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Acquire the Power of Knowledge

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Jaya Guru Datta,


Here is today's saying:


“Acquire the power of Tattva Jnaana (the knowledge principle). Acquire it.

(With its help) destroy the two powers of Maya, namely, Avarana Shakti (the

power of veiling) and Vikshepa Shakti (the power of creating the illusion of



By Shravana (a mental activity which helps remove Avidya (ignorance of the

Truth)), Paroksha Jnaana (indirect knowledge) sets in. It will destroy

Asattvaavarana (the cause of thinking that which exists does not exist, such as

thinking God and Atma do not exist). By this, one will realize that Atma

exists. With this realisation, the seeker sets out to seek the Sat-padaartha.


By the process of Manana (enquiry) with the help of Shadvidha Lingas (six types

of Lingas), when one establishes what one has learnt by Shravana (a mental

activity which helps remove Avidya (ignorance of the Truth)), the dirty

Abhaanaavarana (the thought 'I am not able to say if God exists or not') as well

as Asambhavana (the difficulty of comprehending) will get destroyed.


By the process of Nididhyaasa (meditation), Vipareeta Bhaavana (perverse

assumption) will become accomplished. Consequently, one acquires Aparoksha Atma

Jnana (direct knowledge of the Self) and then, Sat-Chit-Ananda."


In Sanskrit:


Bhaja bhaja tatva jnaana balam

Hara hara maayaa shakti yugam


Shravanaad bhavati paroksha jnaanam

Tadasattvaavriti mapanayati

Astyaatmeti vinishchiti laabhat

Atha satsiddhyai yatate cha


Shadvidha lingaisshruta evaarthe

Manaairbahudhaa dridheekrite

Malinam abhaanaavaranam nashyati

Sahitama sambhaavanayaapi


Apicha nididhyaasanato nashyati

Nanu vipareetam bhaavanam

Aparokshaadatha chaatma jnaanaat

Sachidaananda praaptissyaat


Sri Swamiji

Journey In To The Self

(Lessons in Vedanta) Volume II p. 34


Sri Guru Datta,

Swamiji Says





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