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Introduction (Part 4 of 6)

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Introduction (Part 4 of 6)


Those who perform not only a hundred Ashwameda Yagas,

but also great penance will attain the seat of Indra.

As long as that virtue remains, so long his power

lasts as Indra. But even after reaching such a

glorious stage, there have been many who committed

several mistakes and suffered condemnation. Indra of

the yore got Brihaspati (the Guru of gods) as his true

mentor and in his direction, he went on suppressing

demons and ruling the kingdom most gloriously. He

reigned for some time the three worlds without any

trouble; by and by, he became sensuous and a slave to

pomp and luxury.


Once, while he was enjoying the dance of Apsaras in

the court of gods, Brihaspati had made his surprise

visit. But even after seeing Brihaspati, Devendra

remained indifferent. Brihaspati went back having

understood the situation. No one knew where he went.

He simply disappeared.


Indra got angry with Brihaspati for having left

without informing him. He began treating Brihaspati

only as his minister and priest to the total neglect

of him as his 'Guru'. As a result, Devendra's virtue

got diminished. Taking advantage of this, the demons

increased their raids on the kingdom of Indra. He

faced more and more defeats in course of time.


Then proudly declaring that a better scholar than

Brihaspati would become his Guru and court priest,

Indra began searching for another Guru. This was the

result of the ego that came of his position.


During those days, a Prajapati called Twashta married

a demon maiden named Rachana, for his own reasons.

They gave birth to two great sons, Rup and Viswarup.

At first, Rup was approached by Indra with

a request to be his Guru. But Rup advised him not to

change Gurus. Indra then approached Viswarup

disregarding the former's advice.


Viswarup was of a strange nature. He had three heads.

With one mouth, he always used to eat meat and with

another drink liquor while with the third recite the

'Vedas' continually. The symbolic significance of

this is left to your imagination.


Viswarup felt happy at this rare opportunity of

becoming the Guru of gods. He became Indra's priest

and got many yagas (rituals) performed by him. He

invoked Sri Dattatreya Swami in those yagas and

saw to it that Indra got the blessings of Sri

Dattatreya. He also taught him the most efficacious

and powerful Narayana Kavacha, a mantra which would

ensure his protection.


Gradually, the Goddess of Victory bestowed her grace

upon Indra. Viswarup still got a the yagas performed

by him.


Viswarup loved his mother greatly. His mother was

very much fond of her parents and other members of the

family. Viswarup, at the instance of his mother, used

to offer some portions of the offerings of yaga to the



Viswarup used to get the yagas performed openly by

the gods and thereby his fame increased. His fame

with the demons was also at its height because of his

secret offerings to them. Indra did not relish

his growing popularity. But he did not know its real

secret. One day, he came to know of it through

Maharishi Narad. In a fit of anger, Devendra (Indra)

cut off the three heads of Viswarup.


The sins of killing his Guru and a Brahmin began to

haunt Devendra ever since. But he did not care.

Meanwhile, demon, Vritrasur intensified his attack

upon him. He could not withstand that as he had

no help of Guru. Somehow, he survived the attack and

with the kindness of Maharishi Dadhichi, he got

Vajrayudh (a powerful missile) with which he killed



Indra killed Vritrasur; but the sin of murdering

another Brahma added to his previous sins. He lacked

the strength of Guru and so could not remain

fearless. The fear of sinful spirits made him leave

Heaven and he hid himself in the stalk of a lotus in a

lake. He remained there for ten thousand years during

which time Nahush occupied his position. Hiding in

the lake, he sang the glories of gods and

goddesses and it is said that then several Indra

Kavachas, Lakshmi stutis and some Datta stutis came

into being.


As Datta Swami was the presiding deity in most of the

rituals performed by Indra under the officiation of

Viswarup previously, pleased with the present hymns of

praise, He appeared before Indra in the lake and

advised him as follows:


"Oh! Devendra, for this fall of yours, your negligence

and rejection of your Sadguru Brihaspati is the sole

cause. You also know that Gurus should not be

changed. You were blinded with pride and arrogance.

A person who abandons his Guru has to suffer the fall

in spite of his approaching and getting another Guru

any number of times, like you. Now you are praying

to me. Even if you approach me, you cannot escape the

fall. So with your steady devotion, you should

meditate upon your Sadguru Brihaspati and win his

mercy. He will purge your sins and lift you up.


Indra learned the truth and began meditating upon

Brihaspati. And as Dattaswami thought of Brihaspati

in his mind, the latter appeared before him.


Indra mistakenly thought that Brihaspati fled from the

place and hid somewhere. But indeed, he did not go

anywhere. He was omnipresent. That was the secret of

the Guru tradition or philosophy. When Datta

Swami who knew that secret, called Brihaspati, he was

there right in front of him.


Indra's sins were washed off with his repentance,

experience of Karma (action) and meditative course,

and with the grace of Brihaspati, he was restored to

his pristine glory.


As it had happened so in the case of such a great one

like Devendra, what to say of us!





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