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Ram Navami in Malaysia- By Prasad

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Dear Friends


Jaya Guru Datta


The Datta Peetham web server is being expanded to put more material on it. It

may take a week and till then we will have to wait to see the Yugadi

celebrations and the visit to Malaysia.


However today (2nd April 2001) Sri Swamiji celebrated Rama Navami in Malaysia

Ashrama in Kuala Lumpur. Here is the text of Sri Swamiji’s speech on the








Rama Navami Message of His Holiness

Kuala Lumpur Ashrama - 2nd April 2001



Sri Ganeshaya Namaha

Sri Saraswatyei Namaha

Sri Pada Vallabha Narasimha Saraswati

Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha


Today is Sri Rama Navami.


All our festivals have a spiritual and special meaning. Now we are following

Rama Navami. Navami means ninth day. Krishna was born on Ashtami (eighth day).

Rama’s incarnation in the 10 incarnations of Vishnu is very special. In Ramayana

of Valmiki as well as those of Kambar, Tulasi, Narada etc the glorious story of

Rama is told. We can see how a normal person can aspire for such high values in

life. It also deals with the devotion and dedication. Rama stood for moral

values. Ramayana mirrors the values of Bhakti, Jnana and Vairagya. In it we can

understand how following the path of Bhakti can have Jnana.


Many go in search of hotel for food in spite of having a great wife or mother

as cook at home. We underestimate them. It is a big offense. It shows Tamasic

intellect. Running to Swamiji when in difficulty and forgetting in better times

is also the same. We should be balanced and sincere.


Dattatreya was the Guru of Rama also. When Rama left for the forest to fulfill

his father’s wish, he first went to the Ashrama of Atri and Anasuya. Dattatreya

was not there then. Then Anasuya gave Sita some jewels, a bunch of tied flower

and a sari. She also said that Sita was her Grand daughter. The saree was from

Deva Loka and always looked fresh. Sita then wore the saree, jewels and

decorated the flowers and came out. Rama was surprised to see Sita in all these

decorations and expressed surprise. Rama expressed his grief of not seeing

Dattatreya. Then a celestial voice announced that Rama would have Darshan of

Dattatreya when it is appropriate. Dattatreya came and saw Rama after he

ascended the throne.


In Krishna incarnation also, it is mentioned that Krishna told Udhdhava (a great

devotee) the Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya and says that Datta is a great Avadhuta



In Narasimha Avatara also we find the reference to Dattatreya. After Narasimha

Swamy killed Hiranya Kashipu, his nails were smeared with poison. So, Anasuya

advised Lakshmi that she use the juice of Audumbara leaves. Then Narasimha Swamy

also had Darshan of Datta.


Rama’s father Dasha Ratha means ten chariots. It means he had won the ten

enemies. They are the five sense organs and Five Karma Indriyas. Rama being the

son of such illustrious father had the best of qualities. Ramayana is the most

popular epic in the world and is well received not only in India but also in

many parts of the world. Navami means nine (ninth day of the fortnight). Sita

means Karuna (compassion). All the characters in Ramayana have special and

spiritual meanings. One should study Ramayana so that the spirits of such great

and noble lives guides their life. Let us wish Rama and very happy birthday.

Even Rama and Krishna were disenchanted by the monkey minds of the people. Even

Swamiji feels the same. That the people are worthy of only 50% of Blessings and

people tread the life of spirituality and sacredness only when their lives are

semi difficulty.


In bible there is a story. A shepherd had 100 sheep. One day one of his prized

sheep went missing. He thought that if he went searching for that one sheep, the

rest 99 sheep would go missing. So, treasure what you have. Similarly Swamiji

wants the 99 to be safe and if one or two go missing, there is no time or

worthiness in searching for the missing ones. They go because they want a change

and want to go to wilderness. They want to lurk in to the unknown. Only when

threatened by tigers etc., they come back. But it would be too late and can

never get the same place in Swamiji’s heart. So no one should try to think about

missing ones. It is waste of time and you get sin by discussing about them.

Swamiji is full of compassion. Handle gently and carefully. But you are not the

people to judge others. Only Swamiji can do it. You cannot judge who has gone

missing of who is in the herd. You get the infection they suffered of you think

too much about such people.


I understand that new devotees need extra attention and protection because their

resistance to religious infections is low. Swamiji then gives them extra

attention. Life must be tasteful and it demands change. But you cannot apply the

same to a spiritual teacher. If you want a serious relation with a teacher, you

have to be prepared to let go your attraction to change of tastes.


Life will be difficult if you think it is. It is a flower garland if you think

life is full of flowers. So, be brave and encourage morally correct and

courageous thoughts.


Dattatreya had a big disciple called Pingala Naga. In Krishna Avatara, Yashoda

too realized that Krishna was Jagadguru. In Ramayana too, Dasharatha realized

later that Rama was the incarnation. Let us realize their mistakes and realize

the importance of Rama in our lives.


May Rama give good values and morals in your lives. May he Bless you.


Jaya Guru Datta

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