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CH 2, Verse 70

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Chapter 2

Verse 70


AapuuryamaaNam achala-pratishhTha.n

samudram aapaH pravishanti yadvat /

tadvat kaamaa yaM pravishanti sarve

sa shaantim aapnoti na kaama-kaamee //


He attains peace, in whom all desires enter as waters

flow into the ocean, which is full and still and not

the desirer of desires.



As taught by Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji

Compiled by: Swami Dattananda

Bhakti Mala, May 1993


The ocean is always full. Fullness means absence of

less or more. Many rivers may flow into the ocean on

all sides. But the ocean never crosses its bounds.

It always remains serene and calm. Even so, when its

water gets evaporated, its size is not reduced. Its

expanse remains the same. It ever remains steady and



This simile of the ocean gives some idea of the

perfection of a sage who has realized the state of

Brahman. All the rivers run into the ocean, but it

does not change the level. In the same way, all types

of desires may enter the sage’s mind. But he remains

unattracted and undisturbed by them. He is not

enslaved by those desires. He remains firm and

steady. Only such a man wins eternal peace and not

the desirer of desires, that is, the man who yearns

after objects of desires.


A worldly man has plenty of desires to be fulfilled.

His mind is scattered in all directions seeking the

fulfillment of his desires. When he satisfies one

desire, he remains peaceful for some time. But

afterwards, the desire to enjoy the same pleasure

crops up in his mind. New desires also rise in his

mind. There is no end to it. So he always remains

restless. If the pleasure he seeks is beyond his

reach, he gets dejected. This state is painful to

him. Such people oscillate hither and thither by

gusts of pleasures and pains. But the man of steady

wisdom remains firm and peaceful under the blasts of

sorrows and pleasures.







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