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Guru Gayatri Mantra Japa count is due by March 11

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Guru Gayatri Mantra Japam

We want to express our appreciation for paricipating in Sri Swamiji's

Guru Gayatri Mantra japam over the last 6-7 month. Many of you have

participated and became part of the Sri Swamiji's Cosmic Consciousness. By

doing this we enriched our life, received Sri Swamiji's blessings and elevated

our spiritual development.

We would appreciate if you can send your count (that is how many times

you chnated Guru Gayatri Mantra since you started chanting) as follows:

Please count your Guru Gayatri Mantra Japam through March 11 and

send it before you retire for the day that night. However, you may send the

count even today if you are sure of the number you would complete by March 11.

We would like to have the count recieved by the morning of March 12th as it

takes time to assemble all the information to be placed in the Datta Temple at

the time of Shiva Ratri Celebrations.

As you know our Priest Sri Shankaramanch has to perform certain Pujas and

Homas over the next two months for the total count of Guru Gayatri Mantra Japam

before it is submitted at the Holy Feet OF His Holiness Sri Ganapathi

Sachchidananda Swamiji at His Birthday Celebrations.

Please sent your count by March 11 to:

Dattatemple (AT) aol (DOT) com

We need the following information:

1) Full Name

2) Gotra

3) Nakshatra/ birth star

4) Complete address

5) Phone Number

If you have two or more people in the family doing Guru Mantra japam,

please indicate the count for each person along with the above information.

May Sri Swamiji's Blessings be with you always.

Please FORWARD this message to others who are doing Mantra Japam

Jai Guru Datta

(V. V. Prakasa Rao)

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Jai Guru Datta!


Can u please tell me what is the Guru Gayatri Mantra

Japa.I haven't received any such Mantra and is it too

late for me to start the chanting of the Mantra.

Please tell me also the purpose of the Chanting of the

Guru Gayatri Mantra.




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Jaya Guru Datta,

My acquaintance with Sri Swamiji and the Guru Gayatri Mantra:

I first read about Sri Swamiji in the magazine Share International, back in

1994: "SRI GANAPATHI SATCHITANANDA: World will change for the better"

A Dutchwoman reported that she had interviewed Sri Swamiji on the occasion of

His Concert Tour. Being asked about the effect of His Music He replied:

We have got 72,000 nadis, 14 of which are major nadis. Each nadi vibrates at its

own frequency. Music soothes the nadis and helps them vibrate at the proper


Music becomes therapy when the healers - musicians- and listeners all

concentrate deeply on these sounds. and special Ragas. Music of the right type

helps to achieve relaxation by soothing the nerves, and through that comes

peace and stillness of mind."

I was impressed when I read this and I decided to attend a Concert of Sri

Swamiji as soon as the opportunity would arise..

Sri Swamiji´s last words in the interview were the following:

Meditation is a very important aspect of life, but it is fruitful only if

accompanied by good actions.... I help everyone who helps. I enjoy working and

am never lazy.

This, too, impressed my deeply. I felt like going to Mysore immediately, but I

lacked the necessary energy at that time. Only recently I had left my

daughter´s father, (my first husband) who used to hit me, I had sold a flat,

rented out a small flat for my daughter and me and had begun to work in a new

job. The fatiguing divorce procedure was not terminated yet, and I did not have

the custody for my daughter yet.

Only in 2001, seven years later, I read about Sri Swamiji again, this time in

"Kurskontakte" ( = a German magazine called: Course Contacts):

Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda will give a concert in Duesseldorf/Germany!

I was very glad to read this!

On the web, on www.dycgermany.de, I found further information. I booked a

flight to Duesseldorf , as well as the Concert. I also wanted to

participate in the Pooja and Homa. Whatever the latter was.

I did know Pooja from my Yoga practice, but Homa not yet

Shortly afterwards I got a phone call from the concert organizer: The concert

was cancelled!. At first I was very sad.

Why was it always me who had to have such bad luck?

I dialled a phone number, which I had found on the DYCGermany homepage: Again I

was told that the concert had been cancelled.. Sri Swamiji had been hurt in a

car accident.

He would not come to Duesseldorf, at least not in physical presence. I got the

hint that on www.Dattapeetham.com I would find a detailed report.

I pondered on whether or not to go to Duesseldorf nevertheless, just for Pooja

and Homa, even without Sri Swamiji´s physical presence.

One morning, briefly before rising, still half asleep, I heard a voice,

telling me: "Be in My first name!. It was not loud, but it was

quite clear. What did that mean? Later that day I had the idea that maybe I

would find the answer on Sri Swamiji´s Homepage.

I noticed that Sri Swamiji was called Pujya!

So I decided to go to Duesseldorf.

When the bus arrived at Hombroich, there was still plenty of time.

The stage was still being decorated for the Pooja.

After enrolling my daughter, my husband and myself for the Pooja and Homa, I

chose a seat in the audience. While sitting there and waiting,

I was fascinated by a big photo of Sri Swamiji on the wall. It was one that

showed Him standing, with His Right Hand in Abhaya Mudra. There was also a

picture of a very beautiful young woman.

