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Can intellectual denial of the apparent world, eventually lead to realization

that the world is 'unreal'?

jai guru datta,



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Post message: JAIGURUDATTA





There are 3 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. I want some information

Satyavathi Mukkamalla

2. CH 5, Verse 7

Bhagavad Gita

3. Apavada - Denial of the Apparent World

"Swamiji Says"






Message: 1

Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:50:24 -0700 (PDT)

Satyavathi Mukkamalla

I want some information


jai gurudatta,

I want to send a mail to sri guruji, so please send me

his email ID.

thank you very much




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Message: 2

Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:54:27 -0700 (PDT)

Bhagavad Gita

CH 5, Verse 7


Chapter 5

Verse 7


Yoga-yukto vishuddh'aatmaa vijit aatmaa jit'endriyah /

sarva-bhuutaatma-bhuutaatmaa kurvann api na lipyate //


Established in yoga of action, with mind purified, the

body controlled and senses subdued, one who realizes

one’s self as the self in all beings, though acting is

not tainted.



As taught by Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji

Compiled by: Swami Dattananda

Bhakti Mala, November 1996


“Established in yoga of action, with mind purified,

the body controlled and senses subdued, one who

realizes one’s self as the self in all beings, though

acting is not tainted.”


In this verse, the qualities of a person who is not

tainted by the works he does are described. First of

all, he is well established in the path of Karma Yoga.

Any work that comes to his lot he does in the spirit

of Yoga. Not only that, his whole life’s activities

are full of the spirit of Yoga.


Secondly, he is pure in mind (Visuddhatma.) In the

beginning, his mind may be vacillating here and there

due to the force of his tendencies. But gradually, by

the sincere practice of Karma Yoga he will be able to

free his mind from all selfish desires and make it

steady and pure.


Third qualification is that he is one who has

controlled his body and sense organs (vijatatma and

jitendriya.) Practice of Karma Yoga leads to purity

which in turn leads to control of the body and sense



And lastly, as a result of the utmost purity attained

and his body and organs coming under his perfect

control, he finds that his Self has become the Self of

all beings, from Brahma to clumps of grass.


As a result of his realization of the oneness of his

Self with the Self of others, he extends his love to

all beings. He does not injure anyone in thought,

word and deed. He loves all. As such, he is devoted

to the welfare of all beings.


Such a person of the aforesaid qualities, living and

working for the world’s well being, is not tainted.

That is to say that he is not tainted by his works.


The idea is, the man who has purified himself by

practicing Karma Yoga realizes the truth that his Self

is the Self of all and the Self of all is the same.

Even after this realization, he may continue to

perform actions aimed at the welfare of his fellow

beings. But though ever doing a number of actions, he

is not affected by the merit or demerit of those

actions. That means he becomes free from the bonds of

action. He also realizes that, although he does

actions, he does not act in the real sense.






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Message: 3

Tue, 13 Aug 2002 22:55:38 -0700

"Swamiji Says"

Apavada - Denial of the Apparent World


Jaya Guru Datta,


Here is today's saying:


“Similarly, realising that there is no snake (different from the rope) and what

is causing the fear is only a piece of rope (in the Snake - Rope illusion) is

Apavada. These are illustrations (Drishtantas).


In our context (Daarshtaantika), it was shown that the creation was imposed upon

Brahman. An intelligent person will be able to realise that what is apparent in

the form of the visible universe is not real and will therefore deny the

existence of the world. Denial here means rejecting its truthfulness. Such

denial of the apparent world is called as Apavada."


Sri Swamij

Lessons in Vedanta - 24 Part IV



Sri Guru Datta,

Swamiji Says




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i would say: no

jgd, carolin


> Question:

> Can intellectual denial of the apparent world, eventually lead to

> realization that the world is 'unreal'?

> jai guru datta,

> pradyumna





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A quote from Bhaktimala july 2002, Drops of Nectar:


Yogi: With the help of what faculty are you seeing, listening, studying and



Scholar: With the help of the mind


Yogi: What I did was, I forgot the mind completely. Immediately Mother

Goddess taught me lessons. ...






> Question:

> Can intellectual denial of the apparent world, eventually lead to

> realization that the world is 'unreal'?

> jai guru datta,

> pradyumna










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Praveen has given an excellent comment!


one finds the same on dattapeetham.com/talks:


The end of wisdom is freedom.

> The end of culture is perfection.

> The end of education is character.

> The end of knowledge is Love. ...


> Mere book learning leads the aspirant nowhere,

> whereas the intuitive

> knowledge makes him consonant with the Reality and

> the dream and the delusion

> of the earth-bound life is transcended. ...


> ...

> The existence of God can only be realised by

> persistant effort, personal

> experience and intensive feeling. ...


> Once the "I" in you is erased, you become one with

> God. For He is the only

> Reality. You see Him in all humanity.









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Jaya Guru Datta!


Here's my humble opinion:


As we all know, the intellect tries to "distinguish"

or "discern" the dualities caused by the "unreal"

world formed by the five elements of nature by

comprehending the universe through the five senses.

Hence the only way it can reach the realization OR

should I say, conclusion/inference that the world is

unreal is through "affected" thinking... via a book or

a noble person's (or Guru's) teachings/influence...

which is definitely not realization but only an

inference or confirmation of an earlier



One can ONLY understand/comprehend the concept of the

fleeting nature of the world and its "unreal" nature

(not with the mind BUT) only by transcending beyond

the five senses, mind, intellect and ego

(identification with the self)... which is by reaching

the "atma"tatva, which is our true form/nature.


In essence, what I am trying to say is that the true

nature of the world OR for that matter, its existence,

or lack thereof can only be discerned by our SELF and

not by any of its other inferior manifestations

through the intellect, mind, ego or the five senses.


At this juncture, there is no difference between the

SELF (I) and Guru/God. We all merge into ONE

CONSCIOUSNESS, which exposes the ABSOLUTE truths of

the universe... the first of which is the

"unreal/fleeting/ephemeral" nature of this world bound

by the time-space continuum.


Jai Guru Datta!

Praveen Nidumolu.


--- Pradyumna Upadrashta <oneinfinitezero



> Question:

> Can intellectual denial of the apparent world,

> eventually lead to realization that the world is

> 'unreal'?

> jai guru datta,

> pradyumna





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