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A technique that can benefit all who practice it...

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Many people have questions about meditation. This text

seems to explain very clearly and simply how to carry

out meditation, without all the clutter of various

rituals and externalities.


I hope that people will be benefitted by this.


Jai Guru Datta,





Meditation is an easy process of God realization.

Salvation can be attained by meditating on God at the

time of death.


MEDITATION 1 for the beginners









When one leaves the physical body by controlling all

the senses; focusing the mind on God, and the

bioimpulses (Pranas) in the cerebrum; engaged in yogic

practice; meditating on Me and uttering OM --- the

sacred monosyllable sound power of Spirit --- one

attains the supreme abode. (8.12-13)


The scriptural knowledge has its place, but it is

through direct realization that the inner core can be

reached and the outer shell discarded. Meditation is

the way to inner realization and should be learnt,

personally, from a competent teacher. Realization of

the true nature of mind leads to meditation.


A simple technique of meditation is described here:

(1) Wash your face, eyes, hands, and feet; and sit in

a clean, quiet, and dark place using any comfortable

posture, with head, neck, and spine straight and

vertical. No music or incense during meditation is

recommended. The time and place of meditation should

be fixed. Follow the good principles of living, by

thoughts, words, and deeds. Some yogic exercises are

necessary. Midnight, morning, and evening are the best

times to meditate for 15 to 25 minutes every day. (2)

Remember any name or form of the personal god you

believe in and ask His or Her blessings. (3) Close

your eyes; take 5 to 10 very slow and deep breaths.

(4) Fix your gaze, mind, and feelings inside the chest

center, the seat of the causal heart, and breathe

slowly. Mentally chant "Raa" as you breathe in and

"Maa" as you breathe out. Think, as if breath itself

is making these sounds "Raa" and "Maa". Mentally

visualize and follow the route of breath going in

through the nostrils, up towards the mid-brows, and

down to the chest center, or the lungs. Feel the

breath and sensation in the body, and be alert. Do not

try to control or lead your breathing just follow the

natural breathing. (5) Direct the will towards the

thought of merging yourself into the infinite space of

the air you are breathing. If mind wanders away from

following the breaths, start from step (4). Be

regular, and persist without procrastination.


NOTE: The sound "Raa" and "Maa" may be substitued with

"So" and "Hum" by Buddhists or "Je" and "Sus" by

Christians or any other sacred sound of your religion,

or the sound could be completely eliminated. Thus this

method is a non-sectarian method.


The sound of OM or AUM is a combination of three

primary sounds: A, U, and M. It is the source of all

sounds one can utter. Therefore, it is the fittest

sound symbol of Spirit. It is also the primeval

impulse that moves our five nerve centers that control

bodily functions. Yogananda calls OM the sound of the

vibration of the cosmic motor. The Bible says: In the

beginning was the word (OM, Amen, Allah) and the word

was with God, and the word was God (John 1.01). This

cosmic sound vibration is heard by yogis as a sound,

or a mixture of sounds, of various frequencies.


The Omnic meditation, mentioned here by Lord Krishna

is a very powerful and sacred technique used by the

saints and sages of all religions. It combines

Patanjali's last six steps into three easy steps, and

will be given to sincere seekers without any fees ---

upon a written request to the American Gita Society,

511 Lowell Place, Fremont, California 94536-1805.





--- after you have practiced above discussed

meditation technique for a couple of months. Briefly,

the Omnic method entails getting the mind permeated by

a continuous, reverberating sound of AUM.


A simpler method of contemplation is given below by

Lord Krishna for those who cannot follow the

conventional path of meditation discussed above.


I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by that ever

steadfast devotee who always thinks of Me and whose

mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)






- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


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