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Sri piLLai lOkAchAryA's yaadruchchika-p-padi: Dwaya prakaraNam: English Translation by Sri T.A.Varadhan

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srImathE krishNa sUrayE namah

srImathE vara vara munayE namah

srImathE lOkAchArya guravE namah

srImathE anantArya mahAguravE namah

srImathE rAmAnujAya namah

srImathE saTakOpAya namah

srIyai namah

srIdharAya namah


Dear and respected Devotees. Please accept our humble pranam:


Sri piLLai lOkAchAryA's yaadruchchika-p-padi


lOkAcArya gurave krishna pAdasya sUnavE |

samsAra bhOgi sandaShta jeeva jeevAtavE nama: ||


Dwaya prakaraNam:

srIman nArAyaNa charaNau charaNau prapadyE |

srImathE nArAyaNAya nama: ||


The dwayam illustrates the adoption of the means, and the prayer for the goal.

Since this illustrates the two meanings, it consists of two lines. Since it has

two lines, it is called Dwayam. The first line has three words, and the second

line has three words – thus a total of six words.


The first word (srIman nArAyaNa charaNau) illustrates the quality of periya

pirAtti (Lakshmi) of being a mediator, the four key qualities of the Lord and

the quality of the Lord and Laksmi being in union.


The sub-word Sri, by two of the possible etymologies – srIyathE and srayathE –

illustrates (i) the quality of Lakshmi not seeing the soul's faults and being

the refuge for *everyone* due to the relationship of Her being the mother of all

souls, and (ii) the quality of Lakshmi always taking refuge with the Lord as a

result of Her relationship of being the consort of the Lord and to save all the

souls. The conjunction math illustrates the eternal relationship between the

Lord and Lakshmi. nArAyaNa illustrates the four qualities of the Lord –

vAtsalyam, svAmithvam, sowseelyam and soulabhyam; these guNAs are such that even

in the hypothetical case where pirAtti tries to reject the souls from attaining

Them by seeing the souls' sins, the Lord discards that rejection and saves the

souls by saying "My devotees will NOT do wrong things; even if they did wrong

things, they did it for the right reason" {other beautiful experiences exist for

this statement from thiruvAimozhi – one is that the Lord becomes miffed due to

pirAtti saying that the Lord's devotees did something wrong and questions Her –

"hey! who has not done these wrong things? My devotees did these wrong things

very well", and proceeds to save the souls: ) }


charaNau denotes the specialness of the physical form of the Lord, which is

even more efficient at doing the function (of saving the souls) even more than

the nature and the auspicious qualities of the Lord. saraNam – as the means; the

means to a goal is one that removes the unwanted things and helps attain the

desired things. prapadyE – I take; taking here means a complete mental



srImathE - to the One who is in union with pirAtti – by this, it is said that

the receiver of all the services that the soul performs is the Lord and pirAtti

together (mithunam). nArAyaNAya – to the One who is the master of everyone –

since He is the master of everyone, this denotes the appropriateness of Him

being the recipient of all services. The fourth case ending "Aya" illustrates

the prayer to perform service without being affected by the constraints of

place, time and form. nama: - this word denotes the removal of the obstacle to

performing the services; the obstacles to performing service are thinking that

the soul is the enjoyer, and thinking that the soul is the owner and belongs to



Thus, dwayam illustrates the soul's adopting the appropriate means and after the

adoption, its prayer for performing eternal service – "I take the feet of srIman

nArAyaNa, who is the consort of Sri and is easy for everyone to attain, as the

means to the attainment of the desired thing and for removing the obstacles to

that attainment; I wish to have the fortune of performing eternal service to

Lord srIman nArAyaNa, the master of everyone; may ahamkaara and mamakaara, the

obstacles to attaining the goal be removed"


Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam



AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,

adiyEn Madhurakavi dAsan,

Thirumalai AnandAnpiLLai SrInivAsa Varadhan


Vedic_Books http://www.radioramanuja.com/eb

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