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Introduction (Part 3 of 6)

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Introduction (Part 3 of 6)


Similarly, in the spiritual path, we ourselves cannot

recognize and decide upon the selection of Guru. Like

the boy in the story, after seeing some proof of his

capacity, and after getting the advice of experienced

Sadhakas, people generally select their Guru. But here

again there are problems. Many err and are deceived

by seeing magic, miracles, pomp, show of wealth,

eloquence and publicity of the so-called Guru. Then

what is the correct proof?


Before answering this question, let us consider why

do we feel the need of getting a Guru. It is to see

the light without shade for the fulfillment of the

three fundamental desires. First of all, you must be

anxious for them. If you go on visiting the great

men with that urge, somewhere your mind will

experience inexplicable peace. You will forget all

your worries quite effortlessly in the presence of


person. It gives you confidence and courage that your

problems will be solved by him. Over and above all, a

liking and a love for that person and a feeling that

he is yours arises impulsively in your mind. Such a

place can be determined as the place of your 'Guru'.

In this way, the true 'Guru' will indeed come to you.

It is so because he knows that with your least

knowledge you cannot recognize him. Then should you

remain simply thinking of his coming to you? Can you

remain complacent without putting any effort on your

part? No. Because the most compassionate primordial

Guru assumes diverse forms for his disciples in

infinite ways. All those are not useful to you.

He will not declare himself Guru to you until you

attain the necessary qualification, though he will be

moving around in the form beneficial to you.


The aforesaid urge is the real qualification. The

moment you get that urge and become anxious, you will

not question, "Can I remain carefree?" Even if the

answer is yes, you will not remain so. You will be in

your eager quest for your Guru, driven by that urge.

That quest is your duty and the touchstone of your

worthiness. When once your quality is known on the

touchstone, your Guru will reveal himself to you.


Are we free now and all our problems solved? Will the

true teacher take up all our responsibility

thenceforth? If you think so, you are completely

mistaken. By this stage you have ascended one big

step, nay, even reached the upstair. But you are on

the edge and it is easy to slip down from there.


The spiritual urge aroused in you till now quietens

your agitated mind. Your thoughts are at rest. Your

senses are strengthened and emboldened. All this

benefit is on account of getting a Guru. But since

the mind is free from fear, the control over the

senses might go. As a result, the suppressed worldly

or material wants might swirl again. You are likely

to forget the original purpose for which you have

approached the Guru and you might entertain the

thought of getting the worldly desires fulfilled

through him.


There are many who, in spite of their good fortune of

seeing a true mentor, tumble down at this stage.

Moreover, the tests that Guru subjects us to also

begin from now onwards.


Some abandon Guru in spite of experiencing mental

peace and happiness in his presence, thinking that

ever since they got him, their household

troubles have increased. The severity of the tests

the Guru puts us is illustrated in the Deepak episode

of the Datta Puran. Another like episode is that of

Aruni in the Mahabharat. Unlike Deepak, many

mistake the tests of their Guru for his lapses and

consequently think of changing the 'Guru' for a better

one. If anyone entertains such an idea that is the

very high-water mark of his fall.


Here, Swamiji gives a caution. Even if you commit any

number of mistakes, the Guru will bear them all. But

if you think of changing your Guru, you will never

have another for the rest of your life. You have to

think ten times, nay, a hundred times before deciding

upon your Guru. Swamiji has given you some hints to

decide upon your Guru. Not only that. You may put

him to any number of tests before you become his

disciple. There need be no hurry. After all the

tests, you decide and declare for yourself, He is my

Guru, but after taking the decision carefully, you

have no right to go back on that. He won't accept you

as his disciple till you decide. Once accepted, he

won't leave you. Even if you do not want, he will

follow and protect you. The story of Bhadrasla in

Datta Puran testifies to this. If you say that he is

not your Guru again, and if you go after some other

Guru, you cannot escape the curse that follows both

ways. The story of Devendra proves this.





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