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Guru Seva - Satsangh

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Jai Guru Datta !!!

Please pardon me, but in reference to the statement : "I personally feel at

present that meeting other devotees or chatting with other devotees would not

help any other person. I couldn´t even help my own daughter ......" I would

like to say that you have missed the purpose of satsang altogether.

The word 'Satsang' is derived from 'Sat', and 'Sangh', where 'Sat' means Truth,

and 'Sangh' means Company. Together, the combination of these conote "Company

of the truth".

What is "Company of the truth ?"

In one word: Fellowship

We constantly interact with people around us, and that is inevitable, unless

ofcourse we live an isolated life of a hermit. Our interactions with those

around us, almost always, are about mundane worldly affairs.

But, these interactions, be they from one end of the planet to the other, when

they expound upon higher truths, then these interactions become Satsangh. What

in the west we term as "fellowship".

When we adore the Lord, in which ever form, then automatically there is a

desire to Glorify him, and some times Glorifying him in solitude does not

suffice, we begin to crave for others to join in. This glorifying of the Lord,

which can be in the form of chanting, singing his praises, and reading about

his passtimes is like a Tonic for the soul. There is no desire to solve any

bodies problem in doing satsangh, simply basking in the Glorification of the

Lord. The satsangh is itself a panacea for all our troubled minds. A few

moments of rest for the troubled soul, thats all.


Jai Guru Datta !!!

Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!! Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai

Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru

Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta,

Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree

Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru

Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta

!!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!Jai Guru Datta, Shree Guru Datta !!!...

ad infinitum !!!!


>CarolinHeiss (AT) aol (DOT) com

>jaigurudatta > Guru Seva >Sun,

24 Mar 2002 09:18:04 EST > >Jaya Guru Datta, > >Dear Raj Winand, > >I´ll try to

answer you, but I may be wrong. > >1) I think that eating meat, as well as

smoking cigarettes and drinking >alcohol, taking drugs etc, is caused by over

attachment to one´s gross body, >and that this is a vicious circle, you do it

because of over attachment, and >your doing it itself causes new over

attachment. > >So perhaps you could apply the "Swamiji says" story of March

20th (Over >Attachment to the Stomach) to this question, not only to eating,

but also to >smoking and taking drugs. (over attachment to the senses in

general) > >As far as meat is concerned, of course there is also the point of

ahimsa, of >not hurting other beings. > >Yet you could also say that by

drinking alcohol or taking drugs you are >likely to hurt others, as you lose

self control. E.g. if you drive after >drinking alcohol or taking drugs you

might cause an accident, others might be >hurt or killed in that accident. In a

discussion you might offend someone >just because you drank alcohol before etc.

> >Meat, alcohol and drugs overstimulate Rajas and/or Tamas and keep Sattva

>away. This goes for too much coffee, too, although coffee is probably less

>dangerous. > >(I myself drink coffee and even eat fish every now and then, I

am far from >being a saint, I am just trying to explain.) > >2) Some people say

that marihuana does cause genetic defects. I don´t know. I >personally consider

it neither better nor worse than alcohol, but just the >same. Try to avoid both

unless you need marihuana for a medical reason and >your doctor prescribes it to

you. > >3) In my opinion Satsang is only part of Guru Seva. Puja, Homa, Prayer,

>Namasankirtana, Meditation etc are also Guru Seva, aren´t they? > >In a Sookti

Manjari of Bhakti Mala I´ve read that Guru Seva is like a house >that must be

built on the foundation of virtues and of fullfilling one´s >daily duties.

Without foundation the house collapses. > >On the other hand, as far as I know

Sri Swamiji said that whatever help one >gives to any other person, this is

also done for Him, so helping others >should be also Guru Seva. > >As for

Satsang, I don´t know how exactly it is done. > >In Bavaria, around

Munich/Germany we don´t have any satsang or regular >meeting. One devotee from

another part of Germany asked me whether I would >like to hold meetings in my

home. > >Yet I don´t think that the other devotees from around here would come

to my >home, even if I asked them to. They have been devotees much longer than

I >have been, so why should they come to me? > >And as for chatting: I even

doubt whether it was good to share my personal >story here in this newsgroup

some time ago. > >In a short story like this I couldn´t tell about all the pain

I felt during >my life, nor about all the mistakes I made and so on. So my story

may have >given the impression of only one "side of my life" and some people may

have >become jealous or angry, who wouldn´t want to be in my place if they knew

all >about my life. > >E.G. I have one single child, my fifteen year old

daughter, and despite all I >tried I couldn´t convince her of any of my values

in life. I warned her of so >many things, yet I couldn´t keep her from any. >

>And all this is breaking my heart at present, despite my theoretically

>knowing that according to Inana, >I as an individual don´t even exist, so I

can´t feel any pain, can´t even >ask: what was it that went wrong, why did I

fail as a mother? > >I personally feel at present that meeting other devotees

or chatting with >other devotees would not help any other person. I couldn´t

even help my own >daughter whom I love so much, and despite my trying so hard,

so >how can I think I can help anyone else? - > >But yes, Satsang may be a good

thing for persons who are able to give >something to others. > >Being good to

one´s body I wouldn´t consider Guru Seva in a strict sense. I >would consider

it rather an everyday duty to keep one´s body in a good >condition, as a

healthy body helps you to fulfill your duties. So your body >is an instrument,

but you shouldn´t get over attached to it. > >Sri Guru Datta >Carolin > > >

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