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Ekadasi / Dwadasi confusions. (Thithi)

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Dear Devotees: Please accept adiyen's humble pranam:


The following information is open for discussion, please

feel free to reply with corrections (with basis and points).

on or off the list.


Adiyen is listing what i have accumulated from various

sources: Sri Vaishnava Acharyas and Scholars.



There is an amount of confusion in every Asthika community

living outside India about dates and times for Ekadasi

and tirunakshatrams.


Indian Panchangams are based on Indian sun rise time.

For those of us not living in India, we should

correct/ adjust for the time difference while observing

Ekadasi / Dwadasi.


Thithi is based on the phase of the moon.

A thithi is the time (~17 to ~29 hrs) it takes the Moon

to move 12 degrees away from the Sun.


The thithi at sunrise rules the day, by using a panchangam for the local area

and the sunrise time we can know the Thithi.


Ekadasi must come in prior to the brahma muhurta (1 hour 36 min

before sunrise). Then it is called Suddha (pure) Ekadasi.

Then we observe Ekadasi on that day.


If it begins after that, it is considered impure and is

therefore to be observed on the next day.


For sunrise/ set timing at your area: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/


For example:

IF in India Ekadasi begins 1/9/2006: 1:50 PM - Thus Ekadasi is observed

on 1/10/2006

IF in USA Ekadasi begins 1/9/2006: 2:20 AM - (96 minutes before the



Ekadasi is observed on 1/9/2006


So far all the knowledgeable Sri Vaishnava acharyas, elders, and scholars

will agree to the thithi.


They do however differ during following complications,


Different famlies, acharyas, pranthiyams may have differrent ways to follow

Ekadasi, Dwadasi for the following cases.


Check with your respective elders for your family practice:


- If Ekadasi falls on sunrise two days in a row,

- If Dvadasi falls on the sunrise two days in a row.

- If Ekadasi begins after sunrise and ends before sunrise the next day.

- If Dvadasi begins after sunrise and ends before sunrise on the next day.


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