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Sri piLLai lOkAchAryA's yaadruchchika-p-padi: English Translation by Sri T.A.Varadhan - Introduction

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Dear and respected Devotees. Please accept our humble pranam:



Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:

SrimathE lOkAchArya mahA guravE nama:

Srimath Varavara Munaye nama:





svAmi piLLai lOkAchAriAr is perhaps the greatest exponent of our sampradAyam as

far as rahasya granthaas are concerned. The common meaning for the word rahasya

is secret. But, in this case, a more appropriate meaning is "esoteric

teaching". The reason that his works are called "rahasyas" is because of the

nature of these teachings – they convey the most essential meanings in our

sampradAyam. His 18 rahasya granthaas (aStAdasa rahasyAs) are the most wonderful

treasure that he blessed us with, and svAmi maNavALa mAmuni wrote commentaries

on 3 of these rahasyAs.


The word "yAdruchchika" means spontaneous, unexpected, or voluntary (without any

condition, or expectation from the other person). The grace of our Lord, Sriman

nArAyaNa is one such thing – it is called nirhEthuka, or causeless. This work

deals with the concepts that one who has had the spontaneous grace of the Lord

fall on him/her should understand. These concepts are contained in the three

mantras – the Thirumantram, dwayam, and charama slOkam. Many of the 18 rahasya

granthaas deal with the meanings contained in those three mantras.

yAdruchchika-p-padi is one of those – it perhaps is the smallest work among the

18 rahasys granthaas , in terms of amount of words, that deal with the meanings

of the three sacred mantras.


A few caveats need to be made clear, with regard to this series/ booklet:


(i) Normally, rahasya granthaas are learned under the tutelage

of one's AchAryA, in a traditional method – after undergoing initiation into the

sampradAyam through samashrayanam.

(ii) Translation of rahasya granthaas into English is not very

easy, given that the anubhavams of the beautiful maNipravALa words cannot be

expressed in English.

(iii) More than the literal meanings, the practice of the concepts

is very important, and the way to practice the concepts can only be learned by

observing, and listening to elders and fellow srIvaishNavAs.


This translation is NOT intended to replace the actual learning that one should

undergo from an AchArya. However, given that many interested devotees are more

familiar with English than any other language, and most devotees use English on

a daily basis, there is a need for some translations so that we can fulfil our

AchAryA's commands – that of helping anyone who is interested learn about the



This translation is an attempt to translate the actual rahasya grantha, to the

best of my ability. All credit for the good that people perceive in this

translation goes to adiyEn's AchAryA, paramapadavAsi Sri ThirumAlai

AnandANpiLLAi KrishNamAchAriAr svAmi, adiyEn's grandfather paramapadavAsi Sri

ThirumAlai AnandANpiLLAi NarasimhAchAriAr svAmi, who taught me, at an early age

basics of our sampradAyam and the scholars that adiyEn has had an opportunity to

learn from – particulary Sri EmbAr RangAchAriAr svAmi of thiruvallikkENi who

instilled in me the unique greatness of our AzhvAr pAsurams and the greatness of

AchAryAs like svAmi nampiLLai and svAmi piLLai lOkAchAriAr. Any mistakes, or

errors are *entirely* due to my faults.



AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,

adiyEn Madhurakavi dAsan,

Thirumalai AnandAnpiLLai SrInivAsa Varadhan


Vedic_Books http://www.radioramanuja.com/eb

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