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received this email. do you think it worth passing on?

>From mailnull Sun Jan 7 13:17:46 2001

"J Sylvia Bastian" sabastian

"CHICKen" KtChicken, "Butch Kephart" BKEPHART, "Julia King"

starduster12, "Joe Maiorano" joemaioran, "Estela Monjo" estela,

"Patti Joe Panebianco" panebian


Sun, 7 Jan 2001 13:17:23 -0400

There's some good info here if you're interested - if not - delete

blessings Sylvia

- V. LoneSky


Cc: Ven. Chuen Phangeham ; Tera Rae Shores ; Steven Dedrick ; TLC ; Vicki Keiser

Sunday, January 07, 2001 1:21 PM


Dear Brothers & Sistars:

I Am forwarding onto you this piece of information from Elaine Dodson. I

honor the author as a pure source with heart intent. If drawn to do so, please

align yourself to this energy with the collective...and does anyone know the

time difference in hours from US Eastern Standard Time to India? That would

make 13th Jan in N.America....for their 14th Jan in India...correct? Be one

with all....I am with you always.

Love Virginia LoneSky


Dearest Seekers of the Sacred,

A very auspicious time will soon be upon us, as a magnificent & powerful star

alignment moves into position & unleashes its impact upon spiritual potential.

This letter is written that as many souls as possible might benefit from this

celestial event. It is for this reason that I also ask that you make every

effort to spread the word.

One of the significant revelations that I received is the occurrence of the

upcoming star alignments that will herald a major gateway of spiritual

progression for initiates &seekers worldwide.

This gateway will take place for one week from January 14th through January

21st. For tens of thousands of years, this gateway has been awaited &

prophesied by the Vedic sages. It is an opening that will make manifest the

turning of the Great Wheels of Time, as we move beyond the dark influences of

the Kali Yuga & emerge from the grasp of past solar karma.

As the sincere seeker offers up the open book of the human heart for healing &

ascension into the higher realms of being, divine response will be accorded

exponentially. This spiritual gathering of all gatherings, the Maha-gathering

of our time... will soon commence. A great congregation of our planets true

illuminaries will occur as the sages, masters, yogis, pundits, & nirmankayas

come down from their sacred abodes throughout the Himalayas. Some will come by

foot, traversing the high passes of the Himalayan range, descending from the

most remote regions of India, Tibet, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan, & Sikkim.

Some will teleport & simply appear out of the ethers, seemingly emerging from

thin air into the crowds that will be gathered. Entire groups of nirmankayas

will suddenly appear, manifesting through their lightbodies. Together this

mighty & majestic conclave will move into the rhythm of the Vedic chants &

ceremonies of the ancient of days on the banks of the revered Ganges, at the

convergence of three sacred rivers, in the holy city of Varanasi, India.

The three sacred rivers represent the causal spiritual streams of Shiva, Vishnu,

& Brahma, the three aspects of God Consciousness through which enlightenment and

co-creatorship is achieved. Untold numbers of holy men and women are expected to

gather, perhaps more than half a million. The Himalayas are now literally

buzzing in anticipation as representatives from all the mystic traditions in

the East, prepare to join together in a massive invocation for enlightenment

and liberation.

The Ascended Masters of the Brotherhood of Light will be represented in full

force, as the Divine Corridor is ignited at levels of manifestation never

before attained. This gathering of illumined saints & sages in Varanasi happens

every twelve years on a smaller scale, howeverthis year represents a specific

and extraordinary star alignment that occurs only once each 144 years. The

sequence of 144 years is occultly significant in & of itself. This most

powerful high holy week is called Maha Siharshrum Kumba Shalela.

..If ever there was a fertile moment in history to gather together in group

formation this is it! Astrologically, the sun will be making a transit from the

south node to the north node, which energizes the progression from the past to

the future at solar levels of karma. This is big, much grander in the cosmic

scheme of things than we can really understand. It has to do with everything

that humanity is or ever will be. The south node represents where we have come

from & what we have learned from that journey. The north node represents what

we aspire to & where we seek to be. Many sages of the eastern traditions

resolutely believe that gathering in conclave during this star alignment

assures enlightenment in this lifetime. The fact that it is seven days in

length is occultly significant as well, regarding the attainment of all seven

dimensions of human divine development. During this most auspicious gateway,

the mantle of planetary guardianship will be passed \from the East to the West

for externalized manifestation. The Oath of the Nirmankaya will be taken by

many, many souls as an undeniable fact of planetary progression. The initiates

of the West will now be made ready to fulfill their destiny. The time is now!

This celestial gateway will provide the impact of cosmic impulse at a level of

power & light that can truly penetrate the density that has hampered the

progression of the human spirit.

A full eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will also take place which will offer a

primal surge of influences that bring thought, aspiration, and all manner of

spiritual longing into manifestation. There will be no better time in this

century to move forward on the path & to put into vitalized motion your souls

higher purpose.

This will be a potently auspicious time to seed and sanctify new creations,

projects, & endeavors of both personal and collective intention. I cannot find

words to truly emphasize the spiritual opportunity that the Maha Siharshrum

offers us. The words simply cannot sufficiently take form upon my lips. I can

only convey to you the significance of this gateway in the fullness of its

importance through silent transmission.