Later I learnt that She was Sri Swamijis Mother Jayalakshmi. Even before the

Pooja started, and also later during the ceremony I

had the impression that a tremendous Energy of Pure Love was emanating from Sri

Swamijis Picture on the wall, His Eyes appeared to be alive, He appeared to be


I was overwhelmed and happy. During the Homa, too, I felt strong energies.

Later I bought several CDs at the book stand and ordered photos of Sri

Swamiji. When paying I donated a few Marks (DM). In return I was given the

booklet "Sri Swamiji in Austria" for free. Later on I became very happy about

this booklet, since I found many important hints in it.. E.G. what Sri Swamiji

said about getting up in the morning and about concluding the day: Page 54: " Of

course, you are making mistakes. That is

natural. You are human beings. But you must be careful, so that you are not

repeating the same mistake again and again. Control your

tongue! Right after waking up into the morning you should say: Jai

Guru Datta, any names of God. It is not good if you wake up and you

immediately think`Coffee coffee, tea, tea, oh, headache, smoking.

Let your tongue say Gods names first in the morning and get up


Sri Swamiji also gives the advice that at night, before going to sleep, one

should recall the day: "What has happened today? How many lies have I told? How

much cheating have I done? How many people have I hurt?

This is easy to do and very effective. Yet sometimes I find it difficult

to control my tongue during the day, too! -

At the Hombroich bookstand I also found a handout from Dattatemple Baton Rouge,

USA: The Priest Shankaramanchi N.P. Sharma invited Sri Swamiji´s Devotees to

take part in the Guru Gayatri Mantra Japa that was to take place from July 2001

to Shivaratri 2002. Sharma reported about Sri Swamiji appearing in his dream and

telling him to start that Yajna. There were instructions as to how to practice

the Japa, as well as US phone numbers and an email address for questions.

I took a copy, and later on, back home, enrolled myself by email and started the

Japa. Since I had never practised Mantra Japa before and was not sure whether

my pronunciation was correct, I phoned the Priest Sharma, who was very

friendly and gave me a short instruction on the phone, singing the Mantra to me

and having me recite it. I also ordered a Mala at DYC Germany Bookshop, as

doing the Japa without Mala turned out to be very difficult.

I have been practising the Mantra Japa since then and will continue doing so

even after the Japa´s official conclusion at Shivaratri 2002, just on my own.

I´ve got the impression that it helps me change for the better.

I enjoy listening to Sri Swamiji´s CDs very much, especially to "Concert in

Berlin" as Gauri Taye: Raga Cakravakam and Raga Kirvani are my favourites.

In November 2001 I was very surprised to learn that Sri Swamiji would come to

Munich. I was very happy to come to know this, yet at the same time I was

anxious as I had never met Him personally before.

When Sri Swamiji entered the room, I almost trembled with

excitement. Thus I wasn´t able to fully concentrate on His Speech.

So I was glad to be able to read it on www.Dattapeetham.com later on.

I bought a big picture of Sri Jayalakshmimata, which since then reminds me of

that wonderful evening. -

Prasad told me that Sri Swamiji had given His Blessings to my daughter and me,

and that I should continue with my natural practitioner´s studies. -

The night after Sri Swamiji´s Darshan in Munich I had a dream:

Sri Swamiji had been dining out in a restaurant with His Devotees.

The Dinner was already finished, and everyone was rising from his/her seat

in order to leave. I was one of the Devotees. I noticed that on our table, there

were a few glasses that weren´t yet fully empty. So I asked Sri Swamiji whether

I should empty mine, He nodded. I then asked Him whether I should empty a few

more, He said: No.

My dream interpretation:

The "Dining Out" is incarnation on Earth.

Everyone is already rising from his/her seat: everyone (already) wants liberation.

The glasses which aren´t empty yet. The individual karmas.

I have to empty my glass: I cannot escape my karma.

I shouldn´t empty any other glass: others, e.g. my daughter have to finish their

karma on their own, I cannot prevent my daughter from having to have her own

experiences in life, even in case there should be some bitter experiences for

her. (She is 15 and thinks she knows everything better than I do ) - - -

I still haven´t had the opportunity of attending any of Sri Swamiji´s Concerts,

nor have I ever been to India. Yet I am very glad about Sri Swamiji´s having

come into my life and I hope to be able to attend a Concert and to come to

Mysore one day!

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By 11th I would complete 20000 Gayatri Japa mantras. I am

giving below the information required for the Puja on 12th. Thanks for giving

this great oppurtunity to us.

Full Name: Narasimha Arunachalam Gotram: Kashyapa

Nakshatram: Hastham (Kanya Rasi)

Full address: 835, Sector A, Pkt B & C, Vasantkunj, New Delhi 110070 Telephone

No.6892685 - e mail rajavidya@hotmail .com

Thanking you once again

ArunachalamMSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here

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