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When Apavada is used on the Modifications

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Jaya Guru Datta,


Here is today's saying:


“That which came from Adhyaaropa should be negated by the process of Apavaada.


In a pot, is there anything other than clay? In a golden ornament, is there

anything other than gold? Therefore, realise that what appears as a resultant

is nothing but the cause itself.


When the modifications the Karya (resultant or effect) get abolished from the

Karya, the resultant-ness also disappears. Then, only the Karana (cause)

remains. This is the phenomenon of Karya merging in Karana.


The process of causing the Karya to merge in Karana is called Apavada

(de-superimposition). This process should be employed in the opposite direction

of the process by which Adhyaaropa took place.


The apparent world is caused by the Five Elements (pancha bhootas). They in

turn are caused by the Tanmatras (subtle elements). Akasha is the first



Maya (or Ajnaana) which is constituted of the Trigunas is the cause of Akasha.

This Maya and Ishwara who has Maya as his Shareera - both have the same

Adishthana (basis). They are not different from that Adhishthana.


For both Maya and Ishwara, the basis (adishthana) is Shuddha Chaitanya (pure

consciousness) and nothing else. Therefore, when the method of Apavada

(de-superimposition) is employed on the modifications respectively, what results

is 'I', of the nature of Sat-Chit-Ananda."


In Sanskrit:


Adhyaaropaad yatpraaptam

Apavaadaat tannishidhyataam


Mridbhinnam kim kumbhesti?

Kanakaad bhinnam kata ke kim

Tasmaat kaarya sakalam cha

Kaarana maatram jaaneehi


Vikaara naashat karyeshu

Kaaryatvam tad vinashyati

Kaarana maatram tishthati cha

Hetou kaarya pralayoyam


Evam hetou kaaryasya

Vilaapa mapavaadam bruvate

Adhyaaropana vailomyaat

Apavaadoyam prayujyataam


Sarvasyaasya hi drishyasya

Moolam pancha hi bhootaste

Tanmaatraani cha tanmoolam

Teshaamaadyam gaganam hi


Nabhaso moolam maayaa syaat

yaa vai trigunaa prakeertitaa

Saa tadupaadhika eeshashcha

Tadadishthaanaa davabhinnaa


Tad yugalaadhishthaanam tu

Shuddha chitonyannaivaasti

Tasmaadvikrite rapavaadaat

Siddhah sachidaanando maam



Sri Swamiji

Journey In To The Self

(Lessons in Vedanta) Volume II pp. 45 - 46


Sri Guru Datta,

Swamiji Says






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