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CH 4, Verse 36

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Chapter 4

Verse 36


Api ched asi paapebhyah sarvebhyah paapa-krittamah /

sarva.n jnaana-plaven'aiva vrijinam sa.ntarishhyasi //


Even if among all the sinners you are the worst, yet

by this raft of knowledge alone, you will go beyond




As taught by Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji

Compiled by: Swami Dattananda

Bhakti Mala, June - July 1996


“Even if among all the sinners you are the worst, yet

by this raft of knowledge alone, you will go beyond



How can a sinner acquire knowledge and how can he

become free from his sinful actions? When a sinner is

able to think and see for himself the sufferings

associated with sins, he becomes repentant. He is

filled with remorse. He prays to God for forgiveness.

He seeks the company of the pious and, in course of

time, he comes in touch with a spiritual master. He

serves his Guru without the least thought of himself.

His repentance and the service of his Guru in all

sincerity destroy his sinful tendencies. His mind

becomes pure and on such a mind knowledge dawns.


The man who has thus surrendered himself to his Guru

never again reverts to sin. He becomes a saint. Such

is the power and influence of the company of the good.



A man might have done the most heinous of all sins.

But the fire, in the form of knowledge, reduces them

all to ashes. Afterwards, even the karmic onslaughts

(reactions of his past actions) that come in the form

of miseries and sufferings will have no power to

affect him. Because he knows they are all physical in

nature and will continue as long as body lasts. He

delights in his own Self under all circumstances.


Thus you can find that a man may be a worst sinner of

all sinners, but he can cross the sea of his sins by

means of this raft of the knowledge. The knowledge of

the Self is the raft.





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