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CH 6, Verse 46

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Chapter 6

Verse 46


Tapasvibhyo'dhiko yogee jnaanibhyo'pi mato'dhikah /

karmibhyash ch'aadhiko yogee tasmaadyogee bhav'aarjuna



The Yogi is superior to the performers of austerities,

also to the men of wisdom. He is also superior to the

performers of action (enjoined in the Vedas).

Therefore, O Arjuna, be a Yogi.



As taught by Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji


"The Yogi is superior to the performers of

austerities, also to the men of wisdom. He is also

superior to the performers of action (enjoined in the

Vedas.) Therefore, O Arjuna, be a Yogi."


Practicing austerities, acquiring knowledge by

mastering the scriptural texts, performing actions as

laid down in the scriptures (Vedic rites and rituals)

and mastering the Yoga systems are all auspicious

deeds indeed. But which of these is the greatest and

most beneficial?


The Lord says that a Yogi is superior to those who

practice austerities like fasting and other rigorous

penances. The Yogi is superior even to the men of

wisdom. Here, in this context, the word wisdom means

scriptural knowledge and not direct insight into the

Supreme Truth. Knowledge of the scriptures must be

followed by direct experience of the Truth. A Dhyana

Yogi directly comes in touch with his Self within. And

so, he is definitely superior to those possessed of

verbal knowledge.


Again the Lord says that a Yogi supersedes even those

who are engaged in the scriptures to reap the results

of their good actions. And as they have selfish

motives in the action that they do, they certainly

come within the wheel of actions and reactions. But

the Yogi seeks the highest and does not care for the

results. Absolute freedom, that is Moksha, is his aim.

So, in all respects, he is superior even to a

ritualist. The same truth that is conveyed in verse

44-- "even the enquirer after Yoga rises superior to

the performer of Vedic rites"-- is imparted here with

greater emphasis. Therefore the Lord wants Arjuna to

be a Yogi.





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