The Rods of Initiation will be in full ignition, as I am given permission to

sweep in the descent of the major rays of co-creation. Initiatory ascent in the

revelation of the higher thresholds of consciousness will be at an optimum. An

all new level of manifested personal life mastery will be my primary emphasis.

Group initiation into 5th and 7th dimensional alignments of planetary service

will also be opened, as the Divine Plan is unveiled to greater numbers of

initiates. I too, will be unveiling myself to you in a divine demonstration of

pure & unmodulated light, as my purpose on the Path of Solar Logos is

officially launched into manifestation during this star alignment. My intention

is to supersede all previously conceived personal soul potential, breaking open

& freeing the Indwelling Light of God from the seed thought of I to the greater

being of the full I Am Presence. I am ready to claim my full divine destiny. I

am ready to teach & serve from the omnipresence that is the unchangeable,

causal force behind all creation. I am ready to do what I came here to do.

No sacrifice is too great! In fact, be willing to sacrifice everything, and thus

your spiritual merit will leap forward, advancing your karmic wheel accordingly.

In truth, the only things that can ever be sacrificed, are the illusions & false

perceptions that have held you back throughout the ages, & clouded your souls

ultimate purpose for incarnation. I will tellyou true & straight, When all is

given of the small self unto the great self, all is then received... all

wisdom, all love, all bounty, and abundance. That is the law of divine

response. As you trust, so you create.

My focus is now locked on to its ultimate goal, the full descent of the Solar

Angel of the Presence into human incarnation. By the year 2012, the Solar

Priesthood of Planetary Guardianship is called into full externalization among

the nations of the world. May my life and service to you all steadily support &

make way for the light of the sacred upon Earth, through all those that give

their heart to love of God. Let us rise up together... as one heart...as one

voice in invocation, reaching a zenith of unity that rings clear throughout the

ethers, in demonstration of the choice for liberation & service to the sacred.

By Elaine Dodson /Mexico Sacred Journey Retreats elaine (AT) SacredJourneyRetreats (DOT) zzn.com

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Jaya Guru Datta Everyone,


Does anyone know the distance in kilometers between Bangalore and Mysore?

My daughter needs it for a report she is doing for school about her trip to

the ashram, and I can't find it on the net.


By the way, thanks to all of you who helped to take care of her while she

was at Datta Peetham. It is nice for us to know that she has her own

personal relationship now with some devotees we have known a very long time,

some since before we were married. There are other devotees she has become

close to that we only know a little bit. At any rate, thank you one and



Sri Guru Datta,


Mahesh (and Uma)

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hai i am sarath from i ndia i dont knoew exactly how

many km but it takles about 3 hours from bamg to

mysore soo it will be like 150-160 km

ok bai jaigurudatta

--- Mahesh Grossman <mahesh wrote:

> Jaya Guru Datta Everyone,


> Does anyone know the distance in kilometers between

> Bangalore and Mysore?

> My daughter needs it for a report she is doing for

> school about her trip to

> the ashram, and I can't find it on the net.


> By the way, thanks to all of you who helped to take

> care of her while she

> was at Datta Peetham. It is nice for us to know

> that she has her own

> personal relationship now with some devotees we have

> known a very long time,

> some since before we were married. There are other

> devotees she has become

> close to that we only know a little bit. At any

> rate, thank you one and

> all.


> Sri Guru Datta,


> Mahesh (and Uma)







PO BOX #41622


LA -70504-1622


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Jaya Guru Datta. Its 130 km. from bangalore to Mysore.





>"Mahesh Grossman" <mahesh




>Sun, 7 Jan 2001 18:36:39 -0800


>Jaya Guru Datta Everyone,


>Does anyone know the distance in kilometers between Bangalore and Mysore?

>My daughter needs it for a report she is doing for school about her trip to

>the ashram, and I can't find it on the net.


>By the way, thanks to all of you who helped to take care of her while she

>was at Datta Peetham. It is nice for us to know that she has her own

>personal relationship now with some devotees we have known a very long


>some since before we were married. There are other devotees she has


>close to that we only know a little bit. At any rate, thank you one and



>Sri Guru Datta,


>Mahesh (and Uma)




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Jai Guru Datta!!!

Dear friends,

If anyone can send that notice about the INDIA STAR

ALIGNMENT to my mother I would appreciate it. I sent

it but, somehow she didn't recieve it .

Her address is ...yogamind.

Thanks in advance,


--- C Viswapani <cvpani wrote:

> Jaya Guru Datta. Its 130 km. from bangalore to

> Mysore.


> Pani



> >"Mahesh Grossman" <mahesh



> >Re: [Fwd: Fw: INDIA STAR


> >Sun, 7 Jan 2001 18:36:39 -0800

> >

> >Jaya Guru Datta Everyone,

> >

> >Does anyone know the distance in kilometers between

> Bangalore and Mysore?

> >My daughter needs it for a report she is doing for

> school about her trip to

> >the ashram, and I can't find it on the net.

> >

> >By the way, thanks to all of you who helped to take

> care of her while she

> >was at Datta Peetham. It is nice for us to know

> that she has her own

> >personal relationship now with some devotees we

> have known a very long

> >time,

> >some since before we were married. There are

> other devotees she has

> >become

> >close to that we only know a little bit. At any

> rate, thank you one and

> >all.

> >

> >Sri Guru Datta,

> >

> >Mahesh (and Uma)

> >




> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> http://www.hotmail.com.






Sri Guru Datta!!!




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