratya (chastitytowards the Master). Let us promote the works of SrIAchAryas who are infinitely compassionate and aresacrificing everything for the welfare of badha jivAs(conditioned beings). We do have innumerable hymnsfrom our pUrva AchAryas. Please, let us not go out ofsAmprAdaya fold and be disloyal to our AchAryaparampara. Please do not promote wrong meanings tosecularism. Secularism means ‘Respect others, worshipyours’.dAsOham,SrIperumbUdUru vEnkaTa vinOd. 